  • 不知道为什么他们足球队退了比赛。
    Their football team bowed out of the competition with unknown reasons.
  • 他一再出来谢幕。
    He was called back to take bow after bow.
  • 那个老领导决定退
    The old leader decided to bow out.
  • 船头在海浪中穿进穿
    The ship's bow dipped into the waves.
  • 他鞠躬把他们送门外。
    He bowed them out.
  • 说完,我行了一个礼就来了。
    Thereupon, I bowed and left.
  • 我被毕恭毕敬地迎进租汽车。
    I was bowed into the taxi.
  • 他鞠着躬把我送房间。
    He bowed me out of the room.
  • 那个歌手退了比赛。
    The singer bowed out of the competition.
  • 谒见之后,官员们躬身退
    After the audience, the officials bowed themselves out.
  • 史密斯退了州长竞选。
    Smith bowed out of the race for governor.
  • 大肠运动,以排废物。
    have a bowel movement.
  • 肠里排的固体废物。
    solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels.
  • 粪便由肛门排的身体废物;排泄物
    Waste matter eliminated from the bowels; excrement.
  • 体内的废物从肠道排
    Waste from the body passes out from the bowels.
  • 排空通过排泄道排(废物),尤指从肠
    To excrete or discharge(waste matter), especially from the bowels.
  • 他认识到这样一种危险,即:如果迫于压力,进行超本公司自己所作的可行性研究范围内的业务扩大,结果会本末倒置,作茧自缚。
    The danger he realizes is that in bowing to pressure to widen the operation beyond the scope of his company's own feasibility study, “One could end up being a dog that is wagged by its own tail.”
  • 他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了来.
    He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.
  • 你怎么打刚才那个飞碟球的?
    How did you bowl that UFO balljust now.
  • 把盆放在下面接住溢
    Put a bowl underneath to catch the overflow.
  • 投球手投了几个快球。
    The bowler let go a couple of scorchers.
  • 然而,那位头戴黑色圆顶硬礼帽、举止稳重的人,却了洋相。
    But not so the sedate gentleman in the black bowler hat who made quite a fool of himself.
  • 黑色圆顶硬礼帽跌落在地上,一霎时还亮自己的手枪。
    He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.
  • 你老是打补中,却没有一个全倒。
    You keep bowling spares, but no strike.
  • 烟灰缸、盛有花生的碗
    Put out ashtrays, bowls of peanuts
  • 她用匙舀了几碗粥。
    She spooned out bowls of porridge.
  • 杰克舀出了两碗粥。
    Jack ladled out two bowls of porridge.
  • 妈妈量四碗面粉来做烙饼。
    Mamma measured off four bowls of flour for baked pancakes.
  • 左右撑杆从船首斜桁侧边支的两根圆杆或桅桁下的一根,用于展开三角帆或伸开三角帆的绳索
    One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys.
  • 使用弦发的声音,比如弓弦。
    sound with a twang, as of a bowstring.
  • 他的学校教育,跟他眼前的成功完全没有关系,他在幼年就离家走,成了一个飘泊流浪者,偷乘火车,睡在草堆上过夜,挨家求乞。由车窗观看铁路两旁广告,让他认识了几个字。
    His schooling certainly had nothing to do with it,for he ran away from home as a small boy, became a hobo, rode in boxcars, slept in haystacks, begged his food from door to door, and learned to read by looking out of boxcars at signs along the railway.
  • 该拳击手因眼部受伤而退比赛。
    The boxer retired from the contest with eye injuries.