  •    (三)制定和改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他的基本法律;
    To enact and amend basic statutes concerning criminal offences, civil affairs, the state organs and other matters;
  • 请要求银行将第...号信用证,改为“接受第...号信用证下联运提单”。
    Kindly ask the bank to amend Credit No... to read: "Joint Bills of Lading with Credit No... acceptable".
  • 美国宪法於一九二○年订,赋予妇女投票权。
    The constitution was amended in1920 to give women the right to vote.
  • 这些规则被修正了。
    The regulations are amended.
  • (指法规)没有被正。
    (of legislation) not amended.
  • 正后的法案很容易就通过了。
    the amended bill passed easily.
  • 这个文件应该修改。
    The document should be amended.
  • 他们已修正了议案。
    They have amended the bill.
  • 该信用证的金额,已被改。
    The credit was amended in the amount.
  • 该信用证的金额,已被改。
    The credit has been amended in the amount.
  • 宪法经过改以使妇女拥有投票权。
    The constitution was amended so that women could vote.
  • 改建议书初稿使之内容更全面
    Amended the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.
  • 美国宪法於一九二○年订,赋予妇女投票权。
    The constitution was amended in 1920 to give women the right to vote.
  • 美国宪法正后,妇女可投票。
    The constitution of the United State was amended so that women can vote.
  • 改后的美国宪法赋予妇女以选举权。
    The constitution of the United States was amended so that women could vote.
  • 本条例未经icann的明确书面批准不得进行正。
    These Rules may not be amended without the express written approval of ICANN.
  • 年内,当局订《雇员补偿条例》,以改可获发补偿的职业病的附表。
    The Employees' Compensation Ordinance was amended to revise the list of occupational diseases that are compensable.
  • 改个人住房抵押贷款办法,期限延长。
    The method for the mortgage of housing to individuals will be amended and the term extended.
  • 与世界贸易组织规则和中国的承诺不一致的,要通过改使其一致;
    Provisions of Chinese laws inconsistent with the WTO rules or our commitments will be amended to achieve consistency.
  • 按照你方要求,我方已改有关信用证,允许转船。
    In compliance with your request of..., we have amended the relative L/C to allow transshipment.
  • 年内,城市规划委员会公布了两份新订分区计划大纲图,并订了107份法定图则。
    During the year, two new OZPs were published by the board. The board also amended 107 statutory plans.
  • 与此同时,订后的《刑法》把一些原来没有规定的犯罪根据现实情况作了明文规定。
    Meanwhile, the amended Criminal Law has made explicit stipulations in accordance with reality on some new crimes not defined previously.
  • 由于采用订的教学大纲,该书为了适应新的考试要求,再一次作了改编。
    With the introduction of the amended syllabus, this book has again been adapted to conform to the new examination requirements.
  • 史密斯小姐,我已改了那封信,帮我誊清后送给我签名。
    Miss Smith, I have amended that letter; would you please make a fair copy and bring it to me for signature.
  • 今年要改个人住房贷款的抵押办法,使个人住房贷款有成倍的增长。
    The housing mortgage method will be amended this year to ensure a considerable increase in loans to houses purchased by individuals.
  • 我们认为现在已一切就绪,希望你方能在改后期限内交货。
    We think that everything is now in order and expect that the goods will be delivered within the amended time limit.
  • 年内,当局已订法例,规定所有的士司机由一九九八年六月起,必须在乘客提出要求时,发出车费收据。
    During the year, the law was amended to require all taxi drivers to issue fare receipts to passengers on demand by June 1998.
  • 该条例于一九九八年四月订,订定有关规管强积金制度运作的标准及详细规定。
    The MPFSO was amended in April 1998 setting out the standards and detailed requirements governing the operation of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) system.
  • 除重型汽油车标准尚未订外,欧洲i号标准已经在全国实施。
    The standards for the heavy load petroleum vehicles have not yet been amended. Euro I standard has been carried out in the whole country.
  • 订的"地雷议定书"如能得到广泛的参加和有效的执行,地雷的滥用和控制问题就可以得到圆满解决。
    The Amended Protocol, if universally acceded to and effectively carried out, should be able to satisfactorily resolve the problem of abuse and control of landmines.
  •  第一百零四条国际申请在国际阶段作过改,申请人要求以经改的申请文件为基础进行审查的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门作好国家公布的准备工作前提交改的中文译文。
    Rule 104 Where an international application is amended in the international phase and the applicant requests that the examination be based on the amended application, the Chinese translation of the amendments shall be prescribed by the applicant before completion of the technical preparations for national publication of the application by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.
  • 国家提倡公民从事义务劳动。”改为:“劳动是一切有劳动能力的公民的光荣职责。
    The state encourages citizens to take part in voluntary labor," shall be amended as: "Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.