  • 他狠狠地还击一拳。
    He returned the blow smartly.
  • 尚且还了一份礼
    Returned for yet another helping.
  • 由二零零零至零学年开始,上述适应课程和校本支援计划已扩展至包括非汉语儿童及回流移民儿童。
    From the 2000-01 school year, the induction programme and the school-based support scheme have also been extended to include non-Chinese speaking children as well as returnee children.
  • 主席有权裁决委员会成员间不能统的任何问题。
    It's the chairman's right to adjudicate on any question on which the committee members cannot agree.
  • 审理委员会被委托在某特定事件中进行裁定的委员会或集体主义
    A committee or board appointed to adjudicate in a particular matter.
  • 台湾问题与中国的统
    The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
  • 两岸统是全体中国人民的共同愿望。
    Reunification is the common will all Chinese people.
  • 部长不能在这样个问题上作出裁定。
    The minister could not adjudicate in such an issue.
  • 难道我们能够放弃国家统
    Can we give up the reunification of our country?
  •  九八三年六月二十六日,邓小平进步发挥了关於实现台湾与大陆和平统的构想,指出,问题的核心是祖国统
    On 26 June 1983 Deng Xiaoping further enunciated the concept of peaceful reunification, stressing that the crucial point was national reunification.
  • 后,台湾将成为特别行政区。
    After reunification, Taiwan will become a special administrative region.
  • “和平统国两制”的基本点。
    Basic Contents of "peaceful reunification; one country, two systems".
  • 八、"国两制"和实现祖国的完全统
    VIII. "One Country, Two Systems" and Complete National Reunification
  • 二、个中国原则是实现和平统的基础和前提。
    II.The One-China Principle--the Basis and Prerequisite for Achieving Peaceful Reunification
  • 对劳资纠纷进行裁决的组人
    Group which adjudicate in industrial dispute
  • 当然,实现和平统需要定时间。
    Of course, it takes time to bring about peaceful reunification.
  • 项辩论中作裁决。
    To adjudicate in a dispute
  •  和平统是中国政府既定的方针。
    Peaceful reunification is a set policy of the Chinese Government.
  • 裁决一起索赔案
    To adjudicate a claim.
  • 香港回归祖国,是香港发展的个契机。
    Reunification with China opens up new opportunities for Hong Kong.
  • 问题的核心是祖国统
    The most important issue is the reunification of the motherland.
  • 制止分裂,实现祖国完全统
    To stop separation and realize complete reunification of the motherland.
  • 二、个中国原则是实现和平统的基础和前提
    II. The One-China Principle--the Basis and Prerequisite for Achieving Peaceful Reunification
  • 最重要的是,他们都能接受将来两岸终究要统的现实。
    More important, they are able to accept the eventuality of reunification.
  • 坚持统,反对分裂,增加了解,化解歧见。
    Persist in reunification, oppose separation, increase understanding and iron out differences.
  • 中国政府积极地真诚地努力争取实现和平统
    The Chinese government is actively and sincerely striving for peaceful reunification.
  • 台湾前途系于祖国统
    The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.
  • 中国大陆和台湾和平统的设想
  •  祖国统大业取得新进展。
    Fresh progress has been made in the great cause of national reunification.
  • 只有坚持个中国原则才能实现和平统
    Only by adhering to the One-China Principle can peaceful reunification be achieved.
  • “和平统国两制”方针的形成。
    Peaceful reunification; one country, two systems -- how has this position been formulated?
  • 中国的统是中华民族的根本利益所在。
    Reunification of the country embodies the fundamental interest of the Chinese nation.