  • “我的天堂”:莫奈这样评论他自己在吉韦尔尼的寓所建造的园。吉韦尔尼位于鲁昂和巴黎之间,旁边就是塞纳河。
    "My paradise": this was Monet's description of the garden he made in the grounds of his house at Giverny, on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris.
  • 学生们了将近一个月才适应学校的生活。
    It took the students almost a month to acclimatize themselves to the life of the school.
  • 好的,我们有很多床单可供选择:譬如方格的、印的、带小圆点的。
    OK. We have a wide selections; for example, checked, flowered and dotted ones.
  • 一个不愿意给予或费的人。
    a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend.
  • 如果你买房时了22000英镑,卖时只卖20000英镑,那么你就赔钱了。
    If you buy a house for 22000 and sell it for 20000 you are selling at a loss.
  • 当时彬格莱先生成年还不满两个年头,只因为偶然听到人家推荐尼日斐园的房子,他便来到这儿看看。
    Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years, when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House.
  • 打碎瓶纯粹是偶然失手;她无意弄坏它
    Breaking the vase was purely accidental; she did not mean to do it.
  • 打碎瓶纯粹是偶然失手;她无意弄坏它。
    Breaking the vase is purely accidental; she does not mean to do it.
  • 无意之中她碰掉了桌子上的瓶;意外中毒;走火。
    with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table; accidental poisoning;an accidental shooting.
  • 包括杰西·雷诺兹在内的15名考虑主修医学预科的新生,这学期了一个月的时间和佛蒙特州村子里的医生们一起生活和工作。
    Fifteen freshmen considering premed majors, including Jessie Reynolds, spent a month this semester living and working with doctors in the villages of Vermont.
  • 右边是广大半圆形的新城,园和历史古迹更多。
    on the right, the vast semicircle of the Town,much more intermixed with gardens and monuments.
  • 她们都长得很漂亮,曾经在一个上流的专科学校里受过教育,有两万镑的财产,起钱来总是挥霍无度,爱结交有身价地位的人,因此才造成了她们在各方面都自视甚高,不把别人放在眼里。
    They were rather handsome, had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank, and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meanly of others.
  • 女服装饰品妇女服装上丝带或边之类的装饰性附件
    Ornamental accessories, such as ribbons or laces, for women's clothing.
  • 哨的书写;参议员的演讲文辞过于华丽。
    flamboyant handwriting; the senator's florid speech.
  • 我把这些花送二楼。
    I send these flowers upstairs.
  • 这些花散发出香味。
    The flowers send forth fragrance.
  • 欺骗顾客钱的虚假广告
    Fraudulent ads that delude consumers into sending in money.
  • 千里光多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状
    Any of various plants of the genus Senecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads.
  • 生长在美国东部到德克萨斯开有金黄色的杂生草本植物;有时归为千里光属。
    weedy herb of the eastern United States to Texas having golden-yellow flowers; sometimes becomes invasive; sometimes placed in genus Senecio.
  • 千里光属一种菊科千里光这个大属的草木植物,有黄色冠,尤指北美洲东部生长的金色千里光和欧洲生长的雅克宾千里光
    Any of several plants of the very large genus Senecio in the composite family, having yellow flower heads, especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe.
  • 应届毕业生总是爱在学校大耍
    The graduate seniors always pull a lot of stunt at school
  • 决明属的任何一种植物,具有羽状的复生叶和美丽的常常为黄色的;这一属植物大多供药用。
    any of various plants of the genus Senna having pinnately compound leaves and showy usually yellow flowers; many are used medicinally.
  • 头晕的,眼缭乱的有旋转或晕眩感觉的;眩晕的
    Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy.
  • 眩晕的,眼的感到眩晕并要摔倒的
    Having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall.
  • 你看人家的媒体,为了竞争和生存,出尽法宝,招百出,动不动就给你“颜色”——红的、黄的、灰的和黑的都有,相比之下,我们的确是逊“色”多了。
    Just look at their counterparts in other countries, they would say. For survival and success, the media out there would balk at nothing and resort to everything, with products representing a wide spectrum of contents and styles, ranging from the radical red through the sensational yellow and undefinable grey down to the dubious black. Our domestic media, they lament, just pale by comparison.
  • 菁,青一种蓝色染料,用来使摄影用的感光乳胶容易感光来扩大其感光范围
    Any of various blue dyes, used to sensitize photographic emulsions to a greater range of light.
  • 该博物馆包括一个感官隧道、一个建筑工地、一个园、一个动物诊所和一个剧院。
    The museum includes a sensory tunnel, a construction site, a garden, an animal clinic, and a theater.
  • 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其给人感官享受的卉特写绘画而著名
    American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers.
  • 包围著客厅的以其刺激人的香味使他窒息
    The flowers that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume
  • 我们所有人都注射了天病毒。
    The doctor inoculated her with the serum.
  • 我们无论去到哪里,都看到五彩缤纷的朵摆设在设计优美的窗户外,构成一幅幅美丽、幽静的景致。
    Wherever we went, we could see all the well-designed windows dotted with splendid colors, each a pretty little vignette of serenity.
  • 还有,尽管这光芒使人眼缭乱,但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示。
    And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater that we have known or imagined.