  • 一种突的、尖锐的声音。
    a sudden sharp noise.
  • 但既美国有五个时区,新年也就会在这片土地上一小时跳跃一次。当夏威夷欢呼新年到来时,美国其他地方的人已经熟睡了。
    But since the United States covers five time zones, the New Year hops across the country in one-hour jumps, and by the time Hawaii blows its noisemakers for the New Year, the rest of the country is fast asleep.
  • 良种赛马是十分敏感的动物,它们不喜欢吵闹声或突的运动。
    Thoroughbred horses are highly-strung animals and do not like loud noises or sudden movements.
  • 我一直呆在那里,听着那幢废弃的屋子里传出的奇怪声音,感到毛骨悚
    I stayed listening to all the strange noises in the deserted house until I began to get the creeps.
  • 而,人类天生比较喜欢闯荡,天生躁动不安,喜欢打破饭碗。
    Human nature is more nomadic than that; it is restless, it is given to overturning the cooking pot.
  • 奥斯卡颁奖典礼上空手而归的编剧们没有金灿灿的奖杯向人们炫耀,但是他们可能会成为现实生活的大赢家!
    Academy Award nominees who go home empty-handed may not have a shiny Oscar to show off, but they may turn out to be the bigger winners in the game of life.
  • 在法庭上,甚至当法官命令他赔偿一千镑时,他仍表现得若无其事。
    He appeared nonchalant in court even when the judge ordered him to pay £1v ad [ T ]0.
  • 他突出现使我大吃一惊.
    I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance.
  • ,这些都是无稽之谈。
    This is nonsense, of course.
  • 即使一个数字只比零大一点点(例如2不停地开平方根),它仍属于“非零”值。
    A number that is the tiniest bit above zero is still nonzero.
  • 你虽比不上亲生的。也不该太过冷淡,连一碗面都没有1
    Although you aren't his own flesh and blood mother, you should not be so indifferent to the extent of not even providing a bowl of noodle."
  • 譬如南方人倾向吃较多的米饭,而北方人吃较多的面食。
    For example thepeople in the South tend to eat more rice, while the northern people eat more noodles.
  • 譬如南方人倾向吃较多的米饭,而北方人吃较多的面食。
    For example the people in the South tend to eat more rice, while the northern people eat more noodles.
  • 但是,对于像我这样的年轻新加坡人,我今年22岁,稳定似乎是理所当的。
    But for Singaporeans as young as I am (I am 22 years old), it is the norm.
  • 以自的或者正常的方式。
    in a natural or normal manner.
  • 他那条狗平日很温顺, 这次突发作咬了他的腿.
    His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.
  • 尽管他心中焦急,但仍举止如常。
    He was behaving normally in spite of his anxiety.
  • 如果诺曼先生这么说是对的话,他又怎样解释就业仍是个大问题这个事实呢?
    If Mr Norman is right in saying that, how does he explain the fact(that) employment is still a big problem?
  • 如果诺曼先生这么说是对的话,他以怎么样解释就业仍是个大问题这个事实呢?
    If Mr. Norman is right in saying that, how does he explain the fact that employment is still a big problem?
  • 如果诺曼先生这么说是对的话,他以怎么样解释就业仍是个大问题这个事实呢?
    If Mr. Norman were right in saying that, how do he explains the fact( that) employment should be still a big problem?
  • 诺曼不守规矩,因此作为处罚,他母亲不让他去郊游,但他却处之泰
    Norman had misbehaved and, as a punishment, his mother wouldn't let him go on the outing, but he took it on the jaw.
  • 穿过马路到对面乘向北走的38路汽车到中央酒店站,后在那儿换乘24路汽车,直接就可以到达了。
    Cross the road and take a northbound No. 38 bus to the Central Hotel and then change there to the No. 24 bus. It will take you right there.
  • 风向突由西转北,怕要下雪了。
    The wind abruptly changed round from westerly to northerly, bringing with it the threat of snow.
  • 风向突由西转北,怕要下雪了。
    The wind suddenly changed round from westerly to northerly, bringing with it the threat of snow.
  • 第三种终点,同样例如上述江西第三次反“围剿”时,假如敌之主力不是向西而是向南,我们也许被迫着退到会昌、寻乌、安远地区(那里是白色区域),引敌更向南进,后红军由南而北向根据地内部打去,这时北面根据地内部的敌军当不是很多的了。
    Finally, an example of the third type. During that same third counter-campaign in Kiangsi, if the enemy's main force had headed south instead of west, we might have been compelled to withdraw to the Huichang-Hsunwu-Anyuan area (a White area), in order to induce the enemy to move further south; the Red Army could have then driven northward into the interior of the base area, by which time the enemy force in the north of the base area would not have been very large.
  • 风向突又转回西北。
    The wind chopped back to northwest.
  • 大多数英国人没听说过卢夫·勒尔帕,但他在挪威很有名。
    Although most people in Britain haven't heard of Loof Lirpa, he is very famous in Norway.
  • 巴郎拉德(挪威)和瓦塞牛斯二人你争我赶地滑了四千米,后巴郎拉德才开始渐渐领先,抛开了瓦塞牛斯。
    Ballangrud (Norway) and Vasenius, paired together, raced neck and neck for 4000 meters before the Norwegian began to pull away.
  • 而,仍有许多挪威人支持哈康王储做出的选择-迎娶自己心爱的人。
    And many Norwegians support Haakon's decision to marry a woman he obviously loves.
  • 挪威人与自的亲密关系使挪威人以一种开放和率真的态度来看待裸体艺术。
    The fundamental relationship that Norwegians have with nature makes them open and uninhibited with respect to nudity.
  • 我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片,怀旧之情油而生。
    I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musical on tv.
  • 疑惑之间,赫鲁晓夫接过榴莲。突,他闻到了一股恶臭,臭得令人忍不住要呕吐。
    Puzzled, he took over the fruit and immediately a very offensive odour attacked his nostrils which nearly made his sick.