  • 收入和支的差距太大。
    gap between income and outgo; the spread between lending and borrowing costs.
  • 你外度假时我冒昧地借用了你的真空吸尘器。
    I took the liberty of borrowing your vacuum cleaner while you were away on holiday.
  • 走投无路的波斯尼亚总统伊泽特贝哥维奇,断然拒绝分割[计划],并要求进一步磋商。在[首府]塞拉热窝群情忿怒,并高喊被人卖。
    Bosnia's desperate President, Alija Izetbegovic, rejected partition out of hand and called for further negotiations, and in Sarajevo the air was charged with anger and accusations of betrayal.
  • 比尔和本总是一同进——他们终生的知心朋友。
    Bill and Ben always go round together –they've been bosom pals all their lives.
  • 西装背心的低领里露浆得笔挺的白底粉红条纹衬衫的前胸。
    The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes.
  • 听到这话,她笑声来,把莫利在怀里抱得更紧,就好像它是个失而复得的孩子,而不是一只狗。
    With that she laughed and hugged Molly tighter to her bosom as if she were a lost child and not a dog.
  • 李妈吃完了面,怀里摸一条大成蓝的手巾,揩一揩嘴插着就问。
    asked Li-ma as she finished eating her noodles and drew out from her bosom a large dark blue handkerchief to wipe her mouth.
  • 装饰性的球形突物,突的雕饰
    A small decorative knob or boss.
  • 下一班去波士顿的公共汽车何时开呢?
    When is the next bus for Boston?
  • 切尔西美国马萨诸塞州东部城市,位于波士顿郊区。开拓于1624年并于1739年从波士顿分离来。人口28,710
    A city of eastern Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. It was settled in1624 and set off from Boston in1739. Population,28, 710.
  • 生前发生的一件事;波士顿生的人
    An incident that took place before my birth; a Bostonian by birth.
  • 我最近在纽约版商「格林伯」的一次宴会上,遇到一位著名的植物学家。
    For example, I met a distinguished botanist at a dinner party given by a New York book publisher.
  • 卡沃尔,乔治·华盛顿1864?-1943美国植物学家、农业化学家和教育家,他开发花生、大豆和甘薯的几百种用途,并且鼓励南方农民种植这些能使土壤变得肥沃的庄稼
    American botanist, agricultural chemist, and educator who developed hundreds of uses for the peanut, soybean, and sweet potato, prompting Southern farmers to produce these soil-enriching cash crops.
  • (植物学)现早或者发展得早。
    (botany) appearing or developing early.
  • 他说不究竟是什么使他烦恼。
    He couldn't say exactly what it was that bothered him.
  • "只要我发挥我的最佳水平,我就不会失败。
    If I played my best and lost that never really bothered me.
  • 如果了一件事,接着就会现另一件事,因此我们十分忧虑。
    If one thing gets out, another can. That's why we get all hot and bothered.
  • 博茨瓦纳的主要输品是什麽?
    What are the chief exports of Botswana?
  • 水从瓶中汨汨地流了
    Water gurgling from a bottle.
  • 瓶装的或刚榨来的桔子汁。
    bottled or fresh-squeezed juice of oranges.
  • 围绕电动汽车和新型清洁燃料汽车在推广使用中的技术瓶颈,加强技术攻关,到2008年,确保奥运会期间接送运动员所使用的汽车,奥运场地使用的特种车辆和部分公交车辆采用电动汽车,使北京成为我国使用电动汽车的示范城市;确保北京大部分公共汽车和租车使用清洁燃料,使北京城市汽车排放达到当时世界通行的机动车污染物排放标准。
    Around the technical bottleneck of adopted and popularized electric motor automobile and new type clean fuel automobile we should strengthen technical study, and by the year 2008, and ensure that during the Olympic Games the bus that is used to meet and see off sportsman or sportswoman, or special vehicles and partial public traffic vehicles will be adopted as electric motor automobiles in the Olympic Games' ground, so Beijing will be a demonstrative city of used electric motor automobile in China, and ensure most of bus and hired cab will use clean fuel and make bus exhaust reach the standard of international current bus pollutant discharge in Beijing city.
  • 事出有因。
    Every case stands upon its own bottom.
  • 他们去年买的小汽车真是个累赘;耗油量大,且老是毛病。
    The car they bough last year is a white elephant; it uses a lot of petrol and breaks down again and again.
  • 克拉克钱为自己买得某种身分。
    Clark bought himself in.
  • 买货物时仓库前免费
    Bought the goods ex warehouse.
  • 一列火车周一在葡萄牙北部的拜尔撞上一颗造成火车轨的大石后瘫痪在河滨上,火车头则栽进斗罗河里。
    A train lays down the embankment with the locomotive underwater in the Douro River, after it rammed into a boulder which derailed the train Monday Dec. 11, 2000 in Baiao, northern Portugal.
  • 一听到有人叫"救命",他就冲屋子。
    Upon hearing shout of"help", he bounce out of the house.
  • 棒球运动中球反跳去。
    bounce a ball so that it becomes an out, in baseball.
  • 我站在一旁看他用石块打水漂,有一块石块他摔去后在水面上跳15次才沉下去。
    I stood watching him play ducks and drakes. He made on stone bounce on the water fifteen times bounce on the water fifteen times before it sank.
  • 这个拳师的工作是驱逐想进入这个私人俱乐部的人。
    The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club.
  • 随后,我们见过dansez的创新小弹跳胸衣。这是艾伦·伯格曼见他女朋友双手压着乳房跑,灵光闪现,制作来的。
    Since then, we have seen the innovative Minimal Bounce bra by Dans?Ez, created by Alan Bergman, who was inspired by the sight of his girlfriend running with her hands clamped over her breasts.
  • 对那些要去在英语环境中学习或工作的人来说,他们就得学会听,因为他们得明白别人说了什么才可以做反应。
    For those going away to study or work in an English environment,they have to learn to listen,because they need to know what is bouncing back to them so as to reply.