  • 夫搬走之后,谷仓就废弃了。
    The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved.
  • 储放什一税产品的仓房。
    barn originally built to hold tithes paid in kind and common in England.
  • 目前,全军已有1500多个食堂交给地方服务保障机构承办,1000多个军人服务社纳入社会商业体系,1800多个营院不同程度实行了物业管理,近300个保障性企业和场移交国家和地方,共减少企事业单位职工30多万人。
    So far, the PLA has already had more than 1,500 messes run by civilian services, more than 1,000 post exchanges integrated into civilian service systems, more than 1,800 barracks managed by real estate companies, approximately 300 support enterprises and farms transferred to central and local authorities, reducing a total number of more than 300,000 institutional and business employees.
  • 荒芜或边远的农田
    Barren or marginal farmland.
  • 第二十六条 荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩可以由业集体经济组织、民个人或者联户承包水土流失的治理。
    Article 26 The rehabilitation of soil erosion on barren hills, waste valleys, barren hillocks and desolated beaches may be contracted to agricultural collective economic organizations, individual farmers or lease-holding household groups.
  • 夫对他的儿子说,耕种那块沙质不毛之地不合算。
    The farmer said to his son, that it would not quit cost to cultivate that sandy, barren lot.
  • 贱卖剩余产品以换取机器
    Barter away surplus agricultural products for machinery
  • 业产品和服务的保护减半以及贸易自由化协议将使世界财富每年提升近4千亿美元(1995年的基础线上)--等于每年增加澳大利亚这样一个国家的经济力量。
    Halving protection in agriculture, industrial goods and services coupled with a liberalising agreement on trade facilitation could boost world prosperity by nearly $400bn a year (1995 baseline )-equivalent to adding an economy the size of Australia every year.
  • 无公害产品生产基地环境质量
    Environmental Quality of the Pollution Free Agriculture Products Bases
  • 莱文说公司已生产出与常规电池相类似的可产生1.5伏电压的超薄电池。
    Levanon says the company has produced thin batteries that can generate about 1.5 volts -- similar to most conventional batteries.
  • 土豪劣绅势盛时,杀民真是杀人不眨眼。
    When the local tyrants and evil gentry were at the height of their power, they literally slaughtered peasants without batting an eyelid.
  • 他在这个民家里拿点红甜菜,在那个民家里拿点葱皮,用来做黄色颜料。
    At one hut he gets beetroot leaves, at another an onion skin, out of which he makes a yellow colour.
  • 在那些年月里无地的民一贫如洗。
    In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary.
  • 法国的消费者固然在几年以内可以较低的代价取得他们所需要的工业品,在这一点上占到了便宜,但法国的工业却一败涂地了,几百万人民将沦于乞讨生活,或不得不迁流国外,或改业务
    The French consumers would obtain for a few years the manufactured articles which they needed much cheaper than hitherto, but the French manufactories would be ruined, and millions of men be reduced to beggary or obliged to emigrate, or to devote themselves to agriculture for employment.
  • 如果有什么一种三民主义,它是没有工政策的,它是并不真心实意扶助工,并不实行“唤起民众”的,那就一定会灭亡。
    Any other kind of Three People's Principles which lack this policy, do not give the peasants and workers whole-hearted assistance or do not carry out the behest to "arouse the masses of the people", will certainly perish.
  • 不要工政策,不真心实意地扶助工,不实行《总理遗嘱》上的“唤起民众”,那就是准备革命失败,也就是准备自己失败。
    Rejection of this policy, failure whole-heartedly to assist the peasants and workers or failure to carry out the behest in Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Testament to "arouse the masses of the people", amounts to preparing the way for the defeat of the revolution, and one's own defeat into the bargain.
  • 考特是施特劳斯的狂热崇拜者。
    Harnoncourt is a passionate believer in Strauss.
  • 全国村改水受益率累计达到91.0%,饮用自来水受益率达到55.1%。
    The beneficial rate of the water renovation in the rural areas in the whole country is at 91.0% and the beneficial rate of the tap water is 55.1%.
  • “三北”地区三分之一县的业生态环境开始趋向良性循环。
    The agricultural eco-environment in one third of the counties covered by the ``three norths'' project has entered a benign circle.
  • 二是实体带动、效益到户,即通过鼓励企业与户合作建立产品生产加工基地,实现产品产、供、销的良性循环。
    Second, households raise their incomes through the help of economic entities, which means realizing a benign circle of production, supply and marketing of agricultural products by encouraging enterprises to cooperate with peasant households in setting up bases for producing or processing agricultural products.
  • ──庄上正要马用,我的好老爷,是不是?”
