  • 拳击手将对手击了拳击台。
    The boxer poked his opponent out of the ring.
  • 左手拳拳击手左手所打的一拳
    A blow delivered by a boxer's left hand.
  • 一个以重拳击而著名的拳击手。
    a boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches.
  • 谁人不知,两个拳师放对,聪明的拳师往往退让一步,而蠢人则其势汹汹,辟头就使全副本领,结果却往往被退让者打倒。
    We all know that when two boxers fight, the clever boxer usually gives a little ground at first, while the foolish one rushes in furiously and uses up all his resources at the very start, and in the end he is often beaten by the man who has given ground.
  • 抽屉家具中可被拉和推进的盒状小间隔
    A boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in.
  • 柜子中的一格,是呈盒状的盛器;可以拉来推进去。
    a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made to slide in and out.
  • 三连游戏一种由两个人玩的游戏,每方都试图在一个有九个方格的图上先画成为一线的三个×或三个○
    A game played by two people, each trying to make a line of three X's or three O's in a boxlike figure with nine spaces.
  • 我的心里历历浮现少年时代那些快乐的事。
    My mind traveled over the happy days of my boyhood.
  • 哈考特-布雷斯-朱万诺维奇版公司
    Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers
  • 听到这话,小男孩弯下腰卷起裤腿,露了他那条严重变形的,用一根很大的金属柱支撑的左腿。
    To this, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace.
  • 于礼貌赫鲁晓夫硬着头皮小心谨慎的咬了一小口。
    Being a good guest he braced himself and gingerly took a small nibble.
  • 她为寻回遗失的手镯提以酬金答谢.
    She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.
  • 她为寻回遗失的手镯提以酬金答谢
    She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet
  • 里面是一串莱茵石手链,其中几颗已经掉了,还有一瓶仅剩四分之一的科龙香水,有些孩子见了不禁笑声来。
    Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one? quarter full of cologne.
  • 悬臂托梁,肘托古典建筑中用来托运上檐部分的一个突的托架;支托
    A projecting bracket that is used in classical architecture to carry the upper elements of a cornice; a console.
  • 自置居所贷款计划于一九八八年推,以协助低入息家庭自置居所。
    The Home Purchase Loan Scheme was introduced in 1988 to promote home ownership among families in the low income bracket.
  • 托板教堂座位的活动座板底面上用以供站立的人依靠的凸托板
    A bracket attached to the underside of a hinged seat in a church stall against which a standing person may lean.
  • 托臂,翅托从墙面上凸,常用于支撑檐口或拱形物的一种石、木、砖或其他建筑材料制成的建筑部件
    A bracket of stone, wood, brick, or other building material, projecting from the face of a wall and generally used to support a cornice or an arch.
  • 伯拉德:哦,真的吗?我八月份带去的那个少妇如何?她很性感!
    Brad: Oh really? What about chick I took out in August? She was hot!
  • 伯拉德:那真是笑话,我用一根十尺长的竿子也不会去碰和你去的女人。
    Brad: That's a laugh. I wouldn't touch the women you go out with a ten-foot pole.
  • 了一点力就觉得了不起,喜欢自吹,生怕人家不知道。
    When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know.
  • 尽管现在经济发展,人民富裕,随便问一个新加坡人,恐怕至少都国去过一、两个地方,但国并不必然地等于开阔视野。尤其是如果国的目的只是去,流连于小摊小贩之间;或者只是用照相机、摄像机记下“某某到此一游”,并以此作为谈资吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are well-travelled. But travelling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go on shopping trips, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 尽管现在经济发展,人民富裕,随便问一个新加坡人,恐怕至少都国去过一、两个地方,但国并不必然地等于开阔视野。尤其是如果国的目的只是去shopping,流连于小摊小贩之间;或者只是用照相机、摄像机记下“某某到此一游”,并以此作为谈资吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are good travelers, traveling in one or two places abroad at least. But traveling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go shopping there, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 芬克,麦克1770?-1822以枪法、斗技和吹牛而名的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物
    American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio.
  • 中国盲文出版社
    China Braille Publishing House
  •  (十二)将已经发表的作品改成盲文版。
    transliteration of a published work into Braille and publication of the work so transliterated.
  • 本港一家英文报社与香港盲人辅导会合作,每日版一份以失明人士凸点字印制的报章。
    One English daily publishes a daily Braille edition, in conjunction with the Hong Kong Society for the Blind.
  • 首先,我们必须紧记,「一个国家,两种制度」的概念,是中国而非香港或伦敦提的。
    First, we must remember that the concept of "one country, two systems" was not the brainchild of Hong Kong or London, but of China.
  • 首先,「一国两制」是一个伟大领袖和备受尊崇的爱国者构思来的,这个构思顾及了中国和中国人民根本的利益,江泽民主席昨天在香港特别行政区成立仪式发表讲话时,在各人的见证下,重申「一国两制」、「港人治港」、「高度自治」在长远的未来,都会是国家的长期基本政策。
    First, the concept of :"one country, two systems" is the brainchild of a great leader and a respected patriot. It was devised with the fundamental interests of China and the Chinese people in mind. Yesterday, President Jiang in his speech marking the establishment of the first Hong Kong Special Administrative Region reaffirmed, in full witness of everyone, that "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" with "high degree of autonomy" will remain a long-term basic policy of China for a long long time to come.
  • 即使绞尽脑汁,他还是连一个例子也想不来。
    Even after racking his brains he couldn't think of a single example.
  • 他善于窃取他人绞尽脑汁所得来的成果。
    He's good at picking people's brains.
  • 记住:我希望它踢你的脑浆!”
    And take that, I hope he'll kick out your brains!'