  • 恐怕您现在很难得到报盘,一旦恢复报盘,我们您发电报。
    I am afraid it will be very difficult for you to get the offer now. As soon as we resume offering we 'll cable you.
  • 我要考虑给他资助。
    I'll consider offering him financial support.
  • 我要考虑给他资助。
    I 'll consider offering him financial support.
  • 不能立即出这些数字;我们临时决定去加拿大;她即席做了这些评价。
    couldn't give the figures offhand; we decided offhand to go to Canada; she had made these remarks offhandedly.
  • 我无法立即你报个准价。
    Offhand I can't quote you an exact price.
  • 咱们他办公室打个电话。
    Let's call his office.
  • 到1886年10月底,这座雕像被重新组装起来,并由巴陶第为代表正式送美国人民。
    By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.
  • 正式的放入或者提交的专门的机构。
    officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution.
  • 在我们要对这项令到每一位香港市民都引以为荣的工程项目进行揭幕典礼的时候,我们很荣幸地邀请到江泽民国家主席、钱其琛副总理出任主礼嘉宾,予了新机场的揭幕典礼更加特殊的意义。
    The new airport is an amazing engineering project, in which everyone in Hong Kong takes pride. We are much honoured to have invited President Jiang and Vice Premier Qian to officiate at this opening ceremony. Their presence has made this ceremony an even more special occasion.
  • 父母是怎样把基因遗传自己的子女的?
    How do parents pass genes on to their offspring?
  • 旅客:噢,给你。
    Oh, here you are.
  • 请您航寄半码剪样本公司总部,好吗?
    Will you please send by air a half yard sample cut to my ohm office?
  • 请您航寄半码剪样本公司总部,好吗?
    Will you please send by air a half-yard sample cut to my ohm office?
  • 你应该缝纫机上点油,以免发出轧轧声。
    You should oil the sewing machine to stop the squeaking.
  • 你应当经常那台机器上油。
    You should oil that machine often.
  • 给领班小费
    Oiled the headwaiter's palm.
  • 吱吱作响的门折叶上了油。
    He oiled the squeaky hinges of the door.
  • 那位工人机器的轴承上了润滑油。
    The worker oiled the bearings of the machine.
  • 比尔队出乎意料的输了豪森奥尼尔斯队。
    the Bills' upset victory over the Houson Oilers.
  • 男:好了,给您药。
    M: Okay, here you go.
  • 接:好的。接通您的电话后我再您回话。
    Okay, I'll call you back when your call is connected.
  • 而黑潮洋流则冲绳带来了品种繁多的鱼类。
    The Kuroshio Current brings a huge variety of fish to Okinawa.
  • 在古时候,父亲死后财产通常传长子。
    In old times, property was usually handed down to the oldest son at his father's death.
  • 在旧时代,父亲死了以后,财产通常传其长子。
    In old times , property was usually handed down to the oldest son at his father 's death.
  • 古时,医生碰到病人患各种热病时,总是病人放血。
    In olden times, in the case of fevers, the physician always let blood from the patient.
  • 婴儿都交了托儿所较年长的妇女来照看。
    The babies are left with the older women in the nurseries.
  • 从那以后,他完全主宰了这项运动--他4次荣获宇宙先生称号,6次连续获得奥林匹克先生称号--7年之后他宣布退役,因为他认为他“没有别人获胜的机会”。
    There after, he dominated the sport so thoroughly--he won four more Mr. Universe titles and six consecutive Mr. Olympia titles--that he retired after seven years because he felt he "wasn't giving others a chance to win."
  • 国会司法专员立刻写信这个地方的警察局长,要求寄来该案的卷宗。
    The Ombudsman immediately wrote to the Chief of Police in the district asking him to send a record of the case.
  • 额外的费用(先前漏掉的款项或对因没有提起应有的警惕或出现技术失误予的惩罚)。
    an additional charge (as for items previously omitted or as a penalty for failure to exercise common caution or common skill).
  • 由于今天上午在船上发生的事,使我来到舱房你写信。
    But it's what happened onboard this morning that's brought me down to our stateroom to write to you.
  • 马上给律师打电话。
    P-the lawyer at once.
  • 一辆即将过来的汽车让路
    Gave way to an oncoming car.