Chinese English Sentence:
  • 第二,和生物武器一样,萨达姆·侯赛因从来没有说明过其巨量的化学武器:550发装有芥子气的炮弹、30000发空弹壳和足以其化学制剂储备增加至500吨的技术准备。
    Second, as with biological weapons, Saddam Hussein has never accounted for vast amounts of chemical weaponry: 550 artillery shells with mustard, 30,000 empty munitions and enough precursors to increase his stockpile to as much as 500 tons of chemical agents.
  • 壁画、雕塑等艺术形式融入奥运场馆及相关设施建设,提高奥运场馆的文化品位,部分场馆赛后作为文化活动场所;
    The art of mural painting and sculpture will be integrated in the building of the Olympic venues and facilities. On the other hand, cultural functions will be taken into account in the design and construction of some of Olympic venues.
  • 有些人认为,除了对他的残暴行为集体泄忿外,审判战犯可建立一个新世界秩序对付越轨领袖的先例。
    Some believe that in addition to venting our collective outrage at his murderous behavior, a war crimes trial would set a precedent for how a new world order would handle leaders who step out of bounds.
  • 他估计公司在今后5年里每年建立100个加油站,从而使自己成为美国成长最快的加油连锁店。
    Deming figures Murphy will build100stations a year for the next five years,making it the fastest-growing gasoline chain in the country.
  • 动脉任何树枝形系统,血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管
    Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
  • 如果新闻(社会的、金融的、公司和企业的新闻加上软件的更新)能够无声无息、不惊不诧地送给你,那么为获取新闻而在很多www网站上漫游成为昨日黄花。
    Navigating to a number of World Wid Web sites to gather news is a thing of the past if the news -- general, financial, corporate and enterprise, along with software updates -- can come to you with no fuss or muss.
  • 贻贝等用于自身附着在固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝。
    tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface.
  • 要集合的达三万人。
    Thirty thousand men were to muster.
  • 他们相信公爵尽他所能集合起每一个人,牵制住敌军,直到皇家军队到达。
    They trust that the Duke will muster every man he can, and make play until the royal forces come up.
  • 对世界人权发展的回顾,会大大鼓舞大家为坚持《联合国宪章》、《世界人权宣言》的宗旨和基本原则与促进下一世纪人权的勇气和信心。
    I believe this brief review of the world human rights development over the past 50 years will greatly help us to muster our courage and be more confident in adhering to the aims and principles set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in promoting human rights in the next century.
  • 有时候我们听说这个地球资源枯竭,而人类异化成装着塑料肺、拼命寻找食物的怪异的物种。
    Sometimes we hear the earth is shot and the species is going to mutate into weird beings with plastic lungs, dying for food. The waters are dying.
  • 在任何一种语言或语系发展的过程中,不可避免地会发生某些变异,使其区别于其他从同一母语派生出来的语言或语系。
    In the development of any language or language family, certain mutations inevitably occur that set it off from other languages or language families with which it shares a common origin.
  • 到2000年,牛羊禽肉比重再提高10个百分点。
    By 2000, the proportions of beef, mutton and fowl meat will increase by 10 percentage points each.
  • 我们深信这批寄售业务促进双方之间的互利关系。
    We are confident that this consignment will promote the mutually profitable connection between us.
  • 我相信美国和中国能够进一步发展互利互惠的贸易关系。
    I am confident that the U.S. and China will be able to expand their mutually-beneficial trade relationship.
  • 而红肉(牛、羊肉)的颜色来自于肌红蛋白,它氧气而不是血储存至肌肉中!。
    The color of blood comes from hemoglobin;the color of red meat comes from myoglobin, which stores oxygen in the muscles, not the blood.
  • 我的下一站是大都会艺术博物馆。像自然历史博物馆展示世界的物质方面一样,大都会艺术博物馆展示大量的人类精神方面。
    My next stop would be the Metropolitan Museum of Art, for just as the Museum of Natural History reveals the material aspects of the world, so does the Metropolitan show the myriad facets of the human spirit.
  • 星际通讯的奥秘教给学生。
    He initiated students into the mysteries of interstellar communication.
  • 使科学家能够获得紧靠地壳之下的神秘的地层样品。
    It will enable scientists to obtain samples of the mysterious layer which lies immediately below the earth's crust.
  • 这个错误的观点鼓励人们在极热的环境下运动,或者穿好几层衣服或者穿橡胶或塑料减肥服,希望通过流汗脂肪排出。
    This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off.
  • 敦煌守护者们的又一项繁难使命,便是加固和整修这些摇摇欲坠的"危房"。用各类ps系列的浆料对大小裂隙进行灌注,用数十米的锚索崩裂的岩石重新钉在崖体上。
    Another challenging mission for the guardians of Dunhuang it is to strengthen and repair these tottering "risky houses", by pouring sizes of different PS series into big and small cracks and nailing cracked rocks back into rock masses again using dozens of meters of cables.
  • 告示板钉在墙上。
    He nailed a notice board on the wall.
  • 电子学中的一种电路,可维持所承担的位置或状态,直到由外部手段其复位到它前一种状态。
    In electronics, a circuit that maintains an assumed position or condition until it is reset to its former state by external means.
  • 会话服务的一种设施,该设施可使表示层实体定义和标识同步点,话路连接复位到预定状态以及在重新同步点同步。
    A facility of the session service which allows presentation entities to define and identify synchronization points and to reset a session connection to a predefined state and to agree on a resynchronization point.
  • 警报响时,旅客与船员在救生艇位置上集合。
    When the alarm rings passengers and crew will assemble at their boat station.
  • 首相宣布被命名为内阁成员的人的名字。
    The Prime Minister announced the names of those who were to be named to the Cabinet.
  • uddi操作入口站点不允许”name”字段(实体的命名字段)为空。
    UDDI Operators will not allow “name” fields (where entities are named) to be empty.
  • 例如,在系统上运行的一个条码服务器的一个dns名为“fe2”,条码对象名为“fe2ws”。
    For example a wand server running on the system with a dns name of"fe2" will have the wand object named"fe2_ws."
  • 然而,正如在遥远的天边陷入险境的人们在黑匣子里留下的信息一样,他们的遗言描述了一个即毁灭的世界。
    Yet like messages in an electronic bottle from people marooned in some distant sky, their last words narrate a world that was coming undone.
  • 待有关工作完成后,这些路线沿途提供不同语言的自动讲解设施,向旅客介绍香港的历史和古今建筑。
    Upon completion, these walks will include automatic narrations in different languages, which introduce visitors to the history, and past and present architecture of Hong Kong.
  • 他在爱伦对面的桌子边坐下,然后也开始自己对爱伦的爱意倾倒出来。
    Sitting across the table from her, he also poured out his narrative of love.
  • 靠近一个特定目标;一个要结束的结果;一个裂口合拢。
    approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap.