  • 所谓抗日战是进步的,不是说普通一般的进步,不是说阿比西尼亚抗意战的那种进步,也不是说太平天国或辛亥革命的那种进步,而是说今天中国的进步。
    When we say that the War of Resistance Against Japan is progressive, we do not mean progressive in the ordinary or general sense, nor do we mean progressive in the sense that the Abyssinian war against Italy, or the Taiping Revolution or the Revolution of 1911 were progressive, we mean progressive in the sense that China is progressive today.
  • 我们拒绝了他们对解决边界端出的条件。
    We rejected their conditions for settling the border dispute.
  • 坚持以和平方式处理和解决国家间的端;
    insists on handling and settling disputes among countries through peaceful means;
  • 由双方挑选出的外界人士解决端。
    Settling of a dispute by an outside person or persons, choose by both side.
  • 我们应当用和平方法解决国际端,而不应诉诸武力。
    We should find peaceful ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms.
  • 这样才有助于消除误解,妥善解决国与国之间的贸易端。
    That is the only way conducive to removing misunderstanding and properly settling bilateral trade disputes.
  • 排解纠纷者擅长解决议,尤指外交、政治或产业端的中间者
    A mediator skilled in settling disputes especially of a diplomatic, political, or industrial nature.
  • 这是一场真实的战,并非电脑游戏中的外科手术式的打击,它是一个深渊,一出浸透鲜血、恐惧、痛苦和眼泪的人间悲剧。
    This is war as it really is,not as a computer game of surgical strikes,but an abyss,a human drama of blood and fear,pain and tears.
  • 在十七世纪,英国人知道了五十年来的学说论和内战;牧师偏离了他们的职责,对教堂胡乱使用。
    in the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used.
  • 但是将荷兰人与不应该做的事——尤其是卑鄙虚伪的行径——联系起来,则要追溯到17世纪。当时荷兰与英国是商业和军事上的竞对手。
    But the linking of the Dutch with things that shouldn't be done---and specifically with cheapness and sham—goes back to the seventeenth century, when the Dutch and the English were mercantile and military rivals.
  • 然而,这次在印尼国会叫嚣“支那”者却是美加华蒂领导的斗派民主党议员,另有一名帮腔议员还向在场记者嚷道:“用大标题报道:现在的支那人已胆敢在这里殖民了。”
    Unfortunately, the member of parliament who resorted to the abusive language mentioned earlier, is a member of President Megawati’s Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle. Worse still, his parliamentary colleague who was there to egg him on yelled to the media present to "report it with the headline: Cina are now daring enough to try to colonise Indonesia!"
  • 中国在立法上对毒品犯罪从严惩处,是现实禁毒斗的需要,表明了中国严厉禁毒的立常
    The fact that China legislatively punishes drug-connected crimes with severity is required by the reality of the anti-drug struggle, and shows China's stand for strict drug control.
  • 中国在立法上对毒品犯罪从严惩处,是现实禁毒斗的需要,表明了中国严厉禁毒的立场。
    The fact that China legislatively punishes drug- connected crimes with severity is required by the reality of the anti-drug struggle, and shows China's stand for strict drug control.
  • 第一、中国无产阶级身受三种压迫(帝国主义的压迫、资产阶级的压迫、封建势力的压迫),而这些压迫的严重性和残酷性,是世界各民族中少见的;因此,他们在革命斗中,比任何别的阶级来得坚决和彻底。
    First, the Chinese proletariat is more resolute and thoroughgoing in revolutionary struggle than any other class because it is subjected to a threefold oppression (imperialist, bourgeois and feudal) which is marked by a severity and cruelty seldom found in other countries.
  • 两个候选人都在尽力取尽可能多的代表的支持。
    Both candidates are trying to sew up as many delegates as possible.
  • 口头辱骂;粗野的执。
    verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument.
  • 必须认清目前国内国际尚存在着许多利于我们取继续抗战、继续团结和继续进步的客观条件。
    But it must be made abundantly clear that many objective conditions favourable to our struggle for continued resistance, unity and progress are still present both at home and abroad.
  • 自从新加坡在1965年前途茫茫的情况下独立以来,政府便努力不懈,为国家取经济繁荣和国际认可。在建国的道路上,我们甚至获得了几个“第一”。
    Since Singapore’s shaky independence in 1965, the government has worked hard to ensure economic prosperity and worldwide recognition, chalking up a few “bests” along the way.
  • 把该国变成屠杀场。
    The war converted the country into a shambles.
  • 吵和纠纷随之在演员们中间发生了,他们当中大部分都急急忙忙、不顾羞耻地将他们的角色交给了替身演员。
    quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies.
  • 他们纯靠人多势众在论中获胜。
    They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers.
  • 他们觉得论这件事纯粹是浪费时间。
    They deemed it sheer waste of time arguing about it.
  • 但这些都是未知之数。目前香港的情况是,物价已经过调整,我们的竞力已逐步加强,我们的银行制度一直非常稳健,而且日后会保持非常稳健。此外,香港的企业向来在收支管理上均十分保守,香港政府在收支方面一直也采取保守政策。
    These are somewhat still uncertain, but what is working for us in Hong Kong is this, that our prices have adjusted, we are becoming more competitive, and that our banking system has always been very sound and continues to be very sound, and that our corporate bodies in Hong Kong have always been very conservative in managing their balance sheets, and that the Hong Kong Government has always been very conservative in managing the balance sheet.
  • 十年来,各地妇联取国际援助扶贫项目1000多个,吸引外资6000多万美元,直接参加项目活动的妇女近百万人。
    For over ten years, women's federations have won international financial support over 1,000 aid-to-the-poor projects with nearly one million women participating, absorbing over 60 million US dollars.
  • 中供隐藏用的狭长的战壕。
    narrow trench for shelter in battle.
  • 我国的工业在与外国竞时是否有足够保障?
    Is our country's industry sheltered from foreign competition?
  • 另外,如果这些人才不到新加坡来,本地人就没有竞了吗?
    Besides, would the locals be sheltered from competition if these foreigners did not come to Singapore?
  • 我们再次呼吁,在一个中国原则的基础上,暂时搁置某些政治议,尽早恢复两岸对话和谈判。
    Here we repeat our appeal: On the basis of the one-China principle, let us shelve for now certain political disputes and resume the cross-straits dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible.
  • 圣诞购热潮前超市市场的货架堆满了商品。
    The shelves in the supermarket are full of items before the Christmas Rush.
  • 世界各种文明和社会制度,应长期共存,在竞比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
    Different civilizations and social systems should enjoy long-term coexistence and draw upon and benefit from each other in the process of competition and comparison and achieve common development while seeking common ground and shelving differences.
  • 世界上的各种文明、不同的社会制度和发展道路应彼此尊重,在竞比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展。
    Countries having different civilizations and social systems and taking different roads to development should respect one another and draw upon one another's strong points through competition and comparison and should develop side by side by seeking common ground while shelving differences.
  • 按照冷静观察、沉着应对的方针和相互尊重、求同存异的精神处理国际事务,尊重世界多样性,促进国际关系民主化,取和平的国际环境和良好的周边环境。
    In handling international affairs, we should observe and cope with the situation cool-headedly, adhere to the principle of mutual respect and seek common ground while shelving differences. We need to respect the diversity of the world, promote democracy in international relations and strive for a peaceful international environment and a good climate in areas around China.