  • 具螺纹的,具近似螺纹的按近似平展的盘线或螺旋线形状排的或具有近似平展的盘线或螺旋线形状的
    Arranged in or having the approximate shape of a flattened coil or spiral.
  • 一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽约到得克萨斯。
    shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas.
  • 中国政府将采取一系政策措施,促进粮食贸工农一体化经营,逐步建立以粮食为基础的高效农业体系,基本途径是,实行种植业和养殖业的复合发展,积极发展以种养业为原料的加工业和运销业,使粮食的生产、转化、加工和流通等环节紧密联结,多层次转化增值,提高粮食生产比较效益和农民收入,保证粮食生产的持续稳定发展。
    The Chinese government will adopt a series of policy-related measures to promote the operation of grain by the integration of trade, industry and agriculture, and gradually set up a high-efficiency agricultural system with grain as the base. The basic method will be to realize co-development of crop cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture while actively developing transportation and marketing and the processing industry with raw materials derived from crop cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture so as to tightly link grain production with transfer, processing and circulation, add value by manifold ways, increase the comparative benets of grain production and the income of the farmers, and ensure the sustained, stable development of grain production.
  • 海洋水族馆研究或陈海洋生物的巨大水族馆
    A large aquarium for the study or display of marine life.
  • 阿拉伯国家——与以色建立更加密切的外交和商业关系,最终实现以色和整个阿拉伯世界的关系正常化。
    Arab states -- Build closer diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel, leading to "full normalization of relations between Israel and the entire Arab world."
  • 美国总统布什在2002年6月24日发表的中东问题讲话中,呼吁巴勒斯坦人、以色和阿拉伯国家采取行动:
    President Bush, in his speech on June 24, 2002, called for action by the Palestinians, Israel and Arab states:
  • 进一步加强土地管理法制建设围绕《土地管理法》的实施,加快配套法规的建设,2001年国土资源部出台了一系部门规章,对于强化土地管理,保护耕地,提供了有力的法规保障。
    To enhance the legislation construction of the land management In accordance with the implementation of the Land Management Law, the formulation of the relevant rules and regulations has speed up. In 2001, Ministry of Land Resources issues a series of department rules and regulations, providing strong legal guarantee for enhancing the land management and protecting the arable land.
  • 梵蒂冈斥责以色阻止阿拉法特前往伯利恒的决定。
    The Vatican on Monday condemned Israel's ban on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat from travelling to Bethlehem as "arbitrarily imposed"and said it had tried to convince the Jewish state to reverse its decision.
  • 在那白俄罗斯民族和乌克兰民族居住的一大块土地,还是在一九一八年订立布斯特条约的时候,就被当时的德国帝国主义从幼年的苏联手里强迫地割去,而后来又被凡尔赛条约强迫地放到波兰反动政府的统治下面。
    A vast stretch of territory inhabited by Byelorussians and Ukrainians had been snatched from the new-born Soviet state by the German imperialists as far back as 1918 when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, and it was later arbitrarily put under the rule of the reactionary Polish government by the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 近日,在以色出土的一件陪葬品上的墓志铭有可能成为迄今年代最久远的能够证实耶酥基督存在的考古证据。专家鉴定,该陪葬品的年代应该是在耶酥殉难后的三十年。
    An inscription on a burial artifact that was recently discovered in Israel appears to provide the oldest archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ, according to an expert who dates it to three decades after the rucifixion.
  • 第二十条 凡因进行基本建设和生产建设需要文物勘探、考古发掘的,所需费用和劳动力由建设单位入投资计划和劳动计划,或者报上级计划部门解决。
    Article 20 The expenses and workforce needed for the prospecting for cultural relics and archaeological excavations which have to be carried out because of capital construction or construction for productive purposes shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction units or reported to planning departments at higher levels for proper arrangement.
  • 加百作为上帝的使者的天使长
    An archangel acting as the messenger of God.
  • 他在男子个人射箭比赛中名第二。
    He ranks the second in the first round of the men's individual archery.
  • 天鹅兰属的任何一种植物,花排成细长的弓状呈天鹅颈形。
    any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan.
  • 马来西亚群岛西部的一系岛屿。
    a chain of islands in the western Malay Archipelago.
  • 十月二十五日,中国政府收复台湾、澎湖岛,重新恢复对台湾行使主权。
    On October 25, 1945, the Chinese government recovered Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.
  • 一九四三年十二月,中美英三国政府发表的《开罗宣言》规定,日本应将所窃取于中国的包括东北、台湾、澎湖岛等在内的土地,归还中国。
    In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration was issued by the Chinese, U.S. and British governments, stipulating that Japan should return to China all the territories it had stolen from the Chinese, including Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago.
  • 十月二十五日,同盟国中国战区台湾省受降仪式於台北举行,受降主官代表中国政府宣告:自即日起,台湾及澎湖岛已正式重入中国版图,所有一切土地、人民、政事皆已置於中国主权之下。
    On 25 October the ceremony for accepting Japan's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China war theater of the Allied powers was held in Taibei. On the occasion the chief officer for accepting the surrender proclaimed on behalf of the Chinese government that from that day forward Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago had again been incorporated formally into the territory of China and that the territory, people, and administration had now been placed under the sovereignty of China.
  • 所罗门以色国王,因其智慧和建筑设计著称,后者包括位于耶路撒冷的圣殿
    King of Israel famous for his wisdom and his architectural projects, including the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • 随函寄上下申请材料:
    Enclosed are my application materials. They are:
  • 有一天晚上我从某外国电台(巴勒斯坦的所有电台都被以色总理沙龙的军队查禁了)听到一则消息说,施乐公司也曝出丑闻。
    I heard the other night a report on a foreign radio station (all Palestinian stations have been forced off the air by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's military forces), of yet another scandal brewing at Xerox, the famous photocopying company.
  • 宇宙中任何其他地方的有智力的人都能理解一个简单的数学序
    Intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence.
  • 使准备战斗准备战斗;使…排成阵势
    To prepare for battle; array.
  • 连接太阳能电池的大的阵
    a large array of connected solar cells.
  • 得到战斗命令的一士兵。
    an array of troops in battle order.
  • 军队列阵以待。
    The troops were drawn out in battle array.
  • 人群遇到一列警察。
    The crowd were met by an array of policemen.
  • 工具井然有序地靠墙排着。
    it was a bewildering array of books; his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall.
  • 一种用户可编程的集成电路,它的基本逻辑结构是由一个可编程的与阵和一个可编程的或阵组成,与阵的输出送给或阵
    A user programmable integrated circuit whose basic logic structure consists of a programmable AND array and whose outputs feed a programmable OR array.
  • 包含有序排的条目(名称或主题)的数据库。
    a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics).
  • 散发或波的成分的有序排
    an ordered array of the components of an emission or wave.
  • 政府为一系复杂的经济问题所困扰。
    The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.