  • 我们希望购买廉价的羊毛,烦请为我们安排200包。
    We hope to buy the wool cheaply, and request you to execute our demand for 200 bales.
  • 更糟的是,我们发现不可按照事先预算好的低廉价格出售我们的特许经营权。
    Worse yet, we discovered that there was no way we could sell the rights to build Holiday Inns as cheaply as we planned.
  • 恐怕我的薪水无法保证我做长途旅行,但是如果我在旅行社工作,可会有很省钱或不付钱的旅行。
    I an afraid that I can not afford long trips with my silay. But if I work in a travel agency, I could find some chances to travel cheaply or even without paying.
  • 你说你几乎愿将自己在天堂里的席位以70或80美元卖掉,那么你把你在天堂的席位也看得太便宜了吧。因为我肯定,按我说的方法,四、五个月的工作就为你挣回七、八十美元了。
    You say you would almost give your place in Heaven for $ 70 or $ 80. Then you value your place in Heaven very cheaply, for I am sure you can with the offer I make you get the seventy or eighty dollars for four or five months' work.
  • 假定由于某种新发现,可以无须象现在这样依靠燃料的帮助,在任何地区用极低的代价产生热力,假使处于这样的情况,可耕种地区将扩大到多少倍,每英亩产量将增加到什么程度,谁预计呢?
    Let us merely suppose that through a new discovery we were enabled to produce heat everywhere very cheaply and without the aid of the fuels at present known: what spaces of land could thus be utilised for cultivation, and in what an incalculable degree w ould the yield of a given area of land be increased?
  • 在任何情况下你都不欺骗。
    You can cheat in no circumstances.
  • 你怎麽欺骗自己的孩子, 你这个坏家伙!
    How could you cheat your own children, you skunk!
  • 我不能让他骗我。
    I will not have him cheat me.
  • 喂,你以为你骗我吗?
    Look here, do you think you can cheat me?
  • 任何事情都不成为你考试作弊的理由。
    Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.
  • 夫妇二人的建议是如果他够陪他们到基因公司的第二实验场索尔那岛上空飞行一趟的话,他们就会向他打开他们的支票簿。
    They will open their checkbook to him if he will accompany them on an aerial tour of Isla Sorna,a second InGen site.
  • 给孩子零用钱要成为一个精明、负责的消费者,一个平衡收支、避免负债的人需要很多年。
    Give children an allowance It takes years to become a smart and responsible consumer, someone who can balance a checkbook and avoid debt.
  • 被阻碍或限制的。
    incapable of being checked or restrained.
  • 行李员:照相机不放在行李中托运。
    Camere shouldn't be transported in checked luggage.
  • 爸爸说他在我身上念了咒语,所以他下棋时总是赢我,但我想他是在开玩笑。
    Father says he always wins our checker games because he has put the Indian sign on me, but I think he is joking.
  • 我不决定是买这套黑色方格衣服还是这套茶色的。
    I can't make up my mind whether to buy this dark checkered suit or this maroon colored one?
  • 一种电脑功的检误系统。
    a system of checking for errors in computer functioning.
  • 告诉我办理活期支票储蓄的开户手续吗?
    Can you tell me the procedure for opening a checking account?
  • 傻瓜都看出长龙一样的队伍、面带愠色的顾客意味着结帐速度需要加快。
    It does not take a genius to know that long queues and disgruntled-looking customers mean that checkout times need to be speeded up.
  • 这种技术被称为"生物统计学接口技术",它也许会给人一种侵犯个人隐私的感觉,但人们期望它加快顾客结账的速度,并防止利用假身份进行欺诈。
    Biometric access, as the process is called, might have a Big Brother feeling, but it is expected to speed customer checkout and cut identity fraud.
  • 如果只有一个鼻孔受影响,则可意味着鼻腔畸形或鼻腔内生了息肉,你应该找医生做一次检查。
    If only one nostril is involved,it could signal a deviated septum or a nasal polyp.see your doctor for a checkup.
  • 当然,审计的好处非常像牙科检查带来的好处——预先注意到问题,就防止它们在被忽视的情况下变得非常严重。
    Of course, the benefits of an audit are much like those of a dental checkup -- advance notice of problems can prevent them from becoming very serious if not ignored.
  • 鼓励的呼喊声一般都不长,但要花费很长时间练习才齐声喊出。
    The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practice shouting them together.
  • 尽可能使他高兴。
    I try to cheer him up.
  • 做些什么来使她高兴呢?
    What can I do to cheer her up?
  • 他真使我气恼,甚至不让我知道他不来参加晚会。
    I'm really cheesed off with him – he didn't even let me know he couldn't come to the party!
  • 我去跟厨师说,看看他做些什么。
    I'll speak to the chef and see what he can do.
  • 我去和厨师商量一下,看看他是否给予补救。
    I'll talk to the chef and see what he can do.
  • 想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who could've thought Bob would marry Chelsea!
  • 想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who can have think Bob will marry Chelsea!
  • 想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who can have thought Bob will marry Chelsea!
  •  希拉里、切尔西和我同美国人民一起,向即将就任的布什总统、他的家人及美国新政府致以衷心的祝福,希望新政府够勇敢面对挑战,并高扛自由大旗在新世纪阔步前进。
    Hillary, Chelsea and I join all Americans in wishing our very best to the next president, George W. Bush, to his family and his administration in meeting these challenges and in leading freedom's march in this new century.