  • 中国与前联签署了《在边境地区相互裁减军事力量和加强军事领域信任的指导原则协定》。
    China and the former Soviet Union signed an Agreement on Principles Governing the Mutual Reduction of Military Forces and the Enhancement of Confidence in the Military Field in the Border Areas.
  • 从2000年起,北京、上海、天津、南京、杭州、广州、深圳、大连、青岛、宁波、州、无锡等12个发达城市在所属的省级重点高中举办了新疆高中班,每年招收1540名新疆民族学生,政府向这些在校学生提供财政补贴。
    Since 2000, the 12 better-developed cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Suzhou and Wuxi have run special Xinjiang classes in their key provincial-level senior high schools, with an annual enrolment of 1,540 ethnic-minority students who enjoy local government subsidies.
  • 休伦湖从必略湖引进水。
    Lake Huron receives water from Lake Superior.
  • 藉谈及格兰,埃里克把话题拉扯到钓鲑鱼—他的癖好上来。
    By talking about Scotland, Eric managed to bring the discussion round to salmon fishing—his favorite pastime.
  • 威火山上一次爆发至今已有很多年了.
    It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted.
  • 位于那不勒斯东南的一座古城,在维威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。
    ancient city southeast of Naples that was buried by a volcanic eruption from Vesuvius.
  • 印尼群岛位于爪哇和门答腊岛之间的一个小火山岛;它的上一次猛烈喷发是年,也是它的历史最高纪录。
    a small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra; its violent eruption in 1883 was the greatest in recorded history.
  • 威山一个活火山,海拔1,281米(4,200英尺),位于那不勒斯湾东海岸的意大利南部。公元79年的一次猛烈的喷发摧毁了附近的城市庞贝
    An active volcano,1, 281 m(4, 200 ft) high, of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples. A violent eruption in a.d.79 destroyed the nearby city of Pompeii.
  • 赫库兰尼姆意大利中南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯湾畔。罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元79年被维威火山喷发完全摧毁。从18世纪早期以来,该城重要遗迹被挖掘出来
    An ancient city of south-central Italy on the Bay of Naples. A popular resort during Roman times, it was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius( a.d.79). Important ruins have been unearthed since the early1700's.
  • 这家公司在格兰新建了一家工厂,扩大了在那儿的经营。
    The company has expanded its operations in Scotland by building a new factory there.
  • 首先,美两家原子弹多,常规武器也多,都有毁灭对手的力量,毁灭人类恐怕还办不到,但有本事把世界打得乱七八糟就是了,因此谁也不敢先动手。
    First, these two countries have atomic bombs and many conventional weapons and the military strength to destroy each other. They cannot exterminate mankind, but I am afraid they can cause untold destruction. So neither one dares be the first to launch a war.
  • 拒绝联的援助,革命就要失败,一九二七年以后反运动的教训,不是异常明显的吗?
    Refuse Soviet assistance, and the revolution will fail.Don't the anti-Soviet campaigns from 1927 onwards provide an extraordinarily clear lesson?
  • 他晕死过去,但不久就醒了。
    He got faint, but soon came around.
  • 有三个女子中暑昏倒, 全靠白兰地使她们很快醒过来了.
    Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy.
  • 格兰的高地上农场雇工。
    a peasant farmer in the Scottish highlands.
  • 格兰人本身普遍认为这是侮辱性的或是旧式用法
    Offensive or old-fashioned by Scottish people themselves.
  • 克莱德谷马一种体大有劲的挽马,原产于格兰的克莱德山谷,肢关节有白色羽状丛毛
    A large, powerful draft horse of a breed developed in the Clyde valley of Scotland, having white, feathered hair on its fetlocks.
  • 铁属(或凤尾蕨属)的一种已经灭绝的类似于蕨类的种子植物。
    an extinct seed-producing fernlike plant of the order Cycadofilicales (or group Pteridospermae).
  • 铁科热带植物;长有蕨类叶片,树干无枝。
    any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves.
  • 珊作为这位医生的护士,热诚地护理病人,探讨各种热带病的医治方法。
    As the doctor’s nurse, Susan worked fervently to attend the sick people and explore the cures of the various tropical diseases.
  • 姗曾是一个极为自立的女人,可现在命运的突变却让她成了周围人的一个负担,脆弱、无助。
    Once a fiercely independent woman, Susan now felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to become a powerless, helpless burden on everyone around her.
  • 联由十五个加盟共和国组成。
    Fifteen separate republics comprised the Soviet Union.
  • 船十五号离开利物浦,但是(开往纽约)之前,我得在格兰呆上几天。
    The boat leaves Liverpool on the fifteenth, but before we set sail(for New York) I have to spend a few days in Scotland.
  • 在金银业贸易场交易的黄金纯度为99%,称为九九金。九九金的重量以?计算(注二),并以港元报价,价格与伦敦、黎世和纽约等其他主要黄金市场的价格非常接近。
    Gold traded through the society is of 99 per cent fineness, weighted in taels2 and quoted in Hong Kong dollars. Prices closely follow those in the other major gold markets in London, Zurich and New York.
  • 格兰有一些世界上最佳的风景。
    Scotland has some of the finest scenery in the world.
  • 在奥运会的47项男子越野赛事中,46项冠军被瑞典、挪威、芬兰和联摘取。
    Of the 47 men's cross-country events that have been held in the Olympics, 46 of them have been won by Sweden, Norway, Finland and the U.S.S.R.
  • 拉普兰欧洲最北部的一地区,包括挪威北部、瑞典和芬兰以及联西北部的科拉半岛。这个地区大部分在北极圈之内
    A region of extreme northern Europe including northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of northwest U.S.S.R. It is largely within the Arctic Circle.
  • 法国人弗朗斯瓦和兰人杨为争得领先而斗智斗勇,但不幸的是,临近比赛结束时弗朗斯瓦踩到了一个洞,扭伤了足踝,从而使杨轻松获胜。
    Again the Frenchman and the Finn dueled for the lead, but unfortunately toward the and of the race Francois stepped in a hole and sprained his ankle, enabling Jon to coast to an easy victory.
  • 兰运动员帕沃·鲁米一人夺得五块金牌,在巴黎夏季奥运会上成为当之无愧的明显。
    Winning five gold medals, the Finnish athlete Paavo Nurmi became the undisputed star of the Summer Games in Paris.
  • 芬兰-乌戈尔语的乌拉尔语系的一支,乌拉尔语系包括芬兰语、匈牙利语和东欧及联西北部的其它几种语言
    A subfamily of the Uralic language family that includes Finnish, Hungarian, and other languages of eastern Europe and the northwest Soviet Union.
  • 芬兰运动员被告知他们在检阅时必须举联的国旗,而不是自己的国旗,结果他们决定什么旗也不举。
    Finnish athletes were told that they would have to march under the flag of the Soviet Union, not the flag of Finland, and they chose not to carry any flag at all.
  • 一种重型木棒(如幼年杉木的主干),可以通过投掷它来测量人的力气(流行于格兰高地)。
    a heavy wooden pole (such as the trunk of a young fir) tossed as a test of strength (in the Highlands of Scotland).