Chinese English Sentence:
  • 满杯子;满是的天空;充实的生活;观众席上座无虚席。
    a full glass; a sky full of stars; a full life; the auditorium was full to overflowing.
  • 扬2000年8月12日死于卵巢癌,享年87岁。她似乎一直是那种能够作出最为闪亮登场的明
    the actress,who died of ovarian cancer on Aug.12,2000 at age 87, always seemed the kind of star who would make the grandest of grand entrances.
  • 玛丽阿姨每期天都要去做礼拜。
    Aunt Mary goes to church every Sunday.
  • 可怜的家伙! 他妻子上期离开了他.
    Poor bugger! His wife left him last week.
  • 有些电影明连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签名。
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they are afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph.
  • 有些电影明连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签名。
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they is afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph.
  • 以前科学家在进行dna计算实验的时候总是让dna分子自由地漂浮在试管中,但是威斯康大学研究小组的负责人、化学家劳埃德·史密斯希望他的方法可以让计算所需的化学湿选步骤自动进行。
    Previous experiments with DNA computing had allowed the DNA to float freely in a test tube, but Lloyd Smith, a chemist and leader of the Wisconsin research team, hopes his method will allow the wet chemical steps required for a calculation to be automated.
  • 如今的机构已经配置了各种各样的办公室自动化硬件和软件,包括电话及计算机系统、电子邮件、字处理、桌面印刷系统数据库管理系统、双向电缆电视、办公室对办公室的卫广播。
    Today's organizations have a variety of office automation hardware and software components at their disposal.
  • 期将举办一个关于我国汽车工业发展的展览。
    There will be an exhibition of the development of automobile industry in our country next week.
  • 我的汽车的汽油消耗量平均每期为50升。
    My car's petrol consumption averaged out at 50 litres a week.
  • 机场管理局会定期检讨是否有需要增加设施,民航处亦会着手更新新机场现有的地面航空交通管制系统,引入新一代的卫系统,以确保本港民航业的运作能够保持国际航空中心应有的最高水准。
    The Airport Authority will keep under regular review the need for additional facilities and the Civil Aviation Department will begin work on converting our ground-based air traffic control systems to next-generation satellite systems. This will ensure that Hong Kong's civil aviation sector maintains the high standards expected of a major international aviation centre.
  • 中央情报局,国防情报单位,卫单位,国家安全局——这些机构个个情报泛滥,有“灭顶”的危险。
    The CIA, the defense intelligence units, the satellite units, the National Security Agency – they are all awash with information. They are in danger of drowning in it.
  • 其他的行都惊异于全新的、美丽的yee和lan,竟然没有了一丝一毫的嫉妒。
    The other planets were too awed by Yee and Lan's new beauty to feel even the slightest drop of jealousy.
  • 古巴比伦和古埃及的天文学家没有天文望远镜,但这些国家的天空通常晴朗,所以他们能很容易地观测体。
    The old astronomers of Babylon and Egypt had no telescopes3; but the sky in those countries is usually clear,and so they could watch the stars easily.
  • 他已放弃他上期所采取的立场。
    He has backed down from the position he took last week.
  • 帝国反击战/球大战2
    Empire Strikes Back, The
  • 是个给小费慷慨的人;上帝慷慨的仁慈;大方的称赞;豪爽的主人;大方的零用钱;期六的孩子可爱又大方;豪爽的艺术支持者;慷慨的礼物;她那可爱、慷慨的爷爷。
    was a big tipper; the bounteous goodness of God; bountiful compliments; a freehanded host; a handsome allowance; Saturday's child is loving and giving; a liberal backer of the arts; a munificent gift; her fond and openhanded grandfather.
  • 就像当年“新街区男孩”使他们的前辈的巨光辉黯然失色一样,“后街男孩”乐队轻而易举地超越了如“colormebadd”和“shai”的演唱组。
    Just as the New Kids eclipsed the superstardom of their predecessors, the members of New Edition-the Backstreet Boys have had little trouble surpassing vocal outfits like Color Me Badd and Shai.
  • 我知道自己把事情的前后顺序都搞乱了,所以最后我回过头来强调为什么事情会发生得那么突然,只是几个期的事情,尽管我们之间的友谊已经存在有几个月了。或许更长些。
    I am jumping and mixing up the time sequence I know, so I backtrack to emphasise how it has happened suddenly, over weeks really, although the friendship was there for months, longer.
  • 在美国,不明确自己需要什么会被看成愚昧落后--就像进了“巴克”而只要了咖啡。
    In the United States, not knowing ex actly what you want would be read as backwardness as if you walked into Sta rbucks and simply asked for “coffee.
  • 饭店经理想方设法满足这位电影明的一切需求。
    The hotel manager fell over backwards to give the movie star everything she wanted.
  • 美国明尼苏达州科学博物馆:世界有个大后院。我们的球到处都有不为人知的地方。它们是地球演化的生动例证。目睹世界上七种完全不同的自然景观。来吧,在最壮观的地方畅游吧。
    The world has a big backyard. Our planet is filled with hidden places.Dramatic examples of earth’s evolution. Witness seven of the world’s most diverse landscapes. Come out and play in the Greatest Places.
  • 珍妮特上期一直咳得很厉害。
    Janet had a bad cough all last week.
  • 每个期天我们都去最近的体育馆打羽毛球。
    We go to play badminton in the nearest gym every Sunday.
  • 那只猫已有几个期没喂食了,简直成了皮包骨。
    The cat had not been fed for weeks and was just a bag of bones.
  • 布什总统说上期那次有争议的美英战机对巴格达附近的袭击是成功的但有几个“聪明”的导弹没有击中目标。
    President Bush insisted that last week's controversial raids by U.S. and British jets near Baghdad were successful although some "smart" bombs missed their targets.
  • 如果你住在曼谷的某家五级饭店,就请准备付给搬运工20到50株,具体的数目得依你的行李多少而定。
    If you're staying at one of Bangkok's many five?star establishments, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht, depending on how many bags you have.
  • 我通常在期六烤糕点。要用两小时左右。
    I usually bake cake on saturday. It take me about two hours.
  • 她通常在期六烤糕点;大约要用两小时。
    She usually bake cake on Saturday; it take her about two hours.
  • 期六我不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点。
    I have to bake lots of cake for a children's party last Saturday.
  • 期六她不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点,花了一上午的时间。
    She have to bake lots of cake for a children's party last saturday; it take all morning.
  • 期六她不得不为孩子们的聚会烤了许多糕点,花了一上午的时间。
    She had to bake lots of cakes for a children 's party last Saturday ; it took all morning.