  • 您从他们的服装和脸谱就能很容易地辩出来。
    You can easily tell them by their costume and make-up.
  • 男女演员们的服装在聚光灯下十耀眼。
    The actors' and actresses' costume was picked out by the spotlights.
  • 和作为舞会服装一部的半截面罩一起穿戴的、有宽松头巾的斗篷。
    a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.
  • 导游:许多人把秦兵马俑称为“世界第八大奇迹”因为当他们看到不同特点、不同神情的兵马俑时都十惊奇。
    Some people call them "the eighth wonder of the world," because they marvel at different features and facial expressions of terra-cotta and horses.
  • 那间小屋部被山崩所毁。
    The cottage was partly destroyed by the landslide.
  • 由生长单子叶胚胎和平行线状叶脉叶子的种子植物组成;包含草、百合、棕榈、兰花等;为四个亚纲或总目;泽泻亚纲;槟榔亚纲。
    comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae.
  • 给我接246机可以吗?
    Could I have extension 246?
  • 但我们要做的是正确的心理辅导,不要让被配到较差班级的学生认为自己没有用。
    What we should provide these pupils who are assigned to not-so-good classes with is proper counselling - they should never come to regard themselves as useless.
  • 教育署已向学校提供更多教师,藉以加强语文教学、辅导教学、升学就业辅导、辅导服务、课外活动及图书馆服务,以及推行组教授术科、技工和工业科目及部中六科目。
    Additional teachers are supplied to strengthen language teaching; to provide remedial teaching, career guidance, counselling, extra-curricular activities and library services; and to enable split-class teaching of cultural, craft and technical subjects, plus some sixth-form subjects.
  • 任何想改学科的学生与指导老师商议,以确保这种更换是经过充考虑而不是随意挑选的。
    Any student wishing to change a program must consult his or her faculty counselor in order to assure that such substitutions are well thought out and not carelessly chosen.
  • 他们要让每钟都有价值。
    They want every minute to count.
  • 可数序列的第一个成
    the first element in a countable series.
  • 检举一个反革命分子
    Inform against a counter-revolutionary
  • 电缆敷设用的,三根三股的由三根别为三股的绳索反时针方向绞绕在一起而成的
    Made of three ropes of three strands each, twisted together counterclockwise.
  • 他们怀疑店主们被骗接受了大部的假钞。
    They suspected that most of the counterfeit notes had been passed of on shopkeepers.
  • 香港海关负责执行保护版权和商标方面的刑事法例,就侵犯知识产权的举报进行调查,并采取行动对付制造、销、售卖和进出口盗版或伪冒商标货品的活动。
    The Customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing the criminal law for the protection of copyright and trade marks. It investigates intellectual property rights infringement reports and takes action against the manufacture, distribution, sale, import and export of pirated or counterfeit goods.
  • 模仿好人与冒充好人之间大有别。
    There is much difference between imitating a good man and counterfeiting him.
  • 据统计,1992年至1993年,人民法院受理假冒商标刑事案743件,审结731件,判处有期徒刑或拘役等刑事处的共566人。
    Between 1992 and 1993, people's courts accepted 743 criminal cases for counterfeiting trademarks, of which 731 have been tried with 566 people being sentenced to fixed terms of imprisonment, criminal detention or other punishments.
  • 意大利年轻的文化部长焦万娜·梅兰德里在博览会开幕式上说,讲究烹调"如同艺术品一样是意大利传统的一部",而胡乱制作食物就像"伪造卡拉瓦乔的作品"一样令人厌恶。
    Giovanna Melandri,Italy's young Culture Minister,put it at the opening--gastronomy,she said,was"as much part of the Italian heritage as works of art;"and tampering with food was as bad as "counterfeiting a Caravaggio."
  • 广东省中山市人民法院对假冒美国美孚石油公司“mobil”商标的5名责任人除依法处以罚金外,还别判处被告1至2年半的有期徒刑。
    The People's Court of Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province in separate cases imposed fines on five persons directly responsible for counterfeiting the American Mobil Oil Corporation's trademark "MOBIL," further sentencing the defendants to fixed terms of imprisonment from one year to two and a half years.
  • 为适应改革开放和经济形势发展的需要,更有效地打击假冒商标、制止商标侵权行为,切实保护商标注册专用权,中国于1993年又别对商标法及其实施细则进行了修改,扩大了商标的保护范围,除商品商标外,增加了服务商标的注册和管理的规定。
    In order to meet the requirements of the reform and opening up and of economic development, to more effectively crack down on trademark counterfeiting and stop acts of infringement, and to conscientiously protect the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark, in 1993 China revised both its Trademark Law and the rules for its implementation to expand the range of trademarks protected. Regulations on commodity trademarks were joined by regulations on the registration and management of service trademarks;
  • 汉森先生已在联邦调查局效力25年,这期间,他大部时间是从事反间谍工作,刺探苏联以及后来的俄国在美国的谍报前哨的情报。
    Mr.Hanssen had worked for the FBI for 25 years,spending most of that time in counterintelligence spying on Soviet and then Russian espionage outposts in the United States.
  • 全国政协及部盛市政协还设立了妇女青年委员会。
    The National CPPCC and its counterparts in some provinces and municipalities have also established committees for women and youth.
  • 年内大部时间,六个月及以下的短期利率均低于同期美元利率。
    For most of the year, short-term interest rates of six months or less stayed below their US dollar counterparts.
  • 广大农村妇女与男子一样得了土地,成为土地的主人,从根本上改变了男女经济不平等的状态。
    Rural women obtained land, just like their male counterparts, and became masters of their piece of soil. This fundamentally altered the situation of economic inequality between men and women.
  • 中国刑法中规定的“反革命罪”,是指危害国家安全的犯罪,即那些不但具有推翻国家政权和社会主义制度的目的,而且实施了刑法第九十一条至一百零二条所列举的犯罪行为。例如,实施了阴谋颠覆政府或者裂国家的行为,或者实施了持械聚众叛乱的行为,或者实施了间谍行为等。
    In Chinese Criminal Law "counterrevolutionary crime" refers to crime which endangers state security, i.e., criminal acts which are not only committed with the purpose of overthrowing state power and the socialist system, but which are also listed in Articles 91-102 of the Criminal Law as criminal acts, such as those carried out in conspiring to overthrow the government or splitting the country, those carried out in gathering a crowd in armed rebellion, and espionage activities.
  • 他习惯早上7点30上班,开始清点现金。
    His practice is to arrive at work at7:30 and starts counting the cash.
  • 广泛布在温暖的国家。
    widely distributed in warm countries.
  • 之一的人口是住在城里,三之二住在乡下。
    One third of the population are townsmen and two thirds countrymen.
  • 之一的人口是住在城里,三之二住在乡下。
    One third of the population is townsmen and two thirds countrymen.
  • 但是我们大部同胞都不知道,他们那么喜欢的中国饭菜跟这儿地道的中国饭菜一比,相差很远。
    But most of my fellow countrymen don't know that the Chinese food they like so much is not nearly as good as the real Chinese food here.
  • 农村的生活变得十艰苦
    Life in the countryside becomes very arduous.