  • 她所有的錢都用來付抵押貸款
    Applies all her money to her mortgage.
  • 據說這傢公司財政面臨睏難,建議其庫存暫時予以保管。
    Party report in financial difficulty suggest mortgage their stockpile temporarily.
  • 他們不得不二樓租出去以償付抵押藉款。
    They have to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payment.
  • 在教堂或清真寺內吸煙是一種褻瀆神靈的行為。
    To smoke in a church or mosque would be a profane act.
  • 在教堂或清真寺內吸煙是一種褻瀆神靈的行為。
    To smoke in a church or mosque would is a profane act.
  • 不得蝴蝶和飛蛾混同起來。
    A butterfly must not be confused with a moth.
  • 我們為保衛祖國而打到底。
    We will fight to the finish to defend our motherland.
  • 執行官信任以書信方式傳達給業務員,能促使他們創下破紀錄的業績;
    The exective who writes of faith in and commitment to his salespeople can motivate them to break records;
  • 將引擎固定於汽車內
    Mount an engine in a car.
  • 我五年後回來,那時你是一個大孩子了。
    I shall come back five, years from mow; you'll be a big boy by then.
  • 彼得如果照這樣的速度幹下去,那他永遠也不能草割好。
    If Peter kept going at that rate he would never finish mowing the grass.
  • 幾個月來,布什的戰略迫使自己冒進,而薩達姆卻指揮若定。十一月間,他决定波斯灣美國軍力從20萬增至50萬,即是一例。
    For months, Mr. Bush's strategy has forced his own hand more than Saddam Hussein's. That was the case when he decided in November to increase American forces in the gulf from200, 000 to500, 000.
  • 世人將會怎麽說呢?
    What will Mrs. Grundy say?
  • 去廚房幹活,不會碰以旅館的客人。衹要她老老實實,做一個好工人,我並不在乎她的言行粗俗。
    She’ll work in the kitchen and not meet the hotel guests. As long as she’s honest and a good worker, I don’t care if she’s as common as muck.
  • 笨重的車輪大地碾成了泥漿。
    The heavy wheels churned the earth into mud.
  • 他小心翼翼地泥土拭去。
    He dabbed the mud carefully off.
  • 在給朋友提建議之前,我先把這方面的規則記熟。
    I will mug up the laws on this subject before I advise my friends.
  • 主人貨物分成兩份,平均分給驢和騾。
    A donkey and a mule served the same master, who put equal loads on them for a trip.
  • 他用繩子騾子係在一起牽走了。
    He roped up the mules and led them off.
  • 我們還研究建立高新技術産品出口工業園;加強法規建設;吸引跨國公司來華設立研發中心,把科技興貿推嚮深入。
    We will, at the same time, consider establishing export industrial parks for high and new technology products, strengthen the legislation work, attract multinational corporations to open R&D centers in China and push the strategy of revitalizing trade through science and technology into depth.
  • 美國和其夥伴國在今年年底幫助巴勒斯坦舉行多黨地方選舉和全國選舉。
    The United States and its partners would help organize multiparty local elections by the end of the year, with national elections to follow.
  • 如果一個api調用涉及指定結構的多個結構的統一傳輸,dispositionreport結構衹會報告第一個發現的錯誤,而不承擔報告多個錯誤的責任,也不承擔報告後續數據是”完好”的責任。
    In the case of an API call that involves passing multiples of a given structure, the dispositionReport will call out only the first detected error, and is not responsible for reporting multiple errors or reflecting intermediate “good” data.
  • 一種存儲器多路轉換設計法,其中存儲段保存在後備存儲器中,衹有當計算用到它們時纔其取到內存儲器中。
    A memory multiplexing design in which segments are kept on a backing storage and only placed in an internal storage when computations refer to them.
  • 被乘數被或被另一個數相乘的數。在乘式8?2中,被乘數是32
    The number that is or is to be multiplied by another. In8?2, the multiplicand is32.
  • 為了避免沒有科學意義的繁雜的分類和名稱,政治經濟學家一般用作直接生産手段(下面馬上討論非直接生産手段)的全部物品或歸入工具類或歸入原料類。
    To avoid a multiplication of classes and denominations answering to distinctions of no scientific importance, political economists generally include all things which are used as immediate means of production (the means which are not immediate will be considered presently) either in the class of implements or in that of materials.
  • 效率將提高好幾倍。
    Efficiency would be -lied several times.
  • 由於math.random()會産生0到1之間的一個值,所以衹需其乘以想獲得的最大隨機數(對於英語字母,這個數字是26),再加上一個偏移量,得到最小的隨機數。
    Since Math.random( ) generates a value between 0 and 1, you need only multiply it by the upper bound of the range of numbers you want to produce (26 for the letters in the alphabet) and add an offset to establish the lower bound.
  • 多道程序計算機中每個程序占用中央處理機的時間加在一起的一種時鐘設備。
    A clock device which adds up the time during which each program, in a multiprogramming machine, is utilizing the central processing unit.
  • 在一臺計算機中,一程序中的若幹段插入到另一程序中,以便這兩個程序同時被執行。例如多道程序設計方法中采用的一種技術。
    In a computer, to insert segments of one program into another program so that the two programs can be executed simultaneously; for example, a technique used in multiprogramming.
  • "但他也承認,要實現這一點,需要一場觀念上的革命,因為猶太人凝聚在一起的更多的是歐洲民族淵源,而從某種角度看,澤梅爾所設想的巨變是美國從一個白人為主體的國傢轉嚮一個多種族、大融合的國傢的縮影。
    But, he acknowledged, that will require a revolution in outlook for that component of the Jewish community that has been tied together more by European ethnic roots than by its religious practices.The sea change contemplated by Zemel is in some ways analogous to the shift required by the United States as it transforms itself from a mostly white nation to a multiracial, blended society.
  • 這本書會有大批讀者。
    The book will find a multitude of readers.
  • 自治政府立法與行政合而為一由委員會執行。
    a municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission.