  • 和通用合作达8年之久的昆腾司正在开发汽车储氢燃料箱。
    The company, which has been working with GM for eight years, is developing hydrogen-storage tanks for vehicles.
  • 早上好!我是通用汽车司的约翰·史密斯。我与贵司的格林先生和唐先生有约会。我想知道是不是有什么变化。
    Good morning! This is John Smith with GM. I have an appointment with Mr. Green and Mr. Don today. Can you confirm that for me?
  • 年内,政府完成了就基因改造食物标签所进行的众谘询,现正研究收集所得的意见,以便决定未来路向。
    In 2001, the Government completed a public consultation on the labelling of GM food and is formulating the way forward, taking into account the views received.
  • 通用汽车司设想通过报警声能够吸引路人的注意,帮助找到司机,或报告有关部门,在别无选择时,就砸开汽车,救出儿童(或者宠物)。
    That, GM hopes, will be enough to attract the attention of a passer by who would, presumably, find the driver, alert the authorities or, if all else failed, break in and rescue the child (or pet).
  • 如果你对我使用家信纸大惊小怪,而对他伪造账目反而不闻不问,那你就是抓住麻,丢掉西瓜了。
    If you are going to make more fuss about my using a sheet of office stationery than about his falsifying the books, you are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
  • 今天办室里忙得不可开交。
    It's all go in the office today.
  • 司随时会倒闭的。
    The company goes any day.
  • 一千米为一公里。
    One thousand metres go to the kilometre.
  • 布告公布出去了吗?
    Have the notices gone out?
  • 谁要去的可以乘共汽车去。
    Those who want to go may go by bus.
  • 不过那最后一个球是不平的。
    But that last goal is unfair.
  • 不过那最后一个球是不平的。
    But that last goal was unfair.
  • 这个司今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。
    The company has achieved all its goals this year.
  • 相应地,员工忠诚于老板,认同司的目标。
    They,in turn,are loyal and identify with the company's goals.
  • 上帝维护公理。
    God defends the right.
  • "正当我们需要人的时候,在那里找到了他,这真是天作美。"
    It was a godsend to have him there just when we needed someone.
  • 司违背了按单价1。50英镑供货的协议。
    The company goes back on its agreement to supply at1.50 a unit.
  • 二十市斤折合十斤。
    20 jin goes to 10 kilograms.
  • 美国高尔夫球开赛。
    The US Open Golf Championship.
  • 这位德国高尔夫选手在英国和美国开锦标赛上赢得了胜利,最有希望在欧洲杯锦标赛上取得三连冠的成绩。
    Having won in the British and American Open Championships, the German golfer was favourite to make his trick in the European Cup.
  • apple司仍然只是wintelgoliath方面(意指微机的体系结构由ms-windows操作系统和的intel的cpu组成)的小人物。
    Apple is still a pip-squeak to the Wintel Goliath.
  • 这是以弱胜强的一例,然而子司却引人注目地出价盘进了那家很大的控股司。
    It was a David and Goliath situation and yet remarkably the subsidiary company made a successful take-over bid for the large holding company.
  • 中国致公党
    China Zhi Gong Dang
  • 他还在司设立了一个“共栏”,让员工们自由发表意见。
    Instituted company "gong shows" for employees to toss out ideas risk-free.
  • 他向我们说“再见”,于是我们就离开了他的办室。
    "Goodbye," he said, and upon that we left his office.
  • 他们的办大楼离地铁车站有相当长一段路。
    Their office building was a goodish distance from the subway station.
  • 他们家离共汽车站有相当长一段路。
    Their house was a goodish distance from the bus-stop.
  • 纽约州参议员古德曼昨天指控:过多搬运司在主管单位运输局监督之下明目张胆,投机取巧。
    Too many moving companies are taking the low road right under the nose of the state Department of Transportation, the agency that regulates the industry, State Sen.Roy Goodman charged yesterday.
  • 从事进口商品或服务的人或
    T imports goods or services
  • 日用杂品公司
    Daily-use Sundry Goods Company
  • "这家跨国司用五万美元买下了这家商号,两千美元买下了它的信誉。"
    "The international corporation paid$50, 000 for the firm, and$2, 000 for its goodwill."
  • 最近办室里频频有人发生严重的错误。
    There has been far too many goof-ups in this office recently.