  • 因此,这场金融风暴不仅考验执政领袖的实力,也考验我们在逆流中是否依然能乘风破浪,开创另一个“亚洲迹”,而林瑞生议员的动议,要求大家在关键时刻”本着风雨同舟,共度难关的精神”去面对这场危机,真是一语道破了问题的核心所在。
    The financial crisis today not only puts to the test the strength of our political leadership, but also Singaporeans' ability to weather the storm and whip up another "Asian miracle." As Mr Lim Swee Say puts it, everyone of us should, in times of crises, have the spirit of being able to weather through thick and thin together. His words truly hit the core of the problem.
  • 他对词语有特的理解能力,泰晤士报上的横纵填字字谜对他来说简直太容易了。
    He has a marvelous understanding of words and the Times crossword puzzle is kid's stuff for him.
  • 霍奇金,d.m.c.
    Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910~  )
  • 它在一个地窖里还有一座圆雕的耶稣受难像和一个镀金的木雕太阳,都是妙无比的东西。
    It has, also, a crucifixion in high relief, in a cellar, with a sun of gilded wood. These things are fairly marvellous.
  • 圣战奇兵
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • 查普曼,约翰1775?-1845美国拓荒者,也是许多传中的角色。他游历过俄亥俄河谷的广大地区,在那里种植苹果树苗、修剪苹果树
    American ornithologist who was curator of ornithology(1908-1942) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies, including A Color Key to North American Birds(1903).
  • 获得痊愈、产生变化、创造
    Work a cure, change, miracle
  • 我只好解释原因来满足他的好心。
    I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his curiosity.
  • 好奇是儿童的天性。
    Curiosity is part of the children's nature.
  • 她产生了好奇心.
    Her curiosity was piqued.
  • 我只是出于好,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱?
    Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
  • 那孩子有好心, 这是好现象.
    The child showed a healthy curiosity.
  • 他充满了好奇心。
    He is full of curiosity.
  • 将她的好心引导到研究上去
    Channels her curiosity into research.
  • 她的眼睛因好而闪亮。
    Her eyes kindled with curiosity.
  • 这幅肖像引起她的好
    The portrait piqued her curiosity.
  • 由于好心而忘掉了一切恐惧。
    All fear was merged in curiosity.
  • 能引起兴趣或好心的。
    capable of arousing interest or curiosity.
  • 恐惧逐渐化为好心。
    Fear was gradually merged into curiosity.
  • 我问这,只是由于好
    I asked merely out of curiosity.
  • 古怪的噪音激起了我们的好
    Odd noises that excited our curiosity.
  • 他们都好得要命,急于想知道。
    They are all dying of curiosity.
  • 怪的景象激起我们的好
    The odd sight aroused our curiosity.
  • 她好奇得要命。
    Curiosity was eating her up.( She was eaten up with curiosity.)
  • 他抑制不住自己的好心。
    He couldn't restrain his curiosity.
  • 个人目标:“保持我的好心。
    PERSONAL GOAL: "Maintain my curiosity.
  • 引发强烈的兴趣、好心和情绪的。
    causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion.
  • 激起读者好心的悬念
    Suspense that tickles the reader's curiosity.
  • 好奇是儿童的天性。
    Curiosity is pay of a child's nature.
  • 他对任何事物的好心使他成功。
    His curiosity about everything brought him success.
  • 他的好心激起他问许多问题。
    His curiosity prompted him to ask questions.
  • 我只是出于好才问的。
    I asked only out of old curiosity.