  • 导管外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻或病变了的器官的替换管
    An alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ.
  • 卫城古希腊城市的设防的城堡或要
    The fortified height or citadel of an ancient Greek city.
  • 当我进入到狭小的卧室时感到有些害怕,这间卧室里满了陈旧发霉而厚重的家具,它们早该成为收藏者的藏品了。
    I felt claustrophobic as I entered the narrow living room, which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector's items.
  • 把衣服塞进衣柜中
    Crowded the clothes into the closet.
  • 我赶紧把报纸在壁橱里,接着掸灰收拾屋子。
    I quickly tucked the paper away in the closet and continued with my dusting.
  • 通道或脉管的阻或闭合
    An obstruction or a closure of a passageway or vessel.
  • 在发鼻阻音或阻音时,声带的某一点闭合,阻止气流通过
    Closure at some point in the vocal tract that blocks the flow of air in the production of an oral or a nasal stop.
  • 被凝固的血块影响或阻的。
    affected with or obstructed by a clot of coagulated blood.
  • 在血液阻部位能使纤维蛋白溶解的溶解血栓剂(商标是activase);用于治疗急性心肌梗
    a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction.
  • 街上交通阻塞。
    The street was clotted with traffic.
  • 马尔索,马尔生于1923法国喜剧演员,最有名的角色是一个忧郁的小丑毕普
    French mime whose most famous character is Bip, a sad-faced clown.
  • 弗洛尼亚岛希腊西海岸外爱奥尼亚群岛中最大的一个岛屿。1809年至1864年被英国占领
    The largest of the Ionian Islands off the western coast of Greece. It was held by the British from1809 to1864.
  • 皮尔逊,安德鲁·拉尔1897-1969美国记者,以揭露华盛顿特区的政治腐败现象闻名,他是华盛顿旋转木马(1931年)一书的著者之一
    American journalist famous for exposing political corruption in Washington, D.C. He was the coauthor of Washington Merry-Go-Round(1931).
  • 体大通常是黑色的猎犬或拾獚,毛浓且平展或稍有波浪;西班牙长耳猎犬和苏克斯猎獚的杂交。
    large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat; cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel.
  • 他们需要像英国田径运动员伯·克一样,亲身体验并描述伯·克所说的“全神贯注”的赛场状态。
    They needed their own versions of what the great British miler Seb Coe called " a cocoon of concentration."
  • 海恩尼斯美国马萨诸州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特湾。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·f·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季白宫。人口8,000
    A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population,8, 000.
  • 聚四氟乙烯一种热塑性树脂,(c2f4)n,抗热抗化学物质,具有极低的摩擦系数,被用作炊具、垫圈、气和袜子的覆面
    A thermoplastic resin,(C2F4) n, that is resistant to heat and chemicals, has an extremely low coefficient of friction, and is used as a coating on cookware, gaskets, seals, and hoses.
  • 同延于子木属;通常在一个鲜明的目中独立出来。
    coextensive with the genus Leitneria; commonly isolated in a distinct order.
  • 用来在曲管中排除阻的一种长的弯曲的钢丝。
    a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes.
  • 她把一枚硬币到他的手中。
    She slid a coin his hand.
  • 肠阻造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵
    Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation.
  • 腹痛由中空内脏器官,如肠等的肿胀、阻或痉挛引起的剧烈腹痛,婴幼儿期的腹痛常以持续的躁怒和哭喊为特征
    Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. Often a condition of early infancy, colic is marked by chronic irritability and crying.
  • 克斯已经感到他的整个计划要垮台了。
    Essex already felt the collapse of his whole scheme.
  • 兰开斯特美国俄亥俄州中南部的一座城市,位于哥伦布市的东南部。威廉·特库姆·谢尔曼的出生地就被保留在此地。人口34,507
    A city of south-central Ohio southeast of Columbus. The birthplace of William Tecumseh Sherman has been preserved. Population,34, 507.
  • 在杜尔多夫,无论哪里都能感受到忙碌的商业气息。
    Nowhere in Dusseldorf is far from the rush of com-mercial activity.
  • 往复活塞式内燃机
    reciprocating piston internal combustion engine
  • 翁失马,焉知非福”国民党失败了,如能认真检讨,决心改过,未来仍有再起的机会。
    Misfortune may prove to be a blessing in disguise, as the saying goes. Should the defeated KMT be able to earnestly examine how it failed and correct its mistakes and errors, there can still be chances for it to stage a comeback someday.
  • 《巴尔公约》所订立的监管机制,主要是实施一个预报制度,由进出口和转口国的有关主管当局在危险废物或不可循环再造的废物付运之前,先行发出通知及给予同意。
    The main control mechanism under the convention is the effect a system of prior notification and consent by the authorities of the states of import, export and transit before the commencement of shipments of hazardous or non-recyclable waste.
  • 后来,历史终于揭开这个事实,来访者是由一个名叫冯·华格伯爵派来的,他专门聘请著名作曲家谱写新作,事后他略施小技就变成是他的创作了。
    History has since uncovered the fact that the visitor had come from a certain Count von Walsegg, who was in the habit of Commissioning leading composers to write new works, which he later palmed off as his own.
  • 附近居民指责这家夜总会妨害公众,夜总会对此仅仅搪了事。
    The nightclub just fenced with the neighboring residents, accusation of its committing a public nuisance.
  • 杜尚,马尔1887-1968法裔美籍现代派艺术家,纽约城达达运动领袖,第一个将普通物品作为艺术品展出,其绘画作品包括下楼梯的裸者(1912年)等
    French-born modernist artist and a leader of the Dada movement in New York City who was the first to exhibit commonplace objects as art. His paintings include Nude Descending a Staircase(1912).
  • 考虑到对休斯敦交通堵的恐慌、马林县拥挤的101公路以及东北部濒于瘫痪的上下班铁路,远距离工作的的确确是有其重大优势的。
    What with Houston's traffic jam horror, Route 101 in Mann County, the dying commuter railway lines of the North East, there are serious physical advantages to telecommuting.