  • 在第三次击球时,仍无法回击对方是个很笨的错误。
    Going overtime is a "stupid fault".
  • 共和党参议员们立刻把问题集中在希尔教授十年以前的动机、行为和决定上,包括何以在托马斯法官对她提出她所谓的性要求以后仍愿在另一处与他共事,是否她不易与一般男人相处,当她不再受雇于托马斯法官以后为何打电话他。
    Republican Senators immediately zeroed in on Professor Hill's motives, conduct and decision 10 years ago, including why she took another job with Judge Thomas after he first made what she called sexual overtures, whether she had difficulty in general dealing with men, why she called Judge Thomas after leaving his employ.
  • 当然不能滥用这个武器,实际上,了学校这个武器,多数人警惕起来,反倒可以少开除几个学生。
    Of course, this weapon should not be overused. In fact, so long as schools are allowed such a weapon, the majority of students will be careful and few will need to be expelled.
  • 文章综述并出了xx相关的信息。
    This paper provides an overview and information related to xx.
  • 这一课出了ss7的概述,及其体系结构和用于在flexent?/autoplex无线网络中实施ss7所需的下列表格。
    This lesson presented an overview SS7, it誷 architecture and the following forms used to implement SS7 in the Flexent?AUTOPLEX Wireless Network.
  • 这一课将出信令系统7(ss7)的概述、该系统的体系结构以及与flexent?/autoplex无线网络中的ss7链路相关的数据库表单。
    This lesson provides an overview of the Signaling System 7 (SS7), its architecture and the database forms associated with the SS7 links in the Flexent?AUTOPLEX Wireless Network.
  • 这幅画人总的印象是很有气势.
    The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.
  • 这幅画人总的印象是很有气势。
    Of the painting is overwhelming.
  • 瓦格纳的歌剧人以回肠荡气的享受。
    Wagnerian is an overwhelming experience.
  • 我可真不应当把胃撑坏了。
    I really mustn't overwork my stomach.
  • 我可以你开些止痛片,不过你最好不要过度劳累。
    I can prescribe some pill which will relieve the pain, but you 'd be well advised not to overwork yourself.
  • 当老板意识到约翰工作过多时,他便他减轻了负担。
    When the boss realized that John had been overworking, he eased off his load.
  • 我该付给你多少钱?
    Li How much do owe you?
  • 互相予、帮助和感激。
    given or done or owed to each other.
  • 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还我。
    I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes.
  • 我敢肯定,他会分文不差地把欠款还你。
    I am sure that he will pay back every cent the owes you.
  • 工作可交他一个人去做。
    He can be left to work on his own.
  • 许多有小汽车的人都准备去上班的人提供`免费乘车'。
    Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work.
  • (法律)可以转让另一个所有者。
    (law) transferable to another owner.
  • 可转让的可以将所有权转让他人的
    Transferrable to the ownership of another.
  • 将财产权或头衔转让
    To transfer ownership of or title to.
  • 让渡人将财产所有权转让其他人的人
    One that transfers ownership of property to another.
  • 这个人正在驯服这头公牛好让它我们干活。
    This man is breaking in the ox to work for us.
  • 给一对牛套上轭。
    Yoke the oxen together.
  • 那两头牛套在一起。
    The two oxen were yoked together.
  • 百牲祭献古希腊和罗马诸神的祭祀,最初由一百头牛或家畜组成
    A sacrifice to the ancient Greek and Roman gods consisting originally of100 oxen or cattle.
  • 在化学中;一种物质加热以便使它氧化或还原。
    in chemistry; heat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces.
  • 其他步行的人定下了速度。
    He set the pace for the other walkers.
  • 把这些书捆成包送我兄弟。
    Pack these books off to my brother.
  • 邮递员我送来一个大包裹。
    The postman brought me a large package.
  • 他邮寄我一个包裹。
    He sent me a package by post.
  • 给我把这包裹包好。
    Wrap this package for me.