  • 去乘尾数是零的数字时,先零移下。
    When multiplying numbers ending in nought, bring down the noughts first.
  • 因此,当时全国人民所希望的国民党改革的可能性没有实现,正如后来毛泽东在《论联合政府》中所说明的:“当时全国人民,我们共产党人,其他民主党派,都对国民党政府寄予极大的希望,就是说,希望它乘此民族艰危、人心振奋的时机,厉行民主改革,孙中山先生的革命三民主义付诸实施。可是,这个希望是落空了。”
    The possibility that the Kuomintang might introduce the reforms desired by the whole people was not actualized. As Comrade Mao Tse-tung said later in "On Coalition Government": All the people, including the Communists and other democrats, earnestly hoped that the Kuomintang government would seize the opportunity, at a time when the nation was in peril and the people were filled with enthusiasm, to institute democratic reforms and put Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary Three People's Principles into practice But their hopes came to nought.
  • 她即出版的小说很可能会畅销。
    Her forthcoming novel promises well.
  • 他即出版的小说可望成功。
    His forthcoming novel promises well.
  • 一个人的经历写成小说
    Novelize one's personal experiences.
  • 这个事务所在十一月开业。
    This office will open in November.
  • 国会的下届会议于十一月份举行。
    The next session of Parliament will begin in November.
  • 他们于11月27日正式开始武器核查。
    They will start formal inspections on November 27.
  • 目前已能人送到月球上。
    It is now possible to put a man on the moon.
  • 既然石油短缺,那么汽车来会怎样就难以预料了。
    Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain.
  • 前兆表明来要发生的事情的现象;预兆
    A sign of a future happening; a portent.
  • 如果你不努力,你一事无成
    If you don't work hard, you'll end up nowhere.
  • 你若不努力就一事无成。
    If you don't work hard, you'll finish up nowhere.
  • 如果你不努力工作,你一事无成。
    If you don't work hard, you'll wind up nowhere.
  • 预定本季度推出的第一版支持windowsnt、netware4。
    The initial release, due out this quarter, will support windows NT, NetWare 4.
  • 微软真希望要客户们接受nt,它作为高档unix服务器的等价物。
    Microsoft really wants customers to accept NT as equivalent to high-end Unix servers.
  • 它对windowsnt的支持,对此结构能否得到更广泛的接受是至关紧要的。
    Windows NT support is going to be crucial for wider acceptance of the architecture.
  • 该公司服务器端的tapi2.0现在windowsnt上已能提供,并在今夏嵌入4.0版的ntserver中。
    The company's server-side TAPI, Version 2.0, is now available for Windows NT and will be embedded in Version 4.0 of NT Server, due out this summer.
  • 微软公司的windowsnt5.0也让服务器群集获得更高的效率。
    And Microsoft's Windows NT 5.0 will allow server clustering to be achieved more effectively.
  • 这一千本书构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。
    These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.
  • 就是卵细胞的细胞核去除,然后用预备克隆的动物的细胞核取而代之。
    The nucleus of an egg cell was removed and replaced with the nucleus from a cell of the animal to be cloned.
  • 这些画构成新的收藏品的主要部分。
    These painting will form the nucleus of a new collection.
  • 她大声地喊,一位老年男子才轻轻地门打开来。
    she cried,and an elderly man nudged open the door.
  • 他们必被列为伟人。
    They shall be numbered with the great.
  • 他们在导弹方面已经取得突破,到了1961或62、63年,他们的导弹数量超出我们。
    They made a break-through in missiles, and by1961,2, and3, they will be out-numbering us in missiles.
  • 当婴儿出生的时候,他们书房改为育婴室。
    They convert the study into a nursery when the baby is bear.
  • 当婴儿出生的时候,他们书房改为育婴室。
    They convert the study into a nursery when the baby is borne.
  • 为了更好地为来的学习作准备,我想请教一下,我应该复习哪些食品学和营养学方面的书。
    To better my preparation for future study, I need your advice as to what books in Food and Nutrition I should review.
  • 为了让它们的肉质更佳,人们营养丰富的饲料以“导管输送”的方式,“喂养”他们精心培育的未来“盘中餐”。
    For higher quality meat, we "feed" our future "dishes" with nutritious animal feed using ducts and conduits.
  • 为了让它们的肉质更佳,人们营养丰富的饲料以“导管输送”的方式,“喂养”他们精心培育的未来“盘中餐”。
    For their higher quality meat, we "feed" our future "dishes" with nutritious animal feed using ducts and conduits.
  • 胚胎滋养层囊胚细胞的最外层,它会受精卵与子宫壁连在一起,同时它是胚胎获取营养的通道
    The outermost layer of cells of the blastocyst that attaches the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall and serves as a nutritive pathway for the embryo.
  • 我将概括地说。
    I will put it in a nutshell.