  • 据一则内线消息,该节目将在六月整月播放一个星期新节目和一个星期重播,二者交替播放。然后该节目将被一个新制作的医药顾问节目取代。不过,一位“一对一”节目女发言人表示不敢苟同。
    One inside source tells us that the show will be aired through June by alternating a week of new shows and a week of reruns and that the show will then be replaced by a new medical advice show. A spokeswoman for "One on One," though, begs to differ.
  • 华而不实的华丽的、炫耀的,但从本上说没有什么价值的
    Gaudy, showy, and basically valueless.
  • “这你休想,”爱丽丝想,她等了一会,直到听见兔子走到窗下,她突然伸出了手,在空中抓了一把,虽然没有抓住任何东西,但是听到了摔倒了的尖叫声,和打碎玻璃的哗啦啦的响声,据这些声音,她断定兔子掉进玻璃温室之类的东西里面了。
    `THAT you won't' thought Alice, and, after waiting till she fancied she heard the Rabbit just under the window, she suddenly spread out her hand, and made a snatch in the air. She did not get hold of anything, but she heard a little shriek and a fall, and a crash of broken glass, from which she concluded that it was just possible it had fallen into a cucumber-frame, or something of the sort.
  • 茎这种灌木干制了的
    The dried roots and rhizomes of this shrub.
  • 木薯一种美洲热带灌木植物(木薯可食用木薯属),以其块茎状、含淀粉的硕大而广泛种植
    A shrubby tropical American plant(Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots.
  • 政府拥有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、将军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营公司据管理合约经营及管理。
    The government owns six of the road tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 狮子山、香港仔、机场、城门、将军澳及长青6条港府拥有的隧道,已交由私营公司据管理合约经营管理。
    The six government-owned tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 1991年全国人大据有关党派、团体的建议,又制定了《严惩卖淫嫖娼的决定》和《严惩拐卖、绑架妇女、儿童的犯罪分子的决定》。
    In 1991, in response to proposals by some political parties and organizations, the NPC drew up the Decision on the Strict Prohibition Against Prostitution and Whoring and the Decision Regarding the Severe Punishment of the Criminals Who Abduct and Traffic in or Kidnap Women or Children.
  • 用一线在一个小梭子上圈结起来的手工花边。
    handmade lace made by looping and knotting a single thread on a small shuttle.
  • 空心的细针被小心地插入了病人腹部,抽出了一些液体。
    A thin, hollow needle was carefully introduced into the patient's abdomen, and some fluid was drawn off.
  • 埃特纳火山一座位于西西里岛东部海拔3,325。1米(10,902英尺)的活火山。据现知的材料它首次喷发于公元前475年
    An active volcano,3, 325.1 m(10, 902 ft) high, of eastern Sicily. Its first known eruption occurred in475 b.c.
  • 空心细针小心地插入了病人的腹部。
    A thin, hollow needle was carefully into the patient's abdomen.
  • 每一个问题都有两个方面,如果你据一个方面作出决定并依其办事,那么站在另一方面的人当然就会对你的行动反感。
    There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your action.
  • 费尔普斯的信激起了社区其他人的不满。他们对所谓表现恶略、成绩落后导致学校教学水平下降的逻辑提出了质疑,认为其本思想是一种种族歧视。
    Some in the community, rejecting Phelps' correlation of bad behavior and learning, took offense to what they saw as a racial sideswipe.
  • dna片段将通过一种叫电泳现象的筛选技术来据大小分类。
    The DNA pieces are sorted according to size by a sieving technique called electrophoresis.
  • 对时差的感知力很敏锐-伦纳德·培
    quick-sighted into the faults of the time- Leonard Bacon.
  • 据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第15.1条,"商标"指的是能将一企业的货物或服务区别于其它企业的货物或服务的任何标记或任何标记组合。copyright版权。
    According to Article 15.1 of Trips Agreement, the term "trademark" refers to any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.
  • 由两外皮绝缘的导线扭在一起组成的一种类型的传输媒体,扭在一起是为提高对可能破坏被传输信号的其它(杂散)电信号的抗扰度。
    A type of transmission medium consisting of two insulated wire twisted together to improve its immunity to interference from other(stray) electrical signals that may otherwise corrupt the signal being transmitted.
  • 本就不知道绿帽子对华族男性有另一层意思,指的是妻子对他们不忠。
    How on earth could I have known that green hats on men signalled that their wives had cheated on them?
  • 来自密歇的游客阿兰-梅斯特美克说:"我们碰到过几次蝎子占座位的事,不过至今没人被咬伤过。"
    "We've only had a couple of scorpion incidents but no one's been stung yet," said Aaron Mestemaker, a tourist visiting from Michigan.
  • 年内,机管局继续据《机场管理局条例》,规划和管理财务状况,而第一期的发展,则以一九九五年与政府签订的财务支持协议为依据。
    The AA continued to plan and control its finances within the parameters of the AA Ordinance and, with regard to first-phase development, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Support Agreement (FSA)signed with the government in 1995.
  • 非常小的阿廷铠鼹,头部和颈部有柔滑的白毛和粉红色的甲壳。
    very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck.
  • 绳子缠绕在一棵树上。
    The rope laps around a tree.
  • 那根绳子能行。
    That rope will answer our purpose.
  • 把那绳子放松一点。
    Ease off that rope a bit.
  • 你能跳过这绳子吗?
    Can you jump over this rope?
  • 这根绳子牢靠吗?
    Can this rope be relied on?
  • 抓住这根绳子。
    Catch hold of this rope.
  • 抓一根绳子
    Snatch at a rope
  • 据反病毒研究中心的首席研究员凯里·纳森博格的估计,一个精通计算机的人可以在一个下午创造出一种类似“爱虫”这样的病毒。
    Carey Nachenberg, chief researcher of Symantec's anti?v irus research center, estimates that a computer?savvy person could create a vir us similar to the Love Bug in an afternoon.
  • 对此,加尔哥达市市长对记者说:"本没有必要开辟这样一个爱情角。这是个无理要求,就让他们去抗议好了。"
    "There is no need for love zones for romantics. This is a bogus demand. Let them protest," Subroto Mukherjee, mayor of Calcutta, told reporters.
  • 据研究者的研究结果,情感上的相似可以有助于组成最有工作效率的合作小组,而且还可以成为寻找伴侣或者结交朋友过程中的重要考虑因素。
    According to researcher, emotional similarity could be helpful in assembling the most productive corporate team, and might be an important consideration when searching for love or friendships.