| - 最长的河谷冰川有23公里长。
The longest valley glacier extends 23 km. - 卡拉古尔冰川长34公里,是中国到目前为止发现的最长的冰川,就位于在这个地方。
The longest glacier so far discovered in China , the Karagul , which is 34 km. in length , is located here. - 我们很高兴地接受贵公司...月...日寄来的订单。然而,我们必须稍微改变贵公司订单的第...项。
We gladly accept your order of..., however, we must change item... of your order slightly. - 届时,用明信片告知我们,本公司乐意奉告,当然不会增加任何麻烦。
Then send back the postcard and we'll gladly tell you- without a bit of obligation, of course. - 在一八四零年四月,当英国国会就这些事件进行辩论时,格莱斯顿曾经这样说:「我不能估计这场战争会持续多久,但我可以这样说,我不知道,也未曾阅读过还有甚麽比这更不公义,比这更攻心计,致令这个国家永远蒙羞的战争。」
Debating these very events in the British Parliament in April 1840, William Gladstone said, and I quote: "I am not competent to judge how long this war will last, but I can say this, a war more unjust in its origin, a war more calculated to cover this country with permanent disgrace, I do not know and have not read." Unquote. - 在外商公司工作会很神气。
Working for a foreign company will be glamorous. - 在外商公司工作会很神气。
Work for a foreign company will is glamorous. - 但他真正吸引意大利公众眼光的还是他富有魅力的生活方式。
But it was his glamorous lifestyle that caught the eye of the Italian public. - 英航发言人卡米拉-莱在接受美国广播公司新闻在线采访时说:"对时装业而言,性感是魅力的表现。魅力是神奇的:如果空姐每天工作时感觉非常自信的话,她们就一定会给乘客提供最好的服务。
"In the world of fashion sexy is actually glamorous," Spokeswoman Camilla Wrey told ABCNEWS.com. "Glamorous is great and if the staff feel confident every day they come to work then they are able to offer the best level of customer service. - 他是个总有妖艳的女郎陪伴的花花公子。
He is a play-hay who always had a glamour girl in tow. - 麝香一种由公麝腹部皮下的腺囊发出的有浓烈香味的油脂状促胰液素,通常用来制造香料
A greasy secretion with a powerful odor, produced in a glandular sac beneath the skin of the abdomen of the male musk deer and used in the manufacture of perfumes. - 那审讯是在公众密切关注下进行的。
The hearing was conducted in the full glare of publicity. - 在格拉斯哥公共汽车罢工期间,其他许多城镇的公交人员宣布举行24小时的同情罢工。
During the Glasgow bus strike, transport employees in various other towns declared 24 hour strike in sympathy. - 湖水像镜一样的平;公路…像水和玻璃一样的光滑-威拉.卡瑟。
the glassy surface of the lake; the pavement was...glassy with water- Willa Cather. - 各项仪式即将在九点十五分本公司的合唱团合唱一首歌时揭开。
The ceremonies will begin at a quarter past nine with a song by our Glee Club. - 美国公关业知名人士怀达克曾这么分析,美国人喜欢热闹的战斗,也喜欢被娱乐,他们期望政治人物进行有趣的战斗,期望从政治中获得娱乐。
Well-known American public relations expert Glen Whitaker has observed that Americans are fond of thrilling fights and love to be entertained. They hope to see politicians in exciting wrangles and to get some fun out of politics. - 所附本人简历,可供大致了解本人对贵公司的工作是否合适。
The enclosed resume will give you a quick glimpse of my qualifications for the work with your firm. - 我站在人群的后面,因此当公爵驱车经过时,我仅看到一眼。
I was at the back of the crowd and so I only caugt a glimpse of the Duke when he drove past. - 这篇报告全面考虑了公司的所有问题。
The report takes a global view of the company's problems. - 因为尽管全球化带来了巨大机遇,但它所产生的惠益目前分配非常不均,各方付出的代价也不公平。
For while globalization offers great opportunities, at present its benefits are very unevenly shared, while its costs are unevenly distributed. - 号在全球范围唯一代表某公司。
Number uniquely identifies companies globally. - 例如,该公司1998年对《财富》杂志排定的在全球有业务的1000家最大公司中的25家的调查表明,只有4家被调查的公司安装了应用服务器软件包。
For example, a 1998 Meta Group survey of 25 Fortune 1,000 companies doing business globally shows that only four of the companies surveyed had installed packaged application servers. - 权球顶上装有一个十字架并象征着群权和公正的球
A globe surmounted by a cross, used as a symbol of monarchial power and justice. - 低沉的气氛笼罩着办公室
Gloom pervaded the office. - 我以为格洛里亚去了美国,但我昨天看到她站在公共汽车站上。
I thought Gloria had gone to Americe but I saw her yesterday, large as life, standing at the bus stop. - 你把一幢普通的房子美化成了一座豪华公寓
Your descriptions have glorified an average house into a mansion. - 该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。
The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy loss. - 该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损
The company 's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy loss - 公路运输和铁路运输应该密切配合。
Road and rail transport ought to work hand and glove. - 在这股怒火燎原的公愤中,有一个小男孩,写了一封简单诚恳,充满了诚挚和钦佩的情,寄给德皇威廉。
In the midst of all this forest fire of fury, one little boy wrote the Kaiser a simple, sincere letter glowing with kindliness and admiration. - 耐克公司表示,这些鞋质量很好,晒干以后仍然可以穿。但问题出在想很少人能同时拣到一双鞋,绝大部分都是一只一只地出现,想要出售恐怕很困难了。
Nike says the shoes will be perfectly usable, once dried, but pairs were not tied together, most likely preventing a glut of free shoes that might dampen sales. - 该公司的芯片非常灵敏,可以监测到一个新生婴儿的呼吸。
It is, GM claims, sensitive enough to notice the breathing of a newborn baby.