  • 我心里谁也不恨。
    I bear hatred against no man.
  • 湘潭韶山地方有个雨神庙,素聚流民,也不怕,农会起来,悄悄地走了。
    In Shaoshan, Hsiangtan County, the vagabonds used to make the temple of the Rain God their regular haunt and feared nobody, but since the rise of the associations they have stolen away.
  • 走在游行队伍的最前头?
    Who headed the procession?
  • 走在李先生前面的那个人是
    Who is the man heading up Mr Lee?
  • 搞和平,我们就拥护;搞战争和霸权,我们就反对。
    We support those who help maintain peace and oppose those who make war and who seek hegemony.
  • 大眼女神走到丈夫身边,注目于那头小母牛,夸奖它的俊美,又问主人是,属于哪个牛群。
    The ox-eyed goddess joined her husband, noticed the heifer, praised its beauty, and asked whose it was and of what herd.
  • 不但如此,有的人还认为要是坚持实事求是,从实际出发,理论和实践相结合,就是犯了弥天大罪。
    Some people even go further: they maintain that those who persist in seeking truth from facts, proceeding from reality and integrating theory with practice are guilty of a heinous crime.
  • 这个纪录原先由保持?
    Who previously held the record?
  • 唱得差些,是玛丽还是海伦?
    Who sing worse, Mary or Helen?
  • 他究竟是谁?
    Who the hell is he?
  • 到底有了解男人这东西?
    Who in the hell understands men?
  • 要做那种事;我绝不做那种事。
    I'll see you in hell first.
  • 喂!请问您是谁啊?
    "Hello, who's speaking, please?"
  • 亨利问我帮助了我们。
    Henry asked me who had helped us.
  • 亨利问我帮助了我们。
    Henry ask me who have help us.
  • 吸鸦片烟、吃白面,世界上能消灭得了?
    Who in this world has ever been able to eliminate the abuse of opium and heroin?
  • 谁担任女主角。
    Who plays the part of heroine.
  • 这是的书包?是她的。
    Whose bag is it? It's hers.
  • 听到他的话都称赞他。
    Such men as heard him praised him.
  • 干这一行必须心狠,顾别人吃亏
    In this business you have to be tough, and the devil takes the hindmost
  • 当他爬出来时,也没有注意到他。他从那里又搭上了一辆货车去巴黎。
    No one noticed the boy as he crept off. From there, he hitch- hiked to Paris in a lorry.
  • 人不知,为争取时间和准备反攻而流血战斗,某些土地虽仍不免于放弃,时间却争取了,给敌以歼灭和给敌以消耗的目的却达到了,自己的战斗经验却取得了,没有起来的人民却起来了,国际地位却增长了。
    As everybody knows, although in fighting and shedding our blood in order to gain time and prepare the counter-offensive we have had to abandon some territory, in fact we have gained time, we have achieved the objective of annihilating and depleting enemy forces, we have acquired experience in fighting, we have aroused hitherto inactive people and improved our international standing.
  • 也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
    No one can hold back the wheel of history.
  • 从现在起,要想折树枝,我要那树丛缠住他们,拖进树丛,鞭打他们,打得他们嗷嗷地叫,一直不松开也不停鞭,直到我说:'树丛,停下吧!
    From now on when anyone tries to break a branch off that bush, I want that bush to grab them and haul them inside and whip them until they holler, and not let go or stop whipping until I say 'Bush, stop.'"
  • 也不知道是把圣面包和酒置于到神龛中了。
    No one know who tabernacle the holy bread and wine.
  • 如果约翰逊一家的不幸从表面上看是他们自己造成的话,那么,又能肯定地说他们绝望不是因为常常担心无家可归而引起的呢?
    And if the Johnsons seemed their own worst enemies, who is to say with conviction that the perpetual threat of homelessness did not contribute to their despair?
  • 武汉失陷后日本的甜言蜜语,例如放弃其所谓“不以国民政府为对手”的方针,转而承认以国民政府为对手,例如所谓华中、华南撤兵的条件,乃是诱鱼上钓取而烹之的阴险政策,要上钓就准备受烹。
    Japan's honeyed words after the fall of Wuhan -- for instance, the suggestion that she would abandon the policy of "not accepting the National Government as the opposite party in negotiations" and would instead recognize it as such, or that she would withdraw her troops from central and southern China on certain conditions -- are nothing but cunning bait to hook the fish, so that whoever swallows the bait must expect to be well and truly cooked.
  • 屋子里的人没有会不记得1931年,这一年,工党四分五裂无法挽救了。
    There were few men in the room who did not remember 1 9 3 1 , when the Labour Party splintered hopelessly.
  • 客观现实的行程将是异常丰富和曲折变化的,也不能造出一本中日战争的“流年”来;
    The objective course of events will be exceedingly rich and varied, with many twists and turns, and nobody can cast a horoscope for the Sino-Japanese war;
  • 我知道是这林子的主人,
    Hose woods these are I think I know.
  • “你打算干什么,抢国库吗?”一个士兵问道。“知道?”小孩面孔的荷西答道。
    "What are you going to do, rob the Treasury?" asked a guard. "Quien Sabe?" replied baby-faced hose.
  • 2008年奥运会不知道该是主办了?
    Who will be the host for the 2008 Olympics?