  • 火灾善后修复期你在别处居住的费用将由保险公司补偿。
    The insurance company will indemnify you for the cost of living elsewhere while the fire damage is repaired.
  • 鉴于申请得到批准需要一段时,因而你总得早早提前申请办公用品。
    As it takes some time for an application to be approved, you should always indent for your office requirements well in advance.
  • 开裂,凹陷两部分(如下巴)的裂隙或凹口
    A split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin.
  • 行首空格白边与缩进行行首之的空白处
    The blank space between a margin and the beginning of an indented line.
  • 使凹进或犬牙交错状的空
    a space set back or indented.
  • 有很深的锯齿边,但其叶片之没有完全分开。
    having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other.
  • 不受时影响的;永远的
    Independent of time; eternal.
  • 她今晚看起来很年轻,像平常一样穿着一件朴素的绿白相的无背带的丝棉裙子,真是难以言说的漂亮。
    she was looking very young tonight, and, as usual, indescribably beautiful, in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton.
  • (3)经过一年多的时,创造了富有斗争经验的地方武装,这是十分难得的;这个地方武装的力量,加上红军第四军的力量,是任凭什么敌人也不能消灭的。
    local armed forces which have been built up for more than a year and are well experienced in struggle -- a rare achievement -- and which, coupled with the Fourth Red Army, will prove indestructible in the face of any enemy force;
  • 由于已编索引的信息的深度与广度(非常大),所以通常在“蜘蛛爬行过”站点的时与出现在搜索索引中的时有一个延迟,有时多达几周。
    Because of the depth and breadth of information being indexed, there is usually a delay, sometimes up to several weeks, between the time when a site has been "spidered" and the time when it appears in a search index.
  • 显示准确时间
    To indicate the correct time.
  • 通过敲钟显示时,指钟表。
    indicate a certain time by striking, of clocks.
  • 表示向左移动一个隔的控制字符。
    a control character that indicates moving a space to the left.
  • 能够用固定指针的影子在日晷上显示时
    the stationary arm whose shadow indicates the time on the sundial.
  • 仪表板车辆挡风玻璃下的板,包含指示转盘、分隔,有时也含控制装置
    A panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments.
  • 人民法院在作出开庭审理的决定后,起诉书副本最迟应在开庭七日以前送达被告人,使期了解被指控的罪行和原因,有充分的时准备辩护和与辩护人联系。
    After the people's court decides to hear a case, a duplicate copy of the indictment should be made available to the accused at least seven days before the opening session of the court in order that he may learn what crime or crimes he is being prosecuted for and the reasons why he is being prosecuted, and that he has enough time to prepare his defense and get in touch with his lawyer.
  • 他和妻子从未激烈地争吵过,但相互漠不关心,只好分手。
    He and his wife have never had a serious quarrel. Through mutual indifference they've just drifted apart.
  • 引发事故的接原因是火车晚点。
    The accident was the indirect result of the train being late.
  • `他说:  我要来. '在接引语中变成`他说他要来.'
    In indirect speech, `He said, ``I will come''' becomes `He said he would come.'
  • 直接联系与间接联系
    direct and indirect connexions
  • 死亡率间接估计法
    indirect estimation of mortality
  • 从天花板上反射下来的、柔和的接光线;接证据;接原因。
    reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light; indirect evidence; an indirect cause.
  • 一种接的表达方式。
    an indirect way of expressing something.
  • 有时候走迂回的小路能节约时;必须在航行中走曲折的路线。
    sometimes taking an indirect path saves time; must take an indirect couse in sailing.
  • 接触传染通过直接或接接触来传播的疾病
    Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact.
  • 假造运用接、狡猾或欺骗的方法
    To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods.
  • 接产品又叫做产品反购。
    Indirect product is also called product counter - purchase.
  • 通过拒绝签字的法律程序的接否决。
    indirect veto of legislation by refusing to sign it.
  • 一种接风格的表达方式。
    a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things.
  • 暗示以接的方式表明
    To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.
  • 产品反购指的是接产品补偿。
    Product counter - purchase refers to compensation by indirect product.
  • “他说他很饿”是接引语的例子。
    "He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech.