  • 带电粒子;了电的电池。
    charged particles; a charged battery.
  • 电池正在充电。
    The battery is on charge.
  • 你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易电吗?
    Does your car battery charged easily?
  • 我可以用你的电池电器吗?
    May I use your battery charger?
  • 不带电的粒子;未电的电池。
    an uncharged particle; an uncharged battery.
  • 我得给我汽车的电池电。
    I have to charge my car battery.
  • 我需要给我的车用蓄电池电。
    I need to charge my car battery.
  • 你替我把汽车上的蓄电池一下电好吗?
    Will you charge up my car battery?
  • 最后,我开始认识到我能够保护我的孩子的生命,能够继续享受自己的生活。我开始寻找我能做的事情,以便在卧床期间让自己实起来。
    I finally began to realize that I could protect my child's life and still enjoy my life, and started to look for things I could do to keep occupied while bedridden.
  • “瞧你呀,亲爱的,急着下床走路急成这个样子,——这种热望是一定可以实现的。”他竭尽医生安慰病人之能事,力图驱散她那满绝望的满脸愁云。
    “There, my dear, in you anxiety to walk, these dreams become very real.” He was now exerting all his bedside manner to take the look of white dismay from her face.
  • 预先判断,尤指在未掌握分的证据的情况下做的臆断。
    judge beforehand, esp. without sufficient evidence.
  • 当恶霸如一个恶棍样行为
    To behave like a bully.
  • 弥漫;散布;满;遍布
    Permeating or being permeated
  • 充满古怪思想的头脑
    a belfry full of curious notions
  • 她对自己的成功满信心。
    She has great confidence in her success.
  • 他有分的根据去相信它。
    He has good grounds for believing it.
  • 关于或相信满和平和幸福的盛世期会到来。
    relating to or believing in the millennium of peace and happiness.
  • 我看你有无办法向我提出一条分理由让我相信你。
    I defy you to give me one good reason for believing you.
  • 口惠实不至,画饼难饥。
    Fair word fill not the belly.
  • 财产损失分证明了参加火灾和偷盗保险的必要性。
    The loss of all his belongings rammed home the need to insure against fire and theft.
  • 此外对已作出陈述的补;此外
    Beyond what has been stated; besides.
  • 开牌有分价值的能使玩牌者开局的牌
    Cards of sufficient value to enable the holder to open the betting.
  • 马奇补说他对彩票和其他赌博“一直存有戒心”。可是他又说当初州彩票以及合法场外赌马都是“在我任内”建制的。
    Marchi added that he has "always been wary" of lotteries and other gambling, but noted that both the original state lottery and legalized off-track betting were instituted "on my watch."
  • 给(例如饮料)二氧化碳气体
    To charge(a beverage, for example) with carbon dioxide gas.
  • 困惑的,费解的满困惑或昏乱的;令人费解的
    Filled with confusion or bewilderment; puzzled.
  • 满困难、混乱和困惑。
    full or difficulty or confusion or bewilderment.
  • 对许多矛盾的情形和语句感到困惑;满困惑。
    perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.
  • 就这样,2000年初又恢复争吵,尽管在6月双方分弥和了分歧以响应政治家们的撮合--共同出席了完成基因组发布会。
    The bickering resumed early in 2000,although the two sides patched up their differences sufficiently to soak up the politicians' plaudits together at the genome completion ceremony in June.
  • (生物学)成熟的动物身上没有分发育的。
    (biology) not fully developed in mature animals.
  • 烛煤一种能分燃烧同时产生大量烟的烟煤
    A bituminous coal that burns brightly with much smoke.
  • 这也许会带来平淡无奇的标准化语言,但更多的则是适用于特定环境的满个人色彩的语汇。
    This will tend to produce either bland, have-a-nice-day standardisation of, more usually, various idiolects-private versions of the language---that work only in specific contexts.
  • 他们的谈话中满了渎犯神灵的言词。
    Their conversation was full of blasphemy.