  • 两性的具有酸和碱的特征的,既作为酸又作为碱进行化学反应的
    Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base.
  • 混合物由两种或更多彼此不发生化学合成并被分开的物质组成的合成物
    A composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable of being separated.
  • 同工酶,同功酶具有相同的生化功的一种酶的不同化学形式中的任一种
    Any of the chemically distinct forms of an enzyme that perform the same biochemical function.
  • 稳定的够形成化学或生物化学的稳定系统的
    Capable of forming a chemically or biochemically stable system.
  • 输送通过消耗以化学形式储存的量把(离子或分子)输送到一个集中倾斜度
    To transport(ions or molecules) against a concentration gradient by the expenditure of chemically stored energy.
  • 燃料电池利用氢和氧的化学反应产生电和简单的副产品——其中主要是少量的水。
    Fuel cells chemically combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and simple byproducts, mainly small amounts of water.
  • (化学、物理学)不受拘束、在化学上不限于分子中、不固定或者做相对自由的运动。
    (chemistry and physics) unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion.
  • 一种灰色的四价金属元素,化学性质与锆相似,发现于锆矿物中,因迅速释放电子而用作灯丝。
    a gray tetravalent metallic element that resembles zirconium chemically and is found in zirconium minerals; used in filaments for its ready emission of electrons.
  • 计算机在检查了16000种可的设计方案之后,选出了以最低的成本生产最多化工产品的工厂的设计方案。
    After running through16, 000 possible designs, the computer picked out the plan for the plant that would produce the most chemicals at the lowest cost.
  • 在快速处理了16000种可的设计之后,电子计算机挑选出建一个以最低成本生产最多化学产品的工厂的计划,并附有一份详细说明书。
    After running through16, 000 possible designs, the electronic computer picked out the plan for the plant that would produce the most chemicals at the lowest cost accompanied by a set of exact specifications.
  • 一些化学物质在神经系统中引起一些不良变化。
    Certain chemicals can induce undesirable changes in the nervous system.
  • 化学家把一种药物的各种成分分解出来。
    A chemist can seperate a medicine into its components.
  • 一个化学家把水中的氧和氢分解。
    A chemist can isolate the oxygen from the hydrogen in water.
  • 兼[专]性化能自养生物
    facultative [obligate] chemoautotroph
  • 病人对于化疗一会儿也不忍受
    The patient cannot endure chemotherapy for any length of time.
  • 忍受任何噪音;不忍受任何程度的化疗。
    can't stand any noise; could not endure chemotherapy for any length of time.
  • 控制或杀死神经细胞的药物;用于杀死癌细胞的化学疗法;也有一些副作用例如恶心、呕吐、脱发和骨髓功减退。
    any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells; used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells; all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function.
  • 在这儿兑支票。
    Can I cash a cheque here?
  • 我们的军队必须爱护人民,决不损害人民利益。
    Our army must cherish the people and never encroach on their interests.
  • 只有当我们学会珍惜和维护彼此,我们才长久的享有和平。
    The day we learn to guard and cherish each other is the only day that security can make its home.
  • 让我们继续努力完成正在从事的事业,包扎好国家的创伤,去做在我们自己中间和与一切国家之间缔造并保持公正持久和平的一切事情。
    Let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation-s wounds, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
  • 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
    The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale, whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper.
  • 在与棋盘平行的方向的空位上移动任何步数的棋子。
    the chessman that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard.
  • 马头形的国际象棋棋子;水平走两个方格垂直走一个方格(反之亦然)。
    a chessman in the shape of a horse's head; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa).
  • 最次要的棋子;只向前移动只吃侧方的棋子;如果达到第八级可以被提升。
    the least powerful chessman; moves only forward and captures only to the side; can be promoted if it reaches the 8th rank.
  • 胸痛可是心脏病的症状。
    Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease.
  • 在这一点上,没有什么地方比国王林荫大道更为突出。国王林荫大道是一条宽广的象征成功的大街,一条小运河将其分为两部分。在小运河的妆点下,林荫大道更显魅力,路两旁有120棵栗树荫蔽。
    Nowhere is this more evident than on the Konigsallee, a broad triumphal avenue divided by a pretty ornamental canal and shaded by 120 chestnut trees.
  • 唾液帮助咀嚼和消化食物。
    Saliva helps one chew and digest food.
  • 有一次孔子的学生樊迟问孔子什么是“仁”,孔子回答说“仁”就是“够爱人”。
    It was said that Fan Chi, a student of Confucius, once asked the master what "ren" meant. Confucius' reply: "It means to love other people.
  • 这种智便是我们所谓“精神”,“精”这个字的意义和我们讲到狐狸精、石精、松精时的那个“精”字相同。
    Literally this intellect is "spirit of a genius" (chi ngshen ), the word "genius" being essentially taken in the sense in which we speak of fox genii, rock genii and pine genii.
  • 否则,就不可坚持抗日,也不可抵抗国民党的反动。所以,章乃器这个主张是错误的。后来,他已逐步地认识了这个错误。
    Otherwise, it would have been impossible to keep up the war against Japan or to resist Kuomintang reaction Chang Nai-chi was wrong on this point, and gradually be realized his mistake.
  • 否则,“吾恐季孙之忧,不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内”,反动派必然是搬起石头打他们自己的脚,那时我们就爱莫助了。
    Otherwise, "Chi Sun's troubles, I am afraid, will not come from Chuanyu but will arise at home"; in other words, the reactionaries will be lifting a rock only to drop it on their own toes, and then we will not be able to help them even if we would like to.