  • 在战争爆发以后的一切组织和斗争,则是直接或接地配合战争的,例如北伐战争时期,革命军后方的一切组织和斗争是直接地配合战争的,北洋军阀统治区域内的一切组织和斗争是接地配合战争的。
    After war breaks out, all organization and struggle are co-ordinated with the war either directly or indirectly, as, for instance in the period of the Northern Expedition when all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the revolutionary army were co-ordinated with the war directly, and those in the Northern warlord areas were co-ordinated with the war indirectly.
  • 第二届立法会议员将於二零零零年选出,任期四年,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至二十四个。到了二零零四年,我们会进行第三届立法会选举,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至三十个,馀下半数议席则由接选举产生。
    The second legislature, to be elected for a four-year term in the year 2000, will have 24 directly-elected seats while the third legislature from 2004 will have 30, directly elected seats, the other 50% being indirectly elected.
  • 本地华人的语文程度和能力,在相当程度上,取决于政府对待华文的政策,接造成国人依赖政府振兴华文的心态。
    To a large extent, how competent Chinese here are in the Chinese language depends on government policy on it. This has led indirectly to the notion that it is the government's responsibility to promote the Chinese language.
  • 再如现在抗日战争时期,抗日军后方的和敌军占领地的一切组织和斗争,也同样是直接或接地配合战争的。
    Yet again in the present period, the War of Resistance, all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the anti-Japanese forces and in the areas occupied by the enemy are directly or indirectly co-ordinated with the war.
  • 事实上,除了为保险业带来直接的商业利益外,强积金计划也会为香港许多其他行业带来新的发展机会;而保险界人士既为社会一分子,也可接地从这些新的发展机会得益。
    In fact, apart from direct business interests for the insurance industry, MPF will bring new developments to many other sectors in Hong Kong, and insurers, as part of the Hong Kong community, will also benefit indirectly from these new developments.
  • 公司债券的主要缺点,是投资者只能通过可信贷程度,接分享公司的成果,而不能像股票持有者那样,从公司的扩充中获益。
    The main disadvantage of corporate bonds is that an investor only indirectly participates in the company's success, through its credit-worthiness, but otherwise will not benefit from corporate expansion in the way that equity holders will has no participation in the company's success.
  • s教授曾多次访问大陆,发现在“technique”(技术)和“technology”(科技)之常常有些混淆不清。
    Professor Sun used to visit China and discovered that the terms " technique " and " technology " are used indiscriminately.
  • 英语,作为族群的沟通语言,以及政府、律政及教育用语,在多元种族的新加坡社会中,毫无疑问地将继续保持主导地位,期待华语在所有“高层语言”环境中“同英语并驾齐驱”,是不符合实际的。
    Given the status of English as the language for the inter-ethnic communication, as the language of government, of law, of higher education, it will remain indisputably the dominant language in multiracial Singapore. It would be unrealistic to expect Chinese to ever be really "on par with the English language" in all "high language" domains.
  • 虽然绝大多数婚礼都会遵循长期以来形成的传统,但还是有足够的空让美国人来发挥他们的个性。
    Although most weddings follow long-held traditions,there's still room for American individualism.
  • 归根结底,一切美的瞬,和带来美的瞬的艺术一样,具有个性。
    Ultimately all aesthetic moments, like the art that draws them forth, are individualistic.
  • 你呆在室内的时太多了。
    You stay indoors too much.
  • 健身房一个用来进行室内运动的房或建筑
    A room or building equipped for indoor sports.
  • 我的室内生活多半是在一存放着6,000册书的房里度过的;
    Most of my indoor life is spent in a mom containing six thousand books;
  • 有电视机的家庭要比有室内卫生设备的家庭多。一般来说,孩子们在电视机前要比在教室里度过的时长。
    More homes have televisions than indoor plumbing, and the average child spends more time watching television that he or she does in the classroom.
  • 临时区域市政局辖区内共有15个运动场、16游泳池场馆、33体育馆、120个网球场、121个壁球场及两个高尔夫球发球练习?。
    There are 15 sports grounds, 16 swimming pool complexes, 33 indoor recreation centres, 120 tennis courts, 121 squash courts and two golf driving ranges in the council area.
  • 你呆在户内的时太多了。
    You stay too much indoors.
  • 亨利感应系数与欧姆电阻比率。
    the ratio of the inductance of a circuit in henries to its resistance in ohms.
  • 由于时仓促,记者们往往很少有机会能按照自己爱好的风格写稿。
    As a result of the haste, reporters frequently have little opportunity to indulge in their own stylistic preferences.
  • 在巡视工作中,他是谦虚和蔼的,闲谈的时多,说教的时候少。
    In the course of these trips he was kind and indulgent, and talked rather than preached.
  • 伊拉克安全部门和萨达姆·候赛因的总统办公室曾接到命令,要他们将与伊军工机构之的所有来往信函全部藏匿起来。
    Orders were issued to Iraq's security organizations, as well as to Saddam Hussein's own office, to hide all correspondence with the Organization of Military Industrialization.
  • 我们惊讶地获悉,一个歌唱家可以轻而易举地在一个晚上赚九千美元,而一位辛勤的农民挣这笔钱则需要100年时
    We are surprised to learn that a singer easily made 9 thousand dollars one night, which will take 100 years for an industrious peasant to earn.
  • 在很多情况下,话音通信是零散的,常常在同一对端点之不进行传输,使得pvc的使用低效率、高成本。
    In many cases, voice traffic is sporadic and does not transmit between the same pair of endpoints, making PVC use ineffective and costly.
  • 研究人员还指出,随着手机和电脑的日益普及,人们同时处理多项任务的现象也将日趋普遍。但这也许是意味着我们将要浪费更多的时和降低工作效率。
    So called "multitasking" is becoming increasingly common because of cell phones and computers, the researchers point out, but it may just be adding wasted time and inefficiency to our days.
  • 一个浪费时的设计;过时且费料的方法
    An inefficient design; outdated and inefficient methods.
  • 在使用时、精力和原料上效率低下。
    inefficient in use of time and effort and materials.
  • 中的每一对点之的距离都有一个非负实数与之对应且满足三角不等式。
    a set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality.
  • 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原则和国家利益之作出取舍。
    There is an inescapable tension faced by all governmentsin reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state.
  • 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原则和国家利益之作出取舍。
    This is an inescapable tension faced by all governments in reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state.
  • 因为重力有充裕的时将两个星系牵引成不可避免的一个整体,所以对于星系未说,撞击得越慢,就越猛烈。
    With galaxies, the slower the smash-up, the more violent the collision, since gravity has more time to pull the two galaxies into an inescapable bind.
  • 那两国之爆发战争几是不可避免的。
    It is almost inevitable that a war between the two nations will break out.
  • 无情地一直向前走。
    time marches on inexorably.
  • 你们有没有便宜的房
    Do you have a more inexpensive room?