  • 委员会厘定了三项须优先处理的工作,分别是性别观点主流化、增强妇女能力和众教育。
    It has identified three priority areas of action: gender mainstreaming, empowerment of women and public education.
  • 性别观点主流化的目标是把妇女的需要和观点纳入制定共政策、计划和法例的过程中。
    In respect of gender mainstreaming, the aim is to integrate women's needs and perspectives in public policies, programmes and legislation, where appropriate.
  • 用在层次型的实体结构中的一个术语,例如,一个司的机构图或一个家族的关系图。
    A term applied to hierarchical structure of entities; for example, to a company organization chart or a genealogy.
  • 公司概况介绍
    General introduction of the company
  • 认为正确而且可以用作推理或行为根据的基本概论。
    a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.
  • 仅从这两次事故就得出结论说,所有的年轻人都开不好车,这平吗?
    Is it fair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers?
  • 我们保险司一般承保水渍险。
    Our company generally underwrites W. P. A.
  • 一般来说,在《花花子》上是穿得越少挣得越多。
    Generally, Playboy pays more for less clothing.
  • 那两位将军吃了败仗之後, 在众心目中威望扫地.
    After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced.
  • 中国不是有一个“过五关斩六将”的关的故事吗?
    In ancient China there was a story about Guangong [a famous third-century warrior of the Shu Han Kingdom], who fought his way through five passes and killed six enemy generals.
  • 高派息率的司通常从事成熟的行业兼拥有大量现金,以及没有任何值得投资的扩展计划。
    A typical company with a high dividend payout normally owns a mature cash-generating business and it does not have any worthy expansion plan.
  • 对于几代共事务官员和新闻工作者来说,她是华盛顿权势集团具体的象征。
    For several generations of public officials and journalists,she embodied the Washington establishment.
  • 而我们的合作司只提供一种价格便宜的普通食品,卫生间也不那么干净,服务一般,而石油价格更高,结帐速度更慢。
    Our company offered only a single generic food brand at premium prices, less-than-spotless toilets, mediocre service, more expensive petrol and slower checkouts.
  • 共数据字典(cdd)信息文件中,有时用字节点作为字典目录、分字典和目标程序的类属名字。
    In the CDD(Common Data Dictionary) message files, the word node is sometimes used as a generic name for dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects.
  • 除了应用服务器,这些方法还包括活动服务器页面(建在微软司因特网信息服务器之中的通用应用服务器)和java小程序(在服务器上运行的小型java程序)。
    Along with application servers, these other ways include Active Server Pages -- a generic application server built in to Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Information Server Web server -- and Java servers, which are small Java programs that run on a server.
  • 在互联网出现的早期,司都承受着巨大的财政赤字损失因为他们在为未来做慷慨投资。
    In the early days of the Internet, companies were expected to sustain heavy losses because they were investing generously for tomorrow.
  • 宗谱的诞生可以追溯到周朝(元前1050-221)。
    The genesis of the Zongpu is traceable to the Zhou dynasty (1050-221 BC).
  • 暴露癖一种性心理反常的行为,特征是喜欢在开场合下暴露外生殖器
    A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitalia in public.
  • 米兰意大利北部一城市,位于热那亚东北。可能由塞尔特人所建,元前222年被罗马人占领,因其处于战略要地,自中世纪以来一直是一个重要的商业、金融、文化和工业中心。人口1,634,638
    A city of northern Italy northeast of Genoa. Probably of Celtic origin, it was taken by the Romans in222 b.c. and has been an important commercial, financial, cultural, and industrial center since medieval times because of its strategic location. Population,1, 634, 638.
  • 它们推动通过了1997年禁止地雷约,并推动在1998年建立惩治种族灭绝罪、战争罪和危害人类罪的国际刑事法院。
    They were instrumental in the adoption of the 1997 Convention banning landmines and the establishment in 1998 of an International Criminal Court to deal with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  • 相比之下,家一方的人类基因组计划领导人中,根本找不出一个如此出类拔萃之人。
    But no one stands out in the same way among the leaders of the public Human Genome Project.
  • 而在10年前启动的共人类基因组项目--主要由美国政府与英国维尔考姆信托基金(世界上最富有的研究赞助机构)出资赞助,当时仍然将他们的计划完成日期定在2005年。
    The public Human Genome Project,funded mainly by the US government and Britain's Wellcome Trust,the world's richest research charity,was then still aiming for the original completion date of 2005,set when the programme had started 10 years earlier.
  • 这个"音乐基因工程"固然不象"人类基因工程"那样具有划时代意义("人类基因工程"是通过确定30,000个基因来详细说明人类dna-脱氧核糖核酸),但是"音乐基因工程"和"人类基因工程"一样,也要通过大量的科学分析。savagebeast司试图建立一个高级精密的数据库,从而使音乐的划分非主观化。
    The project is hardly as earth-shattering as the Human Genome Project, which attempts to define human DNA by identifying 30,000 genes. But much like that massive scientific work, Savage Beast's work attempts to create a sophisticated database in order to define music in non-subjective terms.
  • 有这类老,职业女性无后顾之忧,是福气。
    Career women who have husbands of this genre should consider themselves lucky as they do not have to worry about tending to their home.
  • 梳子:本司希望得到供男、女及理发用梳子的报价。
    Combs. we shall like to have quotation of cheap quality comb, for gent as well as lady also barber' comb.
  • 闲逛的人经过这些成套锃亮的办设施时,可以看到许多毛玻璃,埋头工作的职员,还可以看到穿着笔挺西装干净衬衫的商人们散坐着,或者聚在一起。
    The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures, much frosted glass, clerks hard at work, and genteel businessmen in "nobby" suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups.
  • 美国西部(洛矶山脉)的、尤其是生长在黄石国家园热泉周围的、一种小形、开蓝花的流苏龙胆。
    small blue-flowered fringed gentian of western United States (Rocky Mountains) especially around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park.
  • 从外表上看, 这家司倒像是真的.
    Viewed from the outside, the company seemed genuine.
  • 他很诚实,对周围的人极为正。
    He was very true, genuinely square in his relations to those about him.
  • 尽管某些地方当局依然不愿接受所谓让众参与计划这种精神,但更多有胆略的人则一直正企图消除这种旧式的“他们”和“我们”,即上层人物和平民百姓之间的格格不入的态度。
    While some local authorities remain reluctant to enter into the full spirit of what is called public participation in planning, the more ambitious have been genuinely attempting to eliminate the old “them” and “us” attitude.
  • 正划分选区在选举中为让某党派有不正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划分成选区
    To divide(a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus.