  • 我国科学研的希望,在于它的队伍有来源。
    The progress of scientific research in our country is determined by the availability of personnel.
  • 对于无法避让,必须经过野生动物活动区域的路段,如穿过可可西里、楚玛尔河、索加等自然保护区的线路区段,在设计中进行了多方案比选,研提出工程保护对策,尽量减少对自然保护区的干扰。
    But if avoidance was impossible, such as the section cutting through the Hohxil, Qumar and Soga nature reserves, the planners would compare several designs, and put forward protection measures to minimize disturbance to the nature reserves.
  • 这些运动促进了中国妇女的觉醒,但终没有能够从根本上改变中国妇女被压迫、受奴役的悲惨命运。
    These movements promoted the awakening of Chinese women. Nevertheless, they all failed to bring about a fundamental change in their miserable plight as victims of oppression and enslavement.
  • 哈姆雷特:……死,就是睡眠;/睡眠,也许要做梦,这就麻烦了!/我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠,/在死的睡眠里竟要做些什么梦,/一想到就不能不踌躇。
    Hamlet: … to die-to sleep -/To sleep! perchance to dream:-ay, there's the rub; /For in that sleep of death when dreams may come, /when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, /Must give us a pause.
  • 热爱巴赫,特别是他的变奏曲;特别推荐了一本书;特地研了普韦布洛群体的人口发展的主要情况。
    loves Bach, particularly his partitas; recommended one book in particular; trace major population movements for the Pueblo groups in particular.
  • 她研过美国宪法,现在她完全精通。
    She's studied the American constitution until she knews it backwards.
  • 虽然衣着随便的加拿大人走了,但她还在想着那个住在边远地区的人-这个衣着考的人。
    gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored.
  • 细菌的生物学家。
    a biologist who studies bacteria.
  • 究竟有多糟?
    How bad was it?
  • 有些年轻人研禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
    Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai.
  • 《格萨尔王传》是藏族民间艺人创作、加工并一直作为口头说唱艺术在民间流传的英雄史诗,被西藏自治区列为重点研课题,并设立专门机构进行抢救、整理有关研机构已收集民间艺人传唱资料录音5000多盘,录像数百盘。
    The popular "Life of King Gesar," the oral epic of the Tibetan people handed down for generations by ballad singers, has been included in the Region's key research projects, with a special institute founded to take charge of collecting more than 5,000 cassettes and several hundred video tapes dealing with the epic.
  • 然而,贝尼特斯和他的同行、巴尔的摩太空探测科学研所的赫苏斯·迈斯-阿佩利亚尼斯认为,200万年前至少有两颗超新星在地球附近爆炸。
    However, Bení tez and his colleague,Dr Jesús Maíz-Apellániz, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, now believe that at least two supernovae occurred near Earth two million years ago.
  • 但是位于巴尔的摩的约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的梅尔文·麦金尼斯博士,一位研躁郁症的专家在一次采访中说,他认为凯尔索博士的新研和近期的其他有关研都有力地证明这种病同某种特殊的基因有关。
    But one expert, Dr. Melvin McInnis of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said in an interview that he thinks Kelsoe's new work and another recent study provide the strongest evidence for involvement of particular genes in the disease.
  • 约翰.霍普金斯大学的一个研小组围绕这一课题,分别用松鼠猴和狒狒为对象进行了实验。研人员每三小时让研对象服用一份低剂量的摇头丸,共服用三份。结果发现两种动物脑部一种能治疗脑神经病的多巴胺细胞都遭到了永久性的破坏,而这种细胞的缺乏正是"帕金森氏症"的主要症状。
    A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons found that both species of primate suffered irreversible damage to key cells called dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinson's, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three-hour intervals.
  • 该建筑物讲实用而缺乏美感。
    That building was more banausic than inspired.
  • 从北卡罗来纳州查珀希尔到加利福尼亚理工学院的实验室,到密歇根州安阿伯的中心地带,数以百计的研员和科学家聚集一堂,全力研制下一代互联网。
    From Chapel Hill North Carolina to the labs of Caltech, to the Nerve Center in Anarber Michigan, hundreds of researchers and scientists are banding together, to craft the next generation of the Internet.
  • 时尚的得势派终会走下坡路的。
    when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon.
  • 竟是什麽砰的一声响?
    What in God's name was that huge bang?
