  • 荣誉地从指定职位上退休的并保持有退休前所有的头衔和附加的'荣誉退休'头衔的,例如荣誉退休教授。
    honorably retired from assigned duties and retaining your title along with the additional title `emeritus' as in professor emeritus.
  • 研究人员称,它们还有记录到的最高和最稳定的电子发射率。
    They also have the highest and most stable electron emissions rate recorded, researchers say.
  • 不散发或者不有气味。
    emitting or holding no odor.
  • 任何处所如发出过量噪音,该署可向处所有人发出消减噪音通知书,?令在限期内消减噪音。
    The department may serve notice to require the owners of premises emitting excessive noise to reduce it within a given period.
  • 这个公司有300名雇员。
    The company had 300 employees.
  • 这个公司有300名雇员。
    The company has 300 employees.
  • 种族和睦应该有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。
    Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security.
  • 我们的社会制度是根据自己的情况决定的,人民护,怎么能够接受外国干涉加以改变呢?
    It was on the basis of our own conditions that we decided upon our social system, a system that our people endorse. Why should we accept foreign interference designed to change that decision?
  • 这些举措充分反映了藏族群众宗教信仰自由权利受到尊重和保护,得到了西藏广大信教群众的护和支持。
    These actions highlight the fact that the Tibetan people's right to religious freedom is respected and protected, thus winning endorsement and support from the converts of Tibet.
  • 见面时,他抱了她。
    He enfolded her when they met.
  • 大多数英国男士从不与其他男士抱或亲吻,那是留给足球运动员和外国人去做的。
    Most Englishmen never hug or kiss other men. They leave that to football players and foreigners.
  • 人们相信有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。
    People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.
  • 中国自有核武器之日起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下都不首先使用核武器,此后又承诺无条件地不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器,并一直推动所有核国家以法律形式确定上述承诺。
    On the very first day it came into possession of nuclear weapons, China solemnly declared that at no time and under no circumstances would it be the first to use such weapons. Later, China undertook unconditionally not touse or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and has consistently urged all nuclear-weapon states to enshrine these commitments in a legal form.
  • 一个在美国海军或海军巡逻队中有委任官衔的军官;低于陆军中尉高于陆军少尉。
    an officer holding a commissioned rank in the US navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign.
  • 指军官;依靠委任而有少尉、海军少尉或者更高的军衔。
    of military officers; holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above.
  • 到1954年,解放军驻新疆部队经过艰苦创业,共建成农场34个,牧场8个,有耕地77.2千公顷,收获的农牧产品解决了驻新疆部队的后勤供给,而且还兴建了一批现代工矿商贸企业,兴办了学校、医院等一批事业单位。
    By 1954, after making arduous pioneering and enterprising efforts, 34 farms and eight pastures had been constructed, with a total cultivated area of 77,200 ha. The farming and stockbreeding products gathered not only provided for the logistic needs of the troops stationed in Xinjiang, but the PLA units had also set up a number of modern industrial, mining and commercial enterprises, as well as schools, hospitals and other institutions.
  • 除非全体人民忠诚而又热烈地护政府的领导,否则他们是不起任何作用的。
    government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically.
  • 我可以抱你吗?"我笑了起来,热情地答道:"当然可以啦!"她紧紧地抱了我。
    Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded,“ Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.
  • 高人一等的优越感这样一群或一类人所有的高人一等的优越感
    The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
  • 这就是新加坡人的“精神”,难怪我国被认为是世界上唯一能够实施车证投标制和全面实施公路电子收费的国家,许多国家政府并不是没有想到类似的制度,也不是不想那么做,而是在考虑人民可能的反应、抗拒和政治代价之后都不敢轻举妄动。
    This is the Singaporean "spirit". It is no wonder that Singapore has been considered the only country in the world where the Certificate of Entitlement for vehicles and Electronic Road Pricing systems could be implemented. It is not that the governments of many countries have not thought of these systems, nor is it that they do not wish to implement them. What makes them hesitant in implementing these policies are the people's possible reaction, their resistance and the political costs involved.
  • 虽然我们有令人羡慕的种族和睦关系,可惜,除了在工作地点以外,不同族群的人,较少在公共场所自然交往。
    While we enjoy an enviable reputation for good racial relations, there is, unfortunately, not much spontaneous social interaction among the races outside of the work environment, despite that more public avenues now exist for them to do so.
  • 我好羡慕他,有属于他自己的房间,太奢侈了!。
    How I envied him the luxury of a rrom of his own.
  • 嫉妒别人有的东西。
    that feels envy of another's possessions.
  • 不值得有,没有能力唤起妒忌。
    so undesirable as to be incapable of arousing envy.
  • 根据在多哈举行的wto第四届部长会议发表的《部长宣言》,新多边知识产权谈判将主要集中于公众健康议题和建立一个葡萄酒和烈性酒地理标识的多边通报和登记体系。其中,倍受艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾和其它流行病折磨的发展中国家和最不发达国家以及有治疗上述流行病方法专利权的发达国家对公众健康议题非常重视。
    According to the Ministerial Declaration of the 4th WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Doha, the new multilateral talks on intellectual property rights will mainly focus on public health and the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits, among which, the issue of public health has been given great attention by many developing countries and least-developed countries heavily afflicted with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, and the developed countries in possession of the patents directly related to the treatment of the above-mentioned epidemics.
  • 有些同志说,我们只护“正确的毛泽东思想”,而不护“错误的毛泽东思想”。
    Some comrades say that we should uphold "correct Mao Zedong Thought", but not "erroneous Mao Zedong Thought".
  • 在这样情形下,我们的态度应该是护而不是反对这个抗日民主政权,但是反对它的某一项错误的法令,反对某一个坏的行政人员。
    However, we should support, not oppose, such anti-Japanese democratic governments, while opposing their erroneous decrees or bad administrative individuals.
  • 大家拥进了房间。
    Everyone piled into the room.
  • 藏书癖对得到和有书籍的特别爱好
    An exaggerated liking for the acquisition and ownership of books.
  • 这个公司已从一个分公司发展到有12个分公司了。
    The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve.
  • 对我来说,有一辆汽车的花费太大。
    It's too much of an expense for me to own a car.
  • 法律禁止出口入口或有的货物。
    goods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law.