  • 事情发生在不方便的时之内。
    the quality of occurring at an inconvenient time.
  • 不舒适的不方便或不舒服的,尤指因没有足够的空所引起的
    Inconvenient or uncomfortable, as by not affording sufficient space.
  • 抱歉,但是我们不方便约那个时
    I'm sorry, but that time would be inconvenient for us.
  • 抱歉,但是其他的时对我们不太方便。
    I'm sorry, but any other time would be inconvenient for us.
  • 会议的时对我不适合,我不能来。
    The meeting is at inconvenient time for me; I can't come.
  • 中国根据土地辽阔、人口众多、交通不便、经济文化发展水平还比较低等条件,确定了适合自己国情的选举制度,即对县级及其以下人民代表大会的代表实行直接选举,对县级以上的人民代表大会的代表实行接选举。
    Taking into consideration its vast territory, large population, inconvenient transportation and relatively low economic and cultural development, China has adopted an election system appropriate to its actual conditions. That is, deputies to people's congresses at the county level or below are elected directly, while those to people's congresses above the county level are elected indirectly.
  • 在香港注册的公司获发给《外层空条例》牌照。
    Two companies incorporated in Hong Kong have been granted licences under the Outer Space Ordinance.
  • 一九九九年十二月底时,本港共有156家持牌银行,其中31家在本港注册,合共在本港开设分行1490
    At the end of December, Hong Kong had 156 licensed banks, of which 31 were locally incorporated.
  • 他同同志谈话的时很多,甚至发现同志写了一个错字,也要帮助改正。
    He spends a lot of time talking with other comrades. Even when he finds a character written incorrectly, he helps to correct it.
  • 你的中文信写得还好,都算通顺,有一两个写错,以后留意便好了。
    Your letters in Chinese can be said to be well written and fluent. There are one or two words incorrectly written. Just be more careful in the future and you will be all right.
  • 随着时的推移,对api的修改会导致请求被误解或者是实施了不适当的处理。除非我们可以确定服务方所提供的api的版本和请求方所使用的api的版本是否一致。
    Changes to an API over time can result in requests being misunderstood or processed incorrectly unless one can determine whether the version of the API being provided matches the version of the API used by a requesting party.
  • 大选在即, 主要政党的论战愈演愈烈.
    As the election approaches the war of words between the main political parties becomes increasingly intense.
  • 她便是妓女塞绮斯,当她的情人她“你十分感谢我吗?”的时候,她回答说:“哎呀,感谢极了。”
    It is Thais the whore who gave this answer to her lover when he asked: Am I very worthy of your thanks?"Very, nay, incredibly so! "
  • 有时道歉是难以想象的困难,但是做出努力去道歉实际等于告诉对方:"我很重视我们之的关系。"
    Sometimes apologizing incredibly hard, but the effort says, "Our relationship is very important to me."
  • 她便是妓女塞绮斯,当她的情人她“你十分感谢我吗?”的时候,她回答说:“哎呀,感谢极了。”
    It is Thais the whore who gave this answer to her lover when he asked: Am I very worthy of your thanks? "Very, nay, incredibly so!"
  • 在可忽略不计的时内,信号从一个值按单位增量跃变到另一个值。
    The change from one value to another in a single increment and in negligible time.
  • 经过了长时党内的斗争和客观事实的教训,例如拚一下遭了损伤,逃跑遭了失败,才逐渐地改变过来。
    This opportunist ideology has been gradually corrected through prolonged inner-Party struggle and through lessons learned from actual events, for instance, from the losses incurred in reckless battle and the reverses suffered during precipitate flight.
  • 目前,居民储蓄存款增加较多,银行资金比较充裕,利率水平较低,市场价格稳定,国债余额占国内生产总值的比重仍在安全线以内,发行长期建设国债还有一定的空,不会有大的风险。
    At present, people's savings deposits have increased considerably; banks have sufficient funds; interest rates are low; market prices are stable; and the ratio of national debts to GDP is still within safe limits. There is still room for issuing more long-term treasury bonds for construction without incurring great risks.
  • 屡次侵占我的闲暇时, 我很反感.
    I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
  • 展露性器官(尤指男子);猥亵性暴露
    Brief showing of the sexual organs, esp by men; indecent exposure
  • 有人就像故事中那头站在两堆稻草中的驴子,不知道吃哪一堆好一样,优柔寡断,几乎命都送掉。
    Some men have almost died of indecision, like the donkey between two bundles of hay.
  • 美国内战;格兰特战役期反击李的一系列非决定性的双方都遭重创的战役。
    American Civil War; a series of indecisive battles in Grant's campaign (1864) against Lee in which both armies suffered terrible losses.
  • 犹豫不决在某一行动(或某一观点)和另一观点(行动)之犹豫
    To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.
  • 她将离开一段时,何时回来未定。
    She'll be away for an indefinite period.
  • 在时或者位置上不确定。
    indefinite in time or position.
  • 将来的、不确定的、时
    an indefinite time in the future.
  • 她将离开一段时,何时回来未定.
    She'll is away for an indefinite period.
  • 他要离开一段不知多长的时
    He's away for an indefinite period of time.
  • 地方一块有确定或不确定的边界的地方;一块空
    An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space.
  • 满足这种需要是科学家生活中必不可少的一部分。正因为如此,他们长时地对自己的研究持有极大的热情和动力。
    Scientists have the satisfaction of this need built into their lives,and this gives zest and motivation to their efforts over an indefinite period of time.
  • 你迟早要在工党和保守党之作出选择,你不能总是脚踩两只船。
    Sooner or later, you'll have to choose between Labour and the Conservatives; you can't have a foot in both camps indefinitely.
  • 赶快动手把这些污点从这些织物上擦掉。拖延时越长,就越难擦掉。
    Act promptly to remove spots from these fabrics. The longer you delay, the more indelible will the mark become.