  • 这事故是她不小心的接后果。
    The accident was an indirect result of her lack of care.
  • 一个既可以接直接宾语又可以接接宾语的及物动词。
    a transitive verb that takes both a direct and an indirect object.
  • 夜里点灯带来的接好处是有了安全感
    An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.
  • 作为一个动词的接宾语的名词范畴。
    the category of nouns serving as the indirect object of a verb.
  • 而且在我为接经验者,在人则仍为直接经验。
    Moreover, what is indirect experience for me is direct experience for other people.
  • 这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的接宾语之後。
    It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb.
  • 找到一个好答案很难,这只是一个接回答。
    It's hard to find a good answer. It's only a indirect answer.
  • 他试图通过接的方式发现问题。
    he tried to find out by indirection.
  • hostingredirector的这种使用方式称为简单接模式(simpleindirection)。
    This use of hostingRedirector is called simple indirection.
  • 我知道所发生的事情接涉及到琳达。
    I know Linda was only indirectly concerned in what took place.
  • 接地,像代替的事物、被替代或者通过代替。
    indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute.
  • *117人曾直接或接搞垮至少两家企业。
    * 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two businesses
  • 地球上万物都直接或接地从太阳吸收热量。
    Everything on the earth absorbs heat from the sun directly or indirectly.
  • 立法会将有六十个议席,全部由直接或接选举产生。
    There will be 60 members to the Legislature, all elected directly or indirectly.
  • 实际上,这些事情全都接地有联系并且相互影响。
    Those things, indeed, are all indirectly connected, and react upon one another.
  • 谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。
    Whoever contributes nothing directly or indirectly to production, is an unproductive consumer.
  • 联合国以多种方式直接和接地促进和平。
    The UN promotes peace in a multitude of ways, both directly and indirectly.
  • 根据这个线索,科学家们接推断出了恐龙的潜在血压。
    Along these lines, scientists have looked indirectly at the potential blood pressures of dinosaurs;
  • 整个首届立法会将有六十个议席,其中二十个为直选议席,三十个通过功能组别接选出,馀下十个则通过一个选举委员会接选出。
    This first full legislature will have 60 elected members - 20 will be directly elected, 30 indirectly elected through functional constituencies and the remaining 10 indirectly elected through an Election Committee.
  • 首届全体立法会将有六十个议席,全部由直接或接选举产生。
    This first full legislature will have 60 members, all of whom will be elected directly or indirectly.
  • 接促进生产的其余劳动方式,可以归为以下五类。
    The remaining modes in which labour is indirectly instrumental to production, may be arranged under five heads.
  • 补偿给别人带来的接的伤害或者损失的行为。
    an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,共有69家红筹公司在本港上市,通过直接或接的方式在港集资共183亿元。
    As at end-2001, 69 red-chips were listed, raising $18.3 billion directly and indirectly through Hong Kong.
  • 旅游业直接从业人员6506人,接从业人员超过3万人。
    Some 6,506 people are directly involved in the tourist industry, while more than 30,000 people are indirectly involved.
  • 她从遇到的每一个人,每一件事中——无论是真实发生的还是虚构的——接地接受这种教育。
    She learns it indirectly from every person, every incident, in fact or fiction, that crosses her path.
  • 在地球上,动物和植物都直接或接地从太阳的光和热中获得能量。
    On earth plants and animals get their energy, directly or indirectly, from the light and heat of the sun.
  • 这种劳动可以说是接生产性的,而耕作者及棉纺工的劳动则是直接生产性的。
    Such labour may be said to be productive indirectly or mediately, in opposition to the labour of the ploughman and the cotton-spinner, which are productive immediately.
  • 无论是直接还是接把台湾海峡划入任何国家或军事同盟的安全合作范围,都是对中国主权的侵犯和干涉。
    Directly or indirectly incorporating the Taiwan Straits into the security and cooperation sphere of any country or any military alliance is an infringement upon and interference in China's sovereignty.
  •  除了直接为群众所需要的提高以外,还有一种接为群众所需要的提高,这就是干部所需要的提高。
    Besides such raising of standards as meets the needs of the masses directly, there is the kind which meets their needs indirectly, that is, the kind which is needed by the cadres.
  • 可是我们不能忘掉一个根本的事实,就是:人类的生活弄得太复杂了,光是直接或接供养自己的问题,已经需要我们人类十分之九以上的活动了。
    But the essential fact remains that human life has got too complicated and the matter of merely feeding ourselves, directly or indirectly, is occupying well over ninety per cent of our human activities.
  • 第十三条 新建、扩建、改建直接或者接向水体排放污染物的建设项目和其他水上设施,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。
    Article 13 New construction projects and expansion or reconstruction projects and other installations on water that directly or indirectly discharge pollutants to water bodies shall be subject to relevant State regulations governing environmental protection for such projects.
  •  (2)涉及武器、弹药及战争用具的交易活动,或直接、接为提供军事设施而从事的其他商品及原料的交易活动;
    (ii) relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment;