  • 采取残酷镇的方式,他们只会火上浇油。
    By brutally suppressing them, they simply poured oil on the flame.
  • 他们残酷镇罢工群众只不过是火上加油。
    By brutally suppressing the strikers they simply poured oil on the fire.
  • 浮泡如漆面或层的表面的气泡
    A raised bubble, as on a painted or laminated surface.
  • 一项由英格兰白金汉郡奇特恩斯大学学院的研究者进行的研究发现,以医护工作者为例,如果顶头上司不近人情的话,他们的血通常就会比平时高出一些。
    A study by researchers at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in England found that the blood pressure of healthcare assistants was higher when they were supervised by someone they considered unreasonable.
  • 最终被过量的工作垮了
    Finally buckled under the excessive demands of the job.
  • 但是我之包围好似如来佛的手掌,它将化成一座横亘宇宙的五行山,把这几个新式孙悟空——法西斯侵略主义者,最后倒在山底下,永世也不得翻身。
    But our encirclement, like the hand of Buddha, will turn into the Mountain of Five Elements lying athwart the Universe, and the modern Sun Wu-kungs -- the fascist aggressors -- will finally be buried underneath it, never to rise again.
  • 那个经营建筑业者使用劣质材料,我根儿不愿与他发生任何建筑业务往来。
    That builder uses in ferior material and I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole for any building work of mine.
  • 斯拉米认为,这种“抗老化剂”对治疗机体组织失去了弹性的病症有广泛的用途,如用于青光眼的治疗,它可以增加血管弹性而降低眼
    Cerami envisages multiple uses for breakers in pathologies wherein tissues lose flexibility. In glaucoma, for example, increasing the elasticity of the draining canal would prevent the buildup of pressure in the eye.
  • 子弹压进机枪。
    Bullets fed into a machine gun.
  • 真是个大丰收!稻穗重得把稻杆都弯了。
    What a bumper harvest! The stalks are borne down with the weight of the rice ears.
  • 他背上的重负似乎要把他倒在地。
    The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.
  • 知识多,不压人。
    Knowledge is no burden.
  • 可是纳米技术担负着特别的力。
    But nanotechnology bears a special burden.
  • 使负担或受迫;重
    To burden or oppress; weigh down.
  • 使负重,使负担或
    To load down, burden, or oppress.
  • 有麻烦的或有力的;难以负担的
    Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.
  • 处于险恶,繁重,或者迫的状态。
    be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive.
  • 在帝国主义、封建主义和后来发展起来的官僚资本主义迫下,中国继续贫穷下去。
    Under the oppression of imperialism, feudalism and the bureaucrat-capitalism that developed later, the country became poorer and poorer.
  • 在半殖民地半封建的旧中国,广大人民长期处于帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的迫下,毫无人权可言。
    In the old semi-colonial, semi-feudal China, the broad masses were oppressed by imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, and had no human rights at all.
  • 旧中国长期处于帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义迫之下,广大人民群众没有人权可言。
    Under long years of oppression by the "three big mountains" -- imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism -- people in old China did not have any human rights to speak of.
  • 在旧中国,由于帝国主义的侵略,封建主义和官僚资本主义的迫,人民的生命毫无保障,因战乱饥寒而死者不计其数。
    In old China, aggression by imperialism and oppression by feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism deprived the people of all guarantee for their lives, and an uncountable number of them perished in war and famine.
  • 中国人民不仅推翻了在头上的有如三座大山的帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义,而且建立了人民民主的国家,基本上解决了十二亿人口的温饱正向小康水平迈进,在享有生存权、发展权和其他人权方面都取得了巨大的成就。
    The Chinese people, after overthrowing imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat- capitalism, which weighed heavily on them like three mountains, founded a democratic people's republic. The basic needs of China' s 1.2 billion people have been met, and the Chinese people are now working hard toward the goal of increased prosperity. In the field of human rights including the right to subsistence and the right to development, China has also made remarkable achievements.
  • 这种官僚主义常常以“党的领导”、“党的指示”、“党的利益”、“党的纪律”的面貌出现,这是真正的管、卡、
    This kind of bureaucratism often masquerades as "Party leadership", "Party directives", "Party interests" and "Party discipline", but actually it is designed to control people, hold them in check and oppress them.
  • 提案被扣压了。
    The proposal got burked.
  • 烧坏保险丝、发动机、变
    Burn out a fuse, motor, transformer
  • 有时候巨大岩石崩落埋没了路机及其他机器。
    Huge rockslides at times bury bulldozers and other machines.
  • 利用adsl,一个未经缩的900k字节的文件(含有一幅彩色图像)能以3.6兆位/秒的速率在2秒钟内完成下载。
    With ADSI, a non-compressed 900K-byte file that includes a color image can be downloaded at a rate of 3.6M bit/sec in two seconds.
  • 巴克利博士的病人有乳牛场工人、伐木工,还有卡伯特乳酪场的雇员。他们找巴克利博士治疗高血、肺气肿、心脏病,还有情感和家庭方面的问题。
    Dr. Buckley's patients -- dairy farmers, loggers, employees at the Cabot cheese factory -- seek treatment for hypertension, emphysema and heart disease, as well as emotional and family problems.
  • 咖啡中毒症一种中毒症状,以腹泻、血升高、呼吸急促、心悸和失眠为主要症状,由于摄入过多的咖啡和其它含咖啡因的物质所致
    A toxic condition marked by diarrhea, elevated blood pressure, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and insomnia, caused by excessive ingestion of coffee and other caffeine-containing substances.
  • 现在国际舆论我们,我们泰然处之,不受他们挑动。
    At the moment, the media worldwide are putting pressure on us; We should take it calmly and not allow ourselves to be provoked.
  • 最後一根稻草断骆驼的背。
    The last straw breaks the camel's back.
  • 具,机在制造或罐装中一种用于对产品加的设备
    Any of various devices that apply pressure to a product in manufacturing or canning.