  • 培养菌该种生长物或落,如培养菌
    Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.
  • 在培养物中发现菌
    A colony of bacteria was observed in the culture.
  • 许多消费者愿意为某种标识性品牌而多付钱。比如苹果的彩虹色标识,使他们感到他们是这个体的一部分。
    Many customers are willing to pay more for some badge of identification -- say, Apple's rainbow colored logo that makes them feel they are part of a community.
  • 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗・哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)
    An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12, 1492).
  • 我们的海外分部设在巴哈马岛。
    Our overseas branch is based in the bahamas.
  • 巴哈马岛使用的基本货币单位。
    the basic unit of money in the Bahamas.
  • 佛罗里达州和巴拿马岛的兰花,花色艳丽;有时归入树兰属。
    orchid of Florida and the Bahamas having showy brightly colored flowers; sometimes placed in genus Epidendrum.
  • 泽西与根西、海峡岛、百慕达、巴哈马、开曼岛也有很好的管制体系。
    Jersey and Guernsey,Channel Islands, Bermuda, Bahamas and the Cayman Islands,are all well regulated as well.
  • 泽西与根西、海峡岛、百慕达、巴哈马、开曼岛也有很好的管制体系。
    Jersey and Guernsey, Channel Islands, Bermuda, Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, are all well regulated as well.
  • 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗·哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)
    An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12,1492).
  • 大土耳其位于巴哈马东南大西洋的特克斯和凯科斯岛的主要岛屿。大土耳其城(人口3,146)是岛的首都
    The chief island of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of the Bahamas. The town of Grand Turk(population,3, 146) is the capital of the island group.
  • 安地列斯岛西印度岛中除巴哈马岛之外的岛屿,把加勒比海和大西洋隔开,分为北部的大安的列斯岛和东部的小安地列斯
    The islands of the West Indies except for the Bahamas, separating the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and divided into the Greater Antilles to the north and the Lesser Antilles to the east.
  • 邮政支票现在用一张支票加上一张邮政支票卡(第一次取款时可免验邮政支票卡)可以从欧洲大多数地方、地中海周围地区以及香港、巴哈马岛和日本的9万家邮局支取相当于100英镑的当地货币。
    Post checks Each check, when accompanied by a post checks card (included free with your first order of checks) can now be used to draw up to £ 100 in local currency from 90 , 000 post offices in most of Europe and around the Mediterranean as well as Hong Kong, the Bahamas and Japan.
  • 与其说记者是“无冕皇帝”,我倒觉得我们更像走钢索的演员,使尽各种平衡术,平衡各社之间不同的需要,平衡思想较保守者和思想较开放者之间的愿望。
    Rather than saying that reporters are “uncrowned kings”, I think we are more like acrobats who walk the tightrope - balancing the distinctive needs of a diversity of communities and the different aspirations of the conservatives and the liberals.
  • 话虽说得不好,他眼前却浮现出萨莱纳克鲁兹那个炎热的星夜的丰富景象。狭长的海滩的白影,港口运糖船的灯光,远处喝醉了酒的水手们的哈喝,熙熙攘攘的码头苦力,墨西哥人那满脸的怒气,他的眼睛在星光下闪出野兽一般的凶光,钢铁在自己脖于上的刺痛和热血的流淌。人,惊呼,他和墨西哥人躯体扭结,滚来滚去,踢起了沙尘。而在辽远的某个地点却有柔美的吉他声珍珍珠综传来。
    Baldly as he had stated it, in his eyes was a rich vision of that hot, starry night at Salina Cruz, the white strip of beach, the lights of the sugar steamers in the harbor, the voices of the drunken sailors in the distance, the jostling stevedores, the flaming passion in the Mexican's face, the glint of the beast-eyes in the starlight, the sting of the steel in his neck, and the rush of blood, the crowd and the cries, the two bodies, his and the Mexican's, locked together, rolling over and over and tearing up the sand, and from away off somewhere the mellow tinkling of a guitar.
  • 八岭山古墓群
    Ancient Tombs at Baling Hill
  • 传单从汽球上像雨点般落到人中。
    Leaflets were raining on the crowd from the balloon.
  • 建于13世纪,位于波罗的海西北部海滨,是由约200个商业城镇组成的一个落的最佳遗存标本。
    Founded in the 13th century on the northwestern Baltic coast,they are the best remaining examples of a group of nearly 200 trading towns.
  • 向他们蜂拥而去,中间隔着一道不牢固的木栏杆,眼看这道围栏在众挤压下扭弯变曲,就要冲破了。
    The multitude surged towards them, and they already saw the frail wooden balustrade that formed the only barrier between them and the crowd bulge and give way under the pressure from without.
  • 矮小的亚洲香蕉树,在西印度岛作为可食水果栽培,果实黄色。
    low-growing Asian banana tree cultivated especially in the West Indies for its clusters of edible yellow fruit.
  • 强盗抢劫了火车。
    A band of robbers held up the train.
  • 一群恶棍一样的小偷
    A villainous band of thieves.
  • 一群一群或一帮人
    A group or band of people.
  • 帮派一为了相互保护和共同利益而结合在一起的罪犯或强盗
    A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.
  • 为达到某种有害的或违法的目的而结合在一起的一共谋者。
    a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose.
  • 的歹徒犯法后栖身于荒山中。
    Bands of outlaws lived in the desolate mountains after breaking the laws.
  • 的士兵洗劫了村庄。
    Bands of soldiers ravaged the village.
  • 的歹徒犯法后栖身于树林中。
    Bands of outlaws lived in the forest.
  • 进行抢劫的印第安人;掠夺战争;抢劫团伙。
    bands of marauding Indians; predatory warfare; a raiding party.
  • 车子被一正在猛烈敲打车窗的蒙面人团团围住了。
    The van was surrounded by masked men banging on the windows.
  • 排斥从体中赶走或排斥;使丢脸
    Banishment or exclusion from a group; disgrace.
  • 还有另一帮捣蛋鬼,先砸破一扇玻璃窗钻进来,大胆地爬到柱子顶盘上去坐,居高临下,东张西望,忽而嘲笑里面大厅里的众,忽而揶揄外面广场上的人
    There was one group in particular of these joyous young demons who, after knocking out the glass of a window, had boldly seated themselves in the frame, from whence they could cast their gaze and their banter by turns at the crowd inside the Hall and that outside in the Place.