  • 让渡书处理财产或不动产产权转让的法律业务
    The branch of legal practice dealing with the conveyance of property or real estate.
  • 产生、泌或输送乳汁的
    Producing, secreting, or conveying milk.
  • 导管,水管有机体或身体部的通道或通路,尤指用于输送液体的这样一个通道
    A channel or passage in an organ or a body part, especially such a channel for conveying fluid.
  • 辨别的在音素上有关的且能在意义上加以区的,如mat首音的鼻化与bat相区别
    Phonemically relevant and capable of conveying a difference in meaning, as nasalization in the initial sound of mat versus bat.
  • dna鉴定还被应用于侦破犯罪案件。从犯罪现场采集的dna样本经析鉴定,如果和嫌疑犯的dna结构一样,那么就可以证明该嫌疑犯是犯罪子了。
    DNA fingerprinting has also been used in criminal cases, with a match of a suspect's DNA with DNA from a crime scene being used to convict suspects.
  • 你自己百之百相信吗?
    Are you a hundred per cent convinced yourself?
  • 我们相信这些歧是可以消除的。
    We are convinced that these differences can be overcome.
  • 事实充证明,“一国两制”是完全行得通的,董建华先生及其领导的特别行政区政府是具有驾驭复杂局势的智慧和能力的,香港人是完全能够治理好香港的。
    Facts have shown convincingly that "one country, two systems" is entirely workable, that Mr. Tung Chee Hwaand the SAR Government under his leadership have the talent and ability to sit on top of complicated situations and that Hong Kongpeople are fully capable of administering Hong Kong successfully.
  •     (b)执行委员会临时会议应由总干事依其本人倡议或应委员会主席或四之一委员的要求而召开。
    The Executive Committee shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, either on his own initiative, or at the request of its Chairman or one fourth of its members.
  •     (b)大会临时会议由总干事应执行委员会或占四之一的大会成员国的要求召开。
    The Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, at the request of the Executive Committee or at the request of one fourth of the countries members of the Assembly.
  • 旋转卷曲的自行旋转、弯曲或部卷曲的;盘旋卷曲的
    Twisted, bent, or partially rolled upon itself; convolute.
  • 附睾一个长而窄并迂回的管子,为输精组织一部,位于睾丸后部,通向输精管
    A long, narrow convoluted tube, part of the spermatic duct system, that lies on the posterior aspect of each testicle, connecting it to the vas deferens.
  • 旋花任一种布广泛的旋花属的通常为蔓生或对生的植物,开有漏斗状花朵,包括几种野草和几种作为观赏植物栽培的植物
    Any of various mostly trailing or twining plants of the widespread genus Convolvulus, having funnel-shaped flowers and including several weeds and a few grown as ornamentals.
  • 船长把发现的所有材料搜集在一起来进行析,最后确信卡伦号是在赴俄国执行护航任务的途中被敌人潜艇发射的鱼雷击中的。
    The captain was able to piece together all the information that had come to light, making certain that the Karen had been sailing in a convoy to Russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine.
  • 用混合成的方法制作或者准备。
    prepare or cook by mixing ingredients.
  • "迈克尔今天对我们十冷淡,不知我们是否冒犯了他。"
    Michael seemed very cool towards us today. I wonder whether we've offended him.
  • 冷却、发饮用水的装置。
    a device for cooling and dispensing drinking water.
  • 他对待我的建议十冷淡。
    He received my suggestion coolly, ie unenthusiastically.
  • 我们常常听人说起暖色和冷色。它们别属于色谱中的红色一端和蓝色一端。
    We often hear of the warmness or coolness of colour, the red and blue sides of the colour spectrum, respectively.
  • 虽然库珀先生是个大名鼎鼎的科学家,但他待人却十谦和。
    Although Mr Cooper is a most famous scientist, he is as common as an old shoe.
  • 在比赛结束前十钟,马丁才接替库珀上场。
    Martin came on as a substitute for Cooper only ten minutes before the end of the game.
  • 协助奥组委与国际奥委会指定的技术合作伙伴充合作,建设符合国际奥委会要求的、世界领先的奥运会和残奥会信息系统。
    Assist the Olympic Organizing Committee of Beijing in fully cooperating with technological partner of cooperation appointed by the International Olympic Committee. Build a leading information system in the world for both Olympic and Paralympics which will meet the demands of the International Olympic Committee.
  • 各地禁毒部门与宣传、文化、广播电影电视、新闻出版等部门密切合作,充运用报刊、广播、电视等新闻媒体和各种群众喜闻乐见的形式,经常开展禁毒宣传、教育和咨询活动,普及禁毒知识和法律知识。
    Local drug control departments often carry out education, publicity and consultation activities concerning the dangers of narcotics and the anti-drug laws, using the news media-newspapers, radio and television programs, and by other methods appealing to the general public, closely cooperating with the departments of publicity, culture, radio, film and television, and press and publications.
  • 各地禁毒部门与宣传、文化、广播电影电视、新闻出版等部门密切合作,充运用报刊、广播、电视等新闻媒体和各种群众喜闻乐见的形式,经常开展禁毒宣传、教育和咨询活动,普及禁毒知识和法律知识。
    Local drug control departments often carry out education, publicity and consultation activities concerning the dangers of narcotics and the anti-drug laws, using the news media -- newspapers, radio and television programs, and by other methods appealing to the general public, closely cooperating with the departments of publicity, culture, radio, film and television, and press and publications.
  • 与。。。十分协调
    In perfect cooperation with...
  • 对您的合作我们将万感谢。
    We shall be grateful for your cooperation.
  • (英)dividend的缩写;特别是由联合企业发的。
    (British) short for dividend; especially one paid by a cooperative society.
  • 他们长大后也很可能成为热情和富有责任心的人,并且愿意承担部家务。
    They will likely grow up warm and responsive lovers and also be cooperative around the house.
  • 倾向于联合和调整不同成为一个整体。
    tending to combine and coordinate diverse elements into a whole.
  • 调整使各部能有效地工作。
    coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively.
  • 这些舞蹈演员部肌肉协调不好。
    These dancers have poor coordination.
  • 舞蹈演员需要各部肌肉协调。
    Dancers need good coordination.