  • 一项实验揭示了小海龟出生时便具有“侦查”磁场的能力。这可帮助它们航行8,000里,穿越多风暴的大西洋海域,安返家。
    A laboratory experiment has revealed that the tiny turtles are born with the ability to "detect" the magnetic fields which help them to navigate the 8,000 miles across the stormy Atlantic Ocean and back home again.
  • 有的人在结婚后仍愿意过独身生活。因为他们不喜欢家庭,把妻子儿女看作经济上的累赘。
    Some there are, who though they lead a single life, yet their thoughts do end with themselves, and account future times impertinences. Nay, there are some other, that account wife and children, but as bills of charges.
  • 真的,人们在愿意退休的时候是不能退的,并且在应该退休的时候是不肯退的。反之,人们都不耐退休的生活,甚至于在老病之中,需要隐居的时候亦复如此;就好象有些城里的老头儿一样,总要坐在街门口,虽这种办法使人家看不起老年。
    Nay, retire men cannot, when they would; neither will they, when it were reason: but are impatient of privateness, even in age, and sickness, which require the shadow: like old townsmen,that will be still sitting at their street door, though thereby they offer age to scorn.
  • 而,就所谓的nc革命要取代pc机而言,离成功还很遥远。
    However, the success of this so-called NC revolution in its effort to unseat the PC still seems remote.
  • 他们(用户)也不是孤立的,可望站在客户一边的pc机制造商远不是一小群,他们向nc的鼓吹者开火。
    And of course they are not alone, PC manufacturers who are expected to stand by their customers have more than a handful to throw to the NC advocates.
  • 而,就价格而言,oracle公司和sun公司推崇的nc机约为700至800美元,而相对应的netpc机依其配置不同价格在1000至1500美元之间。
    However, as far as the price point is concerned, NC boxes touted by Oracle and Sun costs about US$700 to US$800, compared to NetPC prices that roughly range from US$1,000 to US$1,500 depending on configuration.
  • 鬼魂,神灵感到就在附近的超自力量
    A supernatural influence felt to be nearby.
  • 就这样奄奄一息地饿了几天后,兔子突听到孩子们在周围玩耍的声音。
    After several hungry days, the rabbit hears children playing nearby.
  • 整齐的次序好的,井有序的
    In good or neat order.
  • 现实生活中女人的金发很难完全符合这些类型。
    Of course, real?life blonds don't fit neatly into this taxonomy.
  • 14岁那年,巴菲特花了1200美元在内布拉斯加州购置了一片40公顷的农田,后开始从佃户那里收取租金。
    When he was 14, Buffett spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer.
  • 这些国家的政府,虽会因君主的个人品质不同而在好坏上有所不同,但却很少给耕作者留下除生活必需品以外的东西,甚至常常连生活必需品也拿走,以致在拿走了他们的全部产品以后,不得不再把其中的一部分借给耕作者,以使他们有种子种地,能把生命维持到下一个收获季节。
    The government, in those countries, though varying in its qualities according to the accidents of personal character, seldom leaves much to the cultivators beyond mere necessaries, and often strips them so bare even of these, that it finds itself obliged, after taking all they have, to lend part of it back to those from whom it has been taken, in order to provide them with seed, and enable them to support life until another harvest.
  • 假使每个地区各自专门从事于它在自条件上最适宜的那些生产事业,后把它特有产品的剩余部分,向别的地区交换那些地区所宜于生产的那些生活必需品和原料,这样做比每一地区对一切生产事业不分好歹样样都来的办法,在人力和地力方面可以获致更大的利用,可以获致大得多的生产效果,这一点是显而易见的。
    If every district is devoted to all these branches of production, it is clear that its labour and its land cannot be nearly so productive as if every separate district were devoted mainly to those branches of production for which it is specially adapted by nature, and as if it exchanged the surplus of its own special products for the surplus produce of those provinces which in the production of other necessaries of life and raw materials possess a natural advantage equally peculiar to themselves.
  • 她会尝试,却未必能说服他戒烟。
    Try as she may, she is not necessarily able to talk him out of smoking.
  • 学习外国语言必困难。
    The study of a foreign language is necessarily difficult.
  • 定然如此。
    It most necessarily be so.
  • 定然如此。
    It most necessarily is so.
  • 在那时期,人们的态度必是这样的;
    It was necessarily so in that period;
  • (逻辑学)必虚假的陈述。
    (in logic) a statement that is necessarily false.
  • (逻辑学)必真实的陈述。
    (in logic) a statement that is necessarily true.
  • 是这样;客观上讲,我们很需要。
    it is necessarily so; we must needs by objective.
  • 战争带来的必结果就是生产力下降。
    The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.
  • 死亡是生命必的终结。
    Death is the necessary end of life.
  • 使成为必需使成为必或不可避免
    To make necessary or unavoidable.
  • 意志自由与必然
    freedom of will and necessity
  • 作出决策乃当务之急,此事必地落在他身上。
    The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.
  • 作为一个职业演员当意味着要在夜间和星期日工作。
    Being a professional actor necessity means working night and Sunday.
  • 雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区黑颈鹤自保护区建立后,到此越冬的黑颈鹤数量逐年增加,约占全球黑颈鹤数量的80%左右。
    After a nature reserve for black-necked cranes was established on the middle reaches of the Yarlungzangbo River, the number of black-necked cranes wintering there has increased each year, accounting for about 80% of the earth’s total number of black-necked cranes.
  • 后他把项链抽了回来。
    Then he carefully drew back the necklace.
  • 她的礼服上的典雅的领口;尽管她的一个肩带滑了下来,但是以现在的标准看来她仍是十分得体的。
    a modest neckline in her dress; though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards.
  • 所有这些服务可以很好地满足用户对信息交换的需要,但用户仍旧还需要具有一些特定的先决条件。
    Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users.
  • 假如一个便够,第二个纵有用,也不需要了。
    If one is enough,the secondalthonghusefulisneedless.