  • 铜绿锈通常如碱性硫铜的一层浅绿色薄层,在铜或铜合金(如青铜)上形成,是由腐蚀引起的
    A thin greenish layer, usually basic copper sulfate, that forms on copper or copper alloys, such as bronze, as a result of corrosion.
  • 铜的一种含水的蓝色晶体。
    hydrated blue crystalline form of copper sulfate.
  • 铜溶液是什么颜色?
    What color is copper sulphate solution?
  • 黑樱桃酒用欧洲樱桃发酵的汁和压碎的核制成的一种香酒
    A cordial made from the fermented juice and crushed pits of the marasca cherry.
  • (指酒)味道被含有过多鞣的软木塞气味所破坏。
    (of wine) tainted in flavor by a cork containing excess tannin.
  • 这种酸能腐蚀铁。
    This acid may corrode iron.
  • 酸是有腐蚀性的。
    Acid is corrosive.
  • 发烟硫含三氧化硫的一种腐蚀性溶液
    A corrosive solution of sulfur trioxide in sulfuric acid.
  • 金属腐蚀剂一种用于蚀刻腐蚀性物质,例如
    A corrosive substance, such as an acid, used in etching.
  • 腐蚀蚀刻器的金属盘上的腐蚀
    The corrosive action of acid upon an etcher's metal plate.
  • 一种不稳定、有毒的腐蚀性,已知的主要为其盐的形式。
    an unstable poisonous corrosive acid know primarily in the form of its salts.
  • 一种黄色、气味浓烈、腐蚀性的氮和盐的混合物,能溶解金属(包括金)。
    a yellow fuming corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals (including gold).
  • (hso)一种极具腐蚀性的,由二氧化硫制成,广泛用于化学工业中。
    (H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide; widely used in the chemical industry.
  • 一种无色有毒腐蚀性液体,由硫作用于氟化钙而制成,溶于水中形成氢氟
    a colorless poisonous corrosive liquid made by the action of sulphuric acid on calcium fluoride; solutions in water are hydrofluoric acid.
  • 11.是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。
    11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.
  • 一种黄色的粘性动物油,从羊毛中提取,是脂肪和酯的混合物,用于某些药膏和化妆品。
    a yellow viscous animal oil extracted from wool; a mixture of fatty acids and esters; used in some ointments and cosmetics.
  • 卵磷脂任一组存在于蛋黄和植物质膜及动物细胞中的磷酯,在许多商品中用作乳化剂,包括食物、化装品、颜料和塑料
    Any of a group of phospholipids found in egg yolks and the plasma membrane of plant and animal cells, used as an emulsifier in a wide range of commercial products, including foods, cosmetics, paints, and plastics.
  • 共价化合物能够提供一对电子给一个形成共价键的化合物
    A substance that provides a pair of electrons for a covalent bond with an acid.
  • 美国西部野生苹果,花香,粉红色。
    wild crab apple of western United States with fragrant pink flowers.
  • 欧亚每年落叶小型树种,果实类似于苹果的果实。
    small deciduous Eurasian tree cultivated for its fruit that resemble crab apples.
  • 小的红果实的拖尾的果蔓的果实,分布在北极和北半球的寒冷地区。
    small red-fruited trailing cranberry of Arctic and cool regions of the northern hemisphere.
  • 我喜欢在夏天喝些奶。
    I like drinking creamy yoghurt in summer.
  • 奶酪中欧一种柔软含奶油并经性处理的奶酪,由全脂牛奶制成
    A soft, creamy acid-cured cheese of central Europe made from whole milk.
  • 他那寒的样子给人留下不好的印象.
    His shabby appearance creates a bad impression.
  • 一种晶状的四元(hpo)。
    a crystalline tetrabasic acid (H4P2O6).
  • 一种无色的晶状,从单宁中提取。
    a colorless crystalline acid obtained from tannin.
  • 一种爆炸性晶状弱(hno)。
    an explosive white crystalline weak acid (H2N2O2).
  • 一种晶状,用于制含氮的染料。
    a crystalline acid used to make azo dyes.
  • 由含水硅铝或硅钾等组成的矿物,呈晶体状,能分裂成极薄的片状,具有良好的电绝缘性。
    any of various minerals consisting of hydrous silicates of aluminum or potassium etc. that crystallize in forms that allow perfect cleavage into very thin leaves; used as dielectrics because of their resistance to electricity.
  • 还是沙拉,酸黄瓜?
    Or salad? Sour cucumber?
  • 我要泡菜和酸黄瓜。
    I think I'll have pickles and sour cucumber.
  • 三捻树果该树结的味的、浅绿或浅黄色黄瓜状小果实,作为腌菜而食或用在许多菜中
    The small, sour, greenish or yellowish cucumber-shaped fruit of this tree, eaten as a pickle or used in relishes and various dishes.