Chinese English Sentence:
  • 澳大利亚北部大型的缎光园鸟。
    large bowerbird of northern Australia.
  • 年内,文锦渡食物管制中心检查了75353部运载蔬菜的车辆及15923部运载禽畜的车辆,并抽取了85318个猪只尿液样本,进行乙种促效剂化验,包括化验氨哮素(盐酸克仑特罗)和沙胺醇。有记录显示,不法猪农利用这两种药物来增加猪只的瘦肉,市民食用有这类药物残余积聚的动物内脏可能导致食物中毒。
    During the year, 75353 and 15923 vehicles carrying vegetables and poultry were inspected at the Man Kam To Food Control Office and 85318 pig urine samples were taken for testing for beta-agonists, including clenbuterol and salbutamol, which were recorded as being used illegally as an agent to promote lean meat in food animals and, through their residue in animal offal, might cause food poisoning.
  • 你居然可以借助罢工做件正当的事情;她竟然说拉语;他们认为他们制定了那些章程而事实上他们仅仅是傀儡而已;其实那些似乎冷漠地站着的人常常只是紧张而已。
    you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out; she actually spoke Latin; they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets; people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous.
  • 一种苦味油质的酸甘油三酸酯,酸甘油酯的一种形式。
    a bitter oily triglyceride of butyric acid; a form of butyrin.
  • 旧约的十四卷经书包括拉文圣经但是没有圣经的犹太教版本和新教版本。
    14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible.
  •  “东方人”一词来源于拉字oriens,意思是升起的太阳或是东方。
    "Oriental" derives from the Latin word oriens, meaning "the rising sun" or "east".
  • 只见水獭滑到水中,潜到鸭群的下方,冷不探头抓住一只,立刻又潜到水下去了。
    The otter slips beneath the water, comes up beneath the ducks, grabs one and returns underwater.
  • 类似的传说中最著名的要数瓦伦和奥森的故事。这对双胞胎的父亲是流浪者贝利森特,他们在森林中走失了。
    The most famous such tale, however, was that of Valentine and Orson, the twin children of outcast Bellyssant, lost in the forest.
  • 但怪就怪在这里的乘客办完事后都会回来交费,饭店的免费餐厅里也从未发现过“外来人”,打工者也总是自报实实在在的工时……由于芬兰人特别讲信誉,办任何事也一概“,卯是卯”,因而在全社会便形成了人人都是“正人君子”的风尚。
    But the strange thing is, all the taxi-passengers would invariably come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business, not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms, workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they have put in…As the Finns always act on good faith and always adopt an attitude of "which is which" and "what is what" in everything they do, so to live in such a society has turned everyone into real "gentleman".
  • 布丁在烘箱里热着。
    The pudding is warming in the oven.
  • 牛津和瑞间有一条铁路相连。
    A railway connects Oxford with Reading.
  • 每辆开来和开走的公共汽车都塞得像沙鱼罐头一样拥挤。
    Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin.
  • 橡胶由氯橡胶聚合而生产的合成橡胶,用于抗风化产品、粘胶鞋底、涂料和火箭燃料
    A synthetic rubber produced by polymerization of chloroprene and used in weather-resistant products, adhesives, shoe soles, paints, and rocket fuels.
  • 德国西南部的一地区,以前被巴拉伯爵统治。
    a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine.
  • 兰开夏郡英格兰西北部的一个历史地区,位于爱尔兰海沿岸。它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉领地。它的纺织业久负盛名,在产业革命后该地区迅猛发展起来
    A historical region of northwest England on the Irish Sea. It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in1351. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.
  • 香花属的任何一种植物,通常带有香味的花组成大的圆锥花序。
    any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers.
  • 旧大陆灌木或长有艳丽的圆锥花序的香的花的矮树的一个属;香。
    genus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs.
  • 罗伯特,亨利·马1837-1923美国军械师和议会掌权人,他在美国内战期间为华盛顿特区设计了防御工事,后来著有罗伯特的治安条例(1876年)一书
    American army engineer and parliamentary authority. He designed the defenses for Washington, D.C., during the Civil War and later wrote Robert's Rules of Order(1876).
  • 异相的具有主动意义,但同时又有被动或中间形式的动词的(就如同某些拉语和希腊语中的动词)
    Being a verb of active meaning but passive or middle form, as certain Latin and Greek verbs.
  • 这孩子的裤子膝盖上需要打个补
    The boy's trousers need a patch on the knee.
  • 补,打补把补片补在…上
    To put a patch or patches on.
  • “说不存在任何质量问题,又说提供‘补’软件,这补补什么?
    "Toshiba said its computer had no quality problems, but then it offered a patch. What's the patch going to patch?"
  • 有网友讽刺说:“说不存在任何质量问题,又说提供‘补’软件,这补补什么?
    "Toshiba said its computer had no quality problems, but then it offered a patch. What's the patch going to patch? " demanded a customer on the Web.
  • 她从不穿打补的衣服。
    The field was patched with snow.
  • 她的裤子打着补,她为此感到羞愧。
    Her trousers were patched up, and she was ashamed of them.
  • 衣裳都破了,打了好些补
    The clothes were torn and patched in a good many places.
  • 每个盒里有两块三明治、一个火腿及一块奶酪、鸡沙拉、金枪鱼、豌豆黄油加果冻,还有加芥末的烤牛肉。
    There are two sandwiches in each box, ham and cheese, chicken salad, tunafish, peanut butter and jelly, and roast beef with mustard.
  • 宫爆肉丁。
    Diced pork with peanuts.
  • 那些只教人读书的带一管笔,教人读又教人算的带两管,教人读算和拉文的带三管。
    Those who teach reading only have one pen; those who teach reading and reckoning have two pens;
  • 可马又是变换职业和形象的高手。
    " But Martin is a master of career and persona changes.
  • 地兰苯妥英用的商标
    A trademark used for phenytoin.
  • 市宾夕法尼亚州东南中的一座城市,位于费城西北面的斯凯基尔河上。1748年有人定居于此,是一个重要的商业、工业和交通中心。人口78。380
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania on the Schuykill River northwest of Philadelphia. Settled in1748, it is an important commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population,78, 380.