  • 难怪1898年wilhelmina女皇加冕时的舆论中也不得不承认,除了巨港的石油外,邦加、勿里洞的采锡业是荷兰政府金库十固定和非常丰富的摇钱树:“锡盆子”("tinpotje")。
    No wonder at the coronation of Queen Wilhelmina in 1898, public opinion conceded that other than the oil in Palembang, the "tinpots" (tinpotje) of Bangka andBilliton were a stable and abundant golden goose for the coffers of the Dutch government.
  • 难怪1898年wilhelmina女皇加冕时的舆论中也不得不承认,除了巨港的石油外,邦加、勿里洞的采锡业是荷兰政府金库十固定和非常丰富的摇钱树:“锡盆子”。
    No wonder at the coronation of Queen Wilhelmina in 1898, public opinion conceded that other than the oil in Palembang, the "tinpots" (tinpotje) of Bangka and Billiton were a stable and abundant golden goose for the coffers of the Dutch government.
  • 中国土产畜产进出口公司辽宁省土产公司
    China National Native Produce& Animal By-Products Import& Export Corp., Liaoning Native Produce Branch
  • 微软公司可望明年晚些时候推出它的动态目录,作为windowsnt5.0的一部
    Microsoft Corp. is expected to roll out its Active Directory as part of Windows NT 5.0 later next year.
  • 坦白地说,我并不打算讨论体罚你是对还是错。
    And quite frankly, I have no intention of discussing the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment of you.
  • 主干有机体最大和最主要的部;主体
    The largest or principal part of an organ; corpus.
  • 年轻本地作家应该熟悉日渐蓬勃的本地作品以及东亚的趋势,因为我们也属于东亚文艺复兴的一部
    Our young writers have to be familiar with both the growing corpus of local Chinese writings and the trends in East Asia. We are part of a larger East Asian revival.
  • 黄体荷尔蒙,黄体酮类固醇荷尔蒙,化学式为c21h30o2,由卵巢的黄体和胎盘泌,其活动准备子宫移植受精卵子,保持受孕,以及促进乳腺的增大
    A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
  • 在我的作文里,凡是他改过的地方,我都记得十清楚。
    I can clearly remember the part which has been corrected by him in my composition.
  • 批改作文花去了老师的大部时间。
    The correction of composition took a large part of the teacher's time.
  • 牙科中有关预防与矫正不规则牙齿的支。
    the branch of dentistry dealing with the prevention or correction of irregularities of the teeth.
  • 我获贵署邀请主持今天的周年检阅会操,感到十高兴。我知道,这是香港特别行政区成立后贵署第一次检阅会操,别具意义。
    It is my pleasure to take part as the Inspecting Officer in the Annual Inspection of the Correctional Services Department today, which, being the first parade held by the Department since the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, has a special meaning to all of us.
  • 他每年都要率领加州大学洛杉矶校的医疗队到秘鲁去为青少年做矫正外科手术,他在那里看到好几百个所谓不能做手术的孩子其实都有希望救治。
    Every year he led a U. C. L. A. medical team to perform corrective surgery on youngsters in Peru, and he had seen hundreds of so-called inoperable kids thrive.
  • 审计结束后,各有关部门和单位对审计查出的问题十重视,采取了相应的整改措施,绝大部问题已经或正在得到纠正。
    At the end of the audit, relevant departments and units paid much attention to problems discovered in audit and took necessary corrective and remedial measures. Most of the problems have been or are being corrected.
  • 截止1995年底,中华慈善总会已在全国各地发展了44个地方组织作为团体会员,总会系统共募集社会捐助1亿多元,其中相当一部用于资助孤儿就业培训和为孤儿实施脱残手术。
    By the end of 1995, the China Charity Federation had recruited 44 local organizations throughout China as group members and it had collected donations of over 100 million yuan. A considerable amount of the money was used to support orphans in vocational trainings and perform corrective surgical operations on disabled children.
  •  中国监狱、劳改场所内的行政管理的基本原则是依法文明管理,即在管理活动中,尊重罪犯人格,给他们以人道主义待遇,坚决禁止有辱罪犯人格的做法,充发挥管理在改造罪犯中的约束、矫治、激励和引导作用。
    The basic principle governing management of prions and reform-through-labour institutions in China is humane handling of prisoners in accordance with the law. This means respecting the human dignity of prisoners and treating them humanely, resolutely forbidding prisoners to be humiliated and taking full advantage of the restraining, corrective, inspirational and guiding role of management in reforming criminals.
  • 第四十一条 违反本法规定,超过批准的年采伐限额发放林木采伐许可证或者超越职权发放林木采伐许可证、木材运输证件、批准出口文件、允许进出口证明书的,由上一级人民政府林业主管部门责令纠正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处
    Article 41 In case that the approved annual cutting quota is exceeded in the issuance of the tree cutting licenses or the authorization is exceeded in the issuance of the tree cutting licenses, tree transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificates in violation of the provisions of this law, the competent forestry authorities of the people's government at a higher level shall order corrective action and give administrative punishments to those directly responsible executives and employees.
  • 渐变群,生态群在特性或特征上穿越物种或人口的布区域的逐渐变化,通常与环境或地理变迁相关
    A gradual change in a character or feature across the distributional range of a species or population, usually correlated with an environmental or a geographic transition.
  • 任何一个非参数相关量(用于不满足标准相关析的假设)。
    any of several nonparametric measures of correlation (used when the assumptions of standard correlational analysis are not met).
  • 较多小费与良好服务之间的联系是非常微弱的:小费的多寡中只有很小一部同服务质量有关。
    The correlation between larger tips and better service was very weak: only a tiny part of the variability in the size of the tip had anything to do with the quality of service.
  • 相配十相似;和…符合
    To be exactly like; correspond exactly.
  • 她的红帽、红鞋和她的红色衣服十协调。
    Her red hat and shoes correspond with her red dress.
  • 他们的设计绝大部符合实际需要和有关环境要求的条例。
    "Their designs, for the most part, correspond to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand."
  • 表示给出的keyvalue值无法与由tmodelkey标识的类法中的某个类别相关联。
    Signifies that the given keyValue did not correspond to a category within the taxonomy identified by the tModelKey.
  • 出版物或信件或戏剧表演部的删除。
    deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances.
  • 信件都别归在编了号的文件夹里。
    The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.
  • 其他动物体内与此相应的部
    A corresponding part in other animals.
  • 相等的具有完全相等部或对应部
    Having virtually identical or corresponding parts.
  • 一九九六年的人数别为274名及15101名。
    The corresponding figures for 1996 were 274 and 15101.
  • 存在两个相对应部的;二倍的
    Existing or growing in two corresponding parts; double.
  • (植物学)相当于门的一种植物类单位。
    (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum.
  • 两侧麻痹机体两边有相应部的麻痹
    Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body.