    They are wanted in the farm, Mr. Bennet, are not they?"
  • 奥尔巴尼美国加利福尼亚州西部圣弗朗西斯科湾东海岸上的城市,位于伯克利西北部。美国业部的一个研究试验室设在此地。人口16,327
    A city of western California on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay northwest of Berkeley. A U.S. Department of Agriculture research laboratory is here. Population,16, 327.
  • 1989年以来,中华全国妇女联合会联合十几个政府部门,在全国村各族妇女中开展了“学文化、学技术,比成绩、比贡献”的“双学双比”竞赛活动,在城镇开展了“做‘四有’(有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律)、‘四自’(自尊、自信、自立、自强)女性,为‘八五’计划建功”的“巾帼建功”活动。到1993年底,全国有1.2亿村妇女参加“双学双比”活动,其中9000万人接受了各种实用技术培训,1000万妇女在双学中脱盲;51万妇女获得了民技术员职称;在老少边穷地区,举办了扶贫培训班250期,建立扶贫联系点4500个,联系点的贫困户中80%解决了温饱问题。有3776万城镇妇女参加了“巾帼建功”活动,4672人被评为省级以上“巾帼建功标兵”,15132人获省级以上女能手称号。
    Since 1989, the All-China Women's Federation, together with over 10 governmental departments, has launched several campaigns for the betterment of women themselves. One aimed at promoting cultural and technical studies and achievements among women of different ethnic groups in the countryside. By the end of 1993, more than 120 million rural women had joined in and 90 million of them had received practical technical training. Another 10 million had learned to read and write, while 510,000 gained the title of agro-technician. In poverty-stricken areas, mostly old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas and border regions, 250 training classes have been held and 4,500 aid stations have been set up to help the impoverished. Nowadays, 80 percent of the poor families covered by these stations have adequate food and clothing. About 37.76 million urban women took part in an ACWF-initiated project to contribute to the Eighth Five-Year Plan, and 4,672 of them were dubbed pacesetters, and another 15,132 were awarded at provincial level or above the title of "Able Woman". The above-mentioned project embraced a call for women to have high ideals, high moral standards, education and discipline (briefly known as "four haves") as well as to strive for self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-strengthening (briefly known as "four selfs").
  • 村来的那个老太太被大城市的人流和交通搞得茫然不知所措。
    The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.
  • 帕克想卖掉他的场,并且已经有两个出大价的买主。
    Park wants to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it.
  • 甜菜两年生欧洲植物(甜菜甜菜属)由于其根和叶子可食用而作为作物种植
    A biennial Eurasian plant(Beta vulgaris) grown as a crop plant for the edible roots and leaves.
  • 大力发展业一直是我们的主要方针之一。
    It is always one of our principal policies to develop agriculture in a big way.
  • 这些人在设法繁殖较大品种的绵羊。
    These farmers try to breed bigger sheep.
  • 今年民取得了空前的大丰收。
    The farmers got the biggest crop ever this year.
  • 美国政府的纳米技术倡议广泛超出了研制化妆品防晒油的范围,它设想纳米结构材料有助于减少航天飞机的体积,重量和动力需求,创造一种绿色的制作程序,使这一代人最大限度兔受生产中对人不利的副产品的影响,并能为在分子工程层面上生产起生物递降分解作用的药打下基础。
    The government's nanotech initiative goes beyond sunscreen. It envisages that nanostructured materials may help reduce the size, weight and power requirements of spacecraft, create green manufacturing processes that minimize the generation of unwanted by-processes that minimize the generation of unwanted by-products, and form the basis of motecularty engineered biodegradable pesticides.
  • 将来业问题的出路,最终要由生物工程来解决,要靠尖端技术。
    The future of agriculture will eventually lie in bioengineering and other highly advanced technologies.
  • 国家级自然保护区有99处,其中加入国际人与生物圈保护区网的自然保护区有10处,包括:吉林长白山、四川卧龙、贵州梵净山、湖北神架、福建武夷山、新疆博格达峰、广东鼎湖山、内蒙古锡林郭勒、江苏盐城和云南西双版纳自然保护区。
    There are 99 national-level reserves, of which ten -- Jilin's Changbai Mountains, Sichuan's Wolong, Guizhou's Fanjing Mountains, Hubei's Shennongjia, Fujian's Wuyi Mountains, Xinjiang's Mt.Bogda, Guangdong's Dinghu Mountains, Inner Mongolia's Xilingol, Jiangsu's Yancheng and Yunnan's Xishuangbanna -- have been listed in the International Network of Men and Biosphere Reserves.