  • 中国人权研会的代表团1993年参加了曼谷会议、维也纳世界人权大会,1995年参加了在北京举办的联合国世界妇女大会,与各国人权专家、人权组织进行了交流活动。
    Delegations sent by the Chinese Society for the Study of Human Rights attended the World Human Rights Conference held in Bangkok and Vienna in 1993 and the UN World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, at which the Chinese delegates conducted exchanges with human rights experts and organizations from all over the world.
  • 表明,如果你在家能驱除压力,在家能控制压力,那你就更能承受外界的压力。
    Studies show if you banish stress at home -- where you can control it--you'll be better able to weather stresses in the outside world.
  • 为他作传记的斯图亚特曾明白指出,他的研从一开头所根据的就是这样一个原则:“为促进公共福利而订立的国家规章大部分是多余的,一个国家要从落后的未开化状态转变到尽可能最高的进步状态,无需什么别的,只需合理的租税、公正的司法与和平。”
    Moreover, according to the explicit remarks of his biographer, Dugald Stewart, his investigations from the commencement are based upon the principle that 'most of the State regulations for the promotion of public prosperity are unnecessary, and a nation in order to be transformed from the lowest state of barbarism into a state of the highest possible prosperity needs nothing but bearable taxation, fair administration of justice, and peace.'
  • 因为历史告诉我们,曾有许多国家,它们的国民尽管克勤克俭,还是不能免于贫困,有些国家由贫穷落后的地位进入富强,有些则由富裕与幸福的状况沦入贫困,凡是对这样的演变想试一下原因的,当他听到了劳动造成富强、怠惰造成贫困的道理以后(其实所罗门王在亚当·斯密之前早就提出了这一点),总是不禁要再问一下,劳动的起因是什么,怠惰的起因又是什么呢?
    for history teaches that whole nations have, in spite of the exertions and of the thrift of their citizens, fallen into poverty and misery. Whoever desires to know and investigate how one nation from a state of poverty and barbarism has attained to one of wealth and prosperity, and how another has fallen from a condition of wealth and well-being into one of poverty and misery, has always, after receiving the information that labour is the cause of wealth and idleness the cause of poverty (a remark which King Solomon made long before Adam Smith), to put the further question,what are the causes of labour, and what the causes of idleness?
  • 几年前,由于这种直接统计方法还没有实施,资深人口统计学家巴里.埃德蒙斯顿在指导美国科学院全国研会所做移民研时,便利用复杂的数学模型来计算异族婚姻是如何改变美国面貌的。
    In the absence of such a direct method, a few years ago veteran demographer Barry Edmonston used sophisticated mathematical modeling techniques to calculate how intermarriage is changing the face of the United States as part of an immigration study he directed for the National Research Council of the American Academy of Sciences.
  • 免疫遗传学免疫学中研免疫反应的细胞和基因基础的分支
    The branch of immunology that deals with the molecular and genetic bases of the immune response.
  • 比如钢铁工人劳动那样重,而蔬菜少、肉类缺,基本条件都保证不了,这样的问题就必须具体地去研解决。
    For instance, steel workers do heavy labour, yet they don't get enough meat and vegetables to eat. This means that even the basics are not guaranteed. Such problems must be concretely studied and solved.
  • 这篇文章论述了癌症研的进展情况。
    The essay treats of the progress in cancer research.
  • 他的研成果是他这本新书的基础。
    His research formed the basis of his new book.
  • 浴疗学关于沐浴的科学,尤指对矿泉水浴治疗作用的研
    The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths.
  • 用于各种电子设备的电池体积变得越来越小,能量却越来越大,轻便电池的最新研进展堪称又一个新的转折。
    While batteries that power electronic devices are getting smaller and more powerful, the latest development in portable power is literally a new twist.
  • 这方面的一个很好的例子就是海湾战争。在这场战争中,我们首次使用了隐形技术,并首次将现代侦察技术用于战场,这些技术具有很强的能力,我们不得不研如何运用这些技术的战术。
    An excellent example of this is Desert Storm,where for the first time,we used stealth technology and for the first time,we took modern intelligence techniques to the battlefield.
  • 双方在一九九二年携手合作进行后海湾研之后,又在一九九六年五月联手进行大鹏湾研
    After a joint study of Deep Bay in 1992, a joint study of Mirs Bay began in May 1996.
  • 格林医生对病人的态度很好(他讲方式方法,使人愉快)。
    Dr Green has a good bedside manner, ie He is tactful and pleasant.