  • 他并非像他装的那样清
    He's not as simon-pure as he pretends.
  • 鱼精中发现的一种简单蛋质,富含精氨酸,其成分比球蛋简单,能抵消肝磷脂的抗凝作用。
    a simple protein found in fish sperm; rich in arginine; simpler in composition than globulin or albumin; counteracts the anticoagulant effect of heparin.
  • 植物中的简单蛋质。
    a simple protein found in plants.
  • 水解蛋质水解成更简单的,可溶的物质,如在消化过程中进行的水解
    The hydrolytic breakdown of proteins into simpler, soluble substances, as occurs in digestion.
  • 这枚thewinteregg堪称一件艺术珍品,它是由透明清澈的水晶雕刻而成的。内部刻有精美的冰晶雕刻,外部则镶有金,上面嵌着玫瑰形钻石。彩蛋摆放在一个可以拆卸的水晶底座上。
    The Winter Egg is made of finely-carved, transparent rock crystal with engravings on the interior simulating ice crystals. The exterior is engraved and applied with platinum-mounted rose-diamond motifs and the egg sits on a detachable rock-crystal base.
  • 无邪的;清的;有操守的;(尤指)贞洁的
    Without evil or sin, esp sexual sin; virtuous, chaste
  • 硬质白色瓷器
    A hard white pottery.
  • 由于需求日增,房屋委员会于同年十二月开始,准许单身申请人以表购买居屋/私人参建居屋或参加自置居所贷款计划。
    To cater for increasing demand, the HKHA has, since December 1999, also allowed White Form singleton applicants to buy HOS and PSPS flats or to join the HPLS.
  • 用来指人或行为;没有缺点;清的。
    used of persons or behaviors; having no faults; sinless.
  • 他坦认罪使我吃惊。
    He surprised me by confessing his sins.
  • 给他喝一口兰地酒有助於使他苏醒。
    A sip of brandy helped to pull him round.
  • 知道了,我向您推荐本周的特色鸡尾香槟鸡尾酒,这酒是由香槟、兰地、苦味酒和糖调制而成的。
    I see. Our cocktail of the week is champagne cocktail. It's made with champagne, brandy, angostura bitters and sugar.
  • 他啜饮白兰地酒。
    He sipped his brandy.
  • 突然间,他明了真相。
    In a flash, the truth came to him.
  • 《中国的禁毒》皮书
    White paper on narcotics control
  • oracle白皮书
    An Oracle White Paper
  • 粘合剂由蛋制成的上胶或釉料
    A sizing or glaze made of egg white.
  • 澳大利亚东部的中等尺寸的树木,有含乳脂的色的花。
    medium-sized tree of eastern Australia having creamy-white flowers.
  • 他刚刚四十岁时,头发就变得灰了。
    His hair became gray when he was only forty.
  • 听到这个坏消息后,他的脸变得苍
    His face turned gray as he heard the bad news.
  • 套服尺码8至16号为,黄,红,青绿,海军兰及黑色,12至14号还有粉红色。每100件价格为2,650美元。
    Trouser suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, turquoise, navy blue, black. Sizes 12-14 also in pink Per 100$2, 650.
  • 怀疑者指出黑人与人通婚的比率非常小,因此黑人的融合一时不会出现。
    Skeptics point to the much smaller proportion of black-white marriages and say it won't happen soon.
  • 白雪覆盖着山顶。
    The mountain tops are covered with snow.
  • 人们经常边吃火鸡肉边喝葡萄酒。
    People often drink white wine with turkey.
  • 你在夜晚可以看到星星,天却看不到。
    You can see stars by night, but not by day.
  • 淡味的色干酪,由变酸的脱脂凝乳制成。
    mild white cheese made from curds of soured skim milk.
  • 日梦醒时象梦的冥想或幻想,尤指期望或希望的实现
    A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake, especially of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes.
  • 那个肤金发女朗穿着紧身的三点式泳装斜倚在海滩上,看上去真美。
    The blonde was a real eyeful as she reclined on the beach in her skimpy bikini.
  • 事实上,过度地暴露于太阳光之下,特别是对那些此肤的人们来说,易患皮肤癌。
    It is a matter of fact that excessive exposure to the sun's rays, especially in fair-skinned people, can cause skin cancer.
  • 酒精让你的皮肤变得苍
    alcohol etiolates your skin.
  • 蓝几十和她的皮肤相配。
    Blue hat suits her fair skin.
  • 深色衬托出皙的肌肤
    Dark colors against a fair skin.