  • 每颗微型卫星都将配备一套双稳态接收器,不仅能接收自身发射器发的地面返回信号,也能接收其邻近微型卫星发的信号,以此提高所采集图像的分辨率。
    Each microsatellite would have a bistatic receiver that would not only detect radar signals bouncing off Earth from its own transmitter, but also the signals sent by its neighbors, improving the resolution of the images collected.
  • 每当快要期末考试或该交期末论文的时候,那些整天穿梭于图书馆、疲惫不堪的学生和从容不迫、游刃有余的学生之区别就显现来:个性欢快的学生对考试不太在意。
    When it comes time to study for final exams and to finish writing tetiii papers, there is one thing that separates the frazzled students bouncing around the library from the relaxed students who seem to take all the stress in stride: the happy students just don't care too much.
  • 你能指中国的疆界吗?
    Can you bound China?
  • 我感到有责任谈来。
    I felt bound to speak up.
  • 他们画了足球场地的边界。
    They marked the boundaries of the football fields.
  • 显示边界或者限定其边界。
    showing or determining a boundary.
  • 清晰的轮廓、侧影或者边界。
    showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary.
  • 本届政府认真履行职责,为促进国家繁荣、增进人民福祉,作了应有贡献。
    This government has contributed its share to the prosperity and well-being of the nation by performing its bounden duties in real earnest.
  • 如果说我们缺点不断现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。
    And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless.
  • 人民群众有无限的创造力,他们能够做奇迹来。
    The masses have boundless creative power. They can do mighty works.
  • 忘不了中国第一代可敬的敦煌学者们,他们为保护这些劫后余生的文化瑰宝,付了无限的智慧和艰辛。
    Never shall we forget China's first generation of respectable Dunhuang scholars, who contributed their boundless wisdom and painstaking efforts to protecting these cultural treasures left over from repeated looting.
  • 5月份的省周活动将有以下节目在春城一展风彩,它们是云南省歌舞团的舞剧《泼水节》,辽宁省歌舞剧院的歌剧《苍原》和一台《中外名曲演唱会》,辽宁歌舞团的舞剧《白鹿额娘》,北京市的《综合晚会》,安徽的黄梅戏,福建小白鹭歌舞团的演;还有云南省近年创作的几台优秀剧目。
    The performances on the list of weekly activities of each province in May include The Water-Sprinkling Festival, a dance presented by Yunnan Provincial Song and Dance Ensemble, a song drama Boundless Prairie and a Concert of Famous Chinese and Foreign Songs presented by Liaoning Provincial Opera and Ballet Theatre, Mother on the Bailu Prairie, a dance drama offered by Liaoning Song and Dance Ensemble, an Evening Party given by Beijing, the Huangmei Opera of Anhui Province, the performance of the Little Egret Song and Dance Ensemble of Fujian Province, and several excellent dramas of Yunnan created in recent years.
  • 我们快乐无比。你的评论超了合理界限
    Our joy knew no bounds. Your remarks exceed the bounds of reason.
  • 球跳出界外。
    The ball bounced out of bounds.
  • 远远超合理或适度界限的。
    greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.
  • 他打了一个削球并打场地。
    he sliced his drive out of bounds.
  • 他的愚蠢行径超了理性的范围。
    His foolishness went beyond the bounds of reason.
  • 他们没有说或者做任何格的事情。
    Nothing they said or did was out of bounds.
  • 士兵可以自由入城市的一侧,但不得进另一侧。
    The soldiers are within bounds on one side of the city, but are out of bounds on the other side.
  • 超感觉的超正常感觉范围或界限的
    Being outside the normal range or bounds of the senses.
  • 他们愿十万元赏金捉拿凶手。
    They will offer a bounty of $100, 000 for the capture of the murderer.
  • 这类补助看来好象是对英国口事业的鼓励,而德国工业却遭到了莫大损害。
    These subsidies acted like a bounty on exportation in favour of the English, and were detrimental to the German manufactories.
  •  有些国家为了促进口业务,有时会实行一种奖励补助办法,萨依认为“这些都是赠给我们国家的礼物”;由此可以清楚地看到。流行学派以单纯价值理论为评判事物现象的依据时,会发生怎样的错误,用生产力理论来评判这类现象就可以得正确结论,假定法国因为看到它的工业没有能获得充分发展,认为应实行百分之二十五的保护税才能使工业获得保障,而英国方面对于它的口商却给了百分之三十的补助,这种于英国方面的“礼物”对法国将发生什么影响呢?
    In to what mistakes the prevailing economical school has fallen by judging conditions according to the mere theory of values which ought properly to be judged according to the theory of powers of production, may be seen very clearly by the judgment which J. B.Say passes upon the bounties which foreign countries sometimes offer in order to facilitate exportation; he maintains that 'these are presents made to our nation.' Now if we suppose that France considers a protective duty of twenty-five per cent sufficient for her not vet perfectly developed manufactures, while England were to grant a bounty on exportation of thirty per cent, what would be the consequence of the 'present' which in this manner the English would make to the French?
  • 在她演结束后,人们献给她一束玫瑰花。
    At the end of her performance she was presented with a bouquet of roses.
  • 他没能参加他们10岁女儿的舞蹈演会,第二天,他带着一束玫瑰来看她们。
    After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses.
  • 以后的十多年中我时常感到一种冲动,要去买一大束花装饰客厅。但我从未那样做过,我知道那是不一样的。
    Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out and buy a big bouquet t o fill the living room, but I never did. I knew it would not be the same.
  • 我怎么能分辨苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?
    How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon?
  • 身于一个小资产阶级家庭。
    He came from a petty-bourgeois family.
  • 这是世界各国资产阶级的一般规律,不过中国资产阶级的这个特点更加突罢了。
    This is a general rule applicable to the bourgeoisie everywhere in the world, but the trait is more pronounced in the Chinese bourgeoisie.
  • 从这个市民等级中发展最初的资产阶级分子。
    From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.
  • 我退这个计划--我不同意它。
    I'm bowing out of this scheme I don't approve of it.
  • 他从政三十年之後,终於决定退政坛。
    After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.