  • 那种迪斯可舞最差。
    That disco is the pits.
  • 因工资低、工作条件而产生的不满情绪
    Discontent stemming from low pay and poor working conditions
  • 办学条件,教育设施落后,适龄儿童失学和辍学率较高,青壮年文盲比例较大。
    Due to the poor conditions for running schools and backward education facilities, a great number of school-age children are unable to go to school or obliged to discontinue their studies, and the illiteracy rate of the young and middle-aged is high.
  • 有道德的人与君子之间的别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所察觉,后者也会后悔的。
    The difference between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has work.
  • 有道德的人与君子之间的别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所觉察,后者也会后悔。
    The difference between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has worked.
  • 有道德的人与君子之间的别是,即使在干了丢脸的事情而不为人所察觉,后者也会后悔的。
    The different between a moral man and a man of honour is that the latter regret a discreditable act even when it have work.
  • "货物标签上写的是一百美元,你向我索价一百二十美元,这个异该怎么解释?"
    The price tag says$100 and you charged me for$120; how do you explain the discrepancy?
  • 有差异的,不一致的
    Marked by discrepancy; disagreeing.
  • 因为这一错,我将得不到签证。
    This discrepancy will prevent me from obtaining a visa.
  • 诉论中诉状与证据之间的
    A discrepancy between two statements or documents in a proceeding.
  • 所说的和所做的之间的
    A discrepancy between what was promised and what was done.
  • 我想同你谈谈异与索赔。
    What I want to discuss with you is discrepancy and claim.
  • 一种经计算、观察或测量而得到的值或状态同真实的、指定的或理论上正确的值或状态之间的别。
    A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition.
  • 套利,套汇在一个市场上购买证券而在另一个市场上立即售出以从价中获利
    The purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.
  • 男女生人数的距还要归咎于高退学率和高监禁率。
    High dropout and incarceration rates are to blame for the discrepancy: In 1994, there were more African-America males in jail or prison than enrolled in college.
  • 识别看出或指出事物间的别;识别
    To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate.
  • 不公平的措施、厚此薄彼的政策、歧视性的行为、别关税
    Discriminatory measures, policies, actions, tariffs
  • --各国应在经济领域加强互利合作,相互开放,消除经贸交往中的不平等现象和歧视政策,逐步缩小国家之间的发展距,谋求共同繁荣。
    -- In the economic field, all countries should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, open up to each other, eliminate inequalities and discriminatory policies in economic and trade relations, gradually reduce the development gaps between countries and seek common prosperity.
  • 如果利用别人受骗不算欺骗的话,至少也和欺骗不多。
    If taking advantage of a person's gullibility is not dishonesty, it's next door to is.
  • 你只不过是个经济学家,那种劲科学的研究者。”
    You are only an economist, practitioner of the dismal science."
  • 我生长在一个用华语沟通的家庭,所以,从小学到中学,我的英文水平总是强人意。
    As I grew up in a Mandarin-speaking family, my grades for English were dismal throughout my primary and secondary school years.
  • 这种情况确实使他们无法认真关注过去一年中本来场次就很少的音乐演出。这一年是暗淡的一年,既没有出现新的、有创造力的天才,甚至连强人意、稍微有点独创性的音乐次品都没有。
    It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
  • 脑力劳动与体力劳动间的
    disparity between mental labour and manual labour
  • 价格差距
    Disparity( gap) in price
  • 造成收入距加大的另一个不可指责的原因或许是攀升的移民率。
    Another non-nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever-higher immigration rates.
  • 即使考虑到质量上的异,价格上的距也不应该那么大。
    Allow for the difference in quality, the disparity in price shall not be so wide.
  • 即使考虑到质量上的异,价格上的距也不应该那么大。
    Allow for the difference in quality, the disparity in price shall not is so wide.
  • 这表明社会上层与底层之间的距比20年前更为显著。
    This indicated a much sharper disparity between the top and bottom than existed two decades ago.
  • 少数民族地区与内地、沿海地区发展上的距,是历史上长期形成的。
    The disparity between the minority regions and the inland and coastal areas arose and developed over a long historical period.
  • 纽约是收入距最大的州,其24岁以上的民众中有26%至少具有学士学位。而在收入距最小的7个州之一--印地安那州,这个比例只有16%。
    Twenty-six percent of those over the age of 24 in New York--the state with the greatest income disparity -- have at least a bachelor's degree, whereas in Indiana, which was among the seven states with the lowest income disparity, only 16 percent do.
  • 贫困地区与其他地区,特别是与东部沿海发达地区在经济、社会、文化等方面的距逐步扩大。
    The disparity-economic, social and cultural- between the poverty-stricken areas and other areas, especially that between the poverty-stricken areas and the coastal advanced areas in the east, gradually widened.
  • 全球范围内特别是南北之间的发展距和贫富悬殊继续拉大,两极分化状况更趋严重。
    As the gap in development and the disparity between rich and poor countries continue to widen all over the world, particularly between the South and North, polarization has become an increasingly serious problem.