  • 婴儿在8点钟出生。
    The baby was born on 8 o'clock.
  • 婴儿8点钟出生。
    The baby was born at 8 o'clock.
  • 卡佛是个黑人,1864年生在密苏里州。
    Carver, who was black, was born in Missouri in 1864.
  • 爱迪生1874年生于俄亥俄州。
    Edison was born in Ohio in 1874
  • 他于一九二九年一月十五日生在乔治亚州的亚特兰大市。
    He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929.
  • 早产儿过早生的婴儿
    A prematurely born infant.
  • 我出生在这儿。
    I was born here.
  • 他在哪儿出生的?
    Where was he born?
  • 她哪儿出生的?
    Where was she born?
  • 他约生于纪元1600年左右。
    He was born c.1600.
  • 在战争中被怀胎或生的孩子。
    conceived or born during war.
  • 他出生在北京。
    He was born in Beijing.
  • 他出生于英格兰。
    He was born in England.
  • 他在杭州出生。
    He was born in hangzhou.
  • 他是五月份出生的。
    He was born in May.
  • 我可以说是生在太平盛世。
    I was born into stability.
  • 我出生在。
    I was born on September1st,1976.
  • 我并不是刚刚才生的!
    I was not born yesterady!
  • 林肯总统出身贫寒。
    President Lincoln was born poor.
  • 她出生在瑞士。
    She was born in Switzerland.
  • 我于1964年在上海生。
    I was born in Shanghai in1964.
  • 你是在哪个州生的?
    Which state where you born in?
  • 一个过早地生的人。
    an infant that is born prematurely.
  • 她的表现显示她勇敢地承受著痛苦。
    Her behaviour speaks of suffering bravely borne.
  • 盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定压力下的表现方式的定律
    French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
  • 我们还用同样的方式解释了在硼和镁中制造放射性元素的过程:首先制造一种半排期为11分钟的不稳定的氮,然后制造不稳定的硅和铝同位素。
    We have interpreted in the same way the production of radioactive elements in boron and magnesium in the first an unstable nitrogen with a half life of 11 minutes is produced, and in the second, unstable isotopes of silicon and aluminum.
  • 委员会的统计表明该自治城市的租的房屋数量增加。
    Council statistics show that the amount of rente property in the borough have increase.
  • 自治市选的议员从前代表一个镇、自治城市或大学的英国国会议员
    A member of the English Parliament who once represented a town, borough, or university.
  • 受票人签字是帮助另一公司(票人)筹措贷款,这种汇票的给予是以欠借款人的贸易债务为依据的。
    Bill of exchange where the drawee sign is helping another company(the drawer) to raise a loan; it is given on the basis of trade debt owed to the borrower.
  • 承按人(尤其是抵押贷款)付的办理贷款的费用。
    a charge to a borrower (especially for a mortgage loan) to cover the costs of initiating the loan.
  • 受票人签字是帮助另一公司(票人)筹措贷款,这种汇票的给予是以欠借款人的贸易债务为依据的。
    Bill of exchange where the drawee sign is helping another company (the drawer) to raise a loan; it is given on the basis of trade debt owed to the borrower.
  • 用于参考或借而保存的文学文献或纪录的集合。
    a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing.