  • 用于在一个表面上产生或压印符号、图形的任何设备,例如打印装置、打字机、笔、现金纳机、薄记机,以及诸如用于信用卡和地址牌这样一类的施压设备。
    Any device used to produce or impress marks or patterns on a surface, for example,a printing press, typewriter, pen, cash register, bookkeeping machine, or a pressure device such as that used with credit cards and address plates.
  • 用于在一个表面上产生或压印符号、图形的任何设备,例如打印装置、打字机、笔、现金纳机、薄记机,以及诸如用于信用卡和地址牌这样一类的施压设备。
    Any device used to produce or impress marks or patterns on a surface, for example, a printing press, typewriter, pen, cash register, bookkeeping machine, or a pressure device such as that used with credit cards and address plates.
  • 学生的一种记有问题且留空来解答的书或小册子。
    a student's book or booklet containing problems with spaces for solving them.
  • 一个感兴趣主题的简短论文;以小册子的形式版。
    a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet.
  • 从最近官方华文手册错的情形可以粗略评估。
    One may get a rough idea from a recent official Chinese-language booklet that contained embarrassing errors.
  • 法律草拟科又不时版《英汉法律辞汇》,收录法例中采用的法律词汇和相关词语。
    An English-Chinese glossary of legal and relevant terms appearing in legislation is published from time to time in booklet form.
  • 此外,该办事处又协助沙田区议会版一本介绍该区历史、古迹及传统的小册子。
    The AMO helped the Sha Tin District Board in publishing a booklet introducing the history, monuments and traditions of the Sha Tin district.
  • 为促使机构遵守条例的规定,公署就《个人信贷资料实务守则》的修订事项发谘询文件,以及版名为《电子私隐:建立对电子商业的信任和信心的政策方案》的管理策略指南、关于公署职能的小册子和《招聘广告方面的常问问题》资料概览,并且重新制作训练用的录影带。
    To promote compliance with the ordinance by organisations, the PCO issued a consultation paper in relation to the revisions of the Consumer Credit Data Code, and published a management handbook entitled E-Privacy: A Policy Approach to Building Trust and Confidence in E-Business, a booklet about the general functions of the office, and a fact sheet on frequently asked questions about recruitment advertisements. It also produced a new version of its training video.
  • 她在一家书店询问是否售那本新书。
    She inquired for the new book at a bookseller's.
  • 该书商售契约用纸及其他法定证书用纸。
    The bookseller keeps for sale blank deeds and other legal documents.
  • 你能在那个书架上腾地方再放一些书吗?
    Can you make room on that bookshelf for some more books?
  • 如果我们把那个旧壁炉填平,我们可以腾墙放书架了。
    If we fill in that old fireplace, we'll have a wall free for bookshelves.
  • 书店已决定扩大营业范围,开辟售乐谱和唱片的业务。
    The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling music and records.
  • 这书店只售平装本的书。
    This bookshop only sells paperbacks.
  • 那家书店已经决定扩大经营范围,销售软件和电子版物。
    The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling software and electronic publications.
  • 他每次外都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。
    He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
  • 其中,表达式system.out.println(n1==n2)可打印内部的布尔比较结果。
    The expression System.out.println(n1 == n2) will print the result of the boolean comparison within it.
  • 仅当由逻辑运算符连接的两个变量均为真时才给真值的布尔运算符。
    The Boolean operator that gives a truth table value of true only when both of the variables connected by the logical operator are true.
  • 在java里,这个表达式的结果并不是布尔值,而编译器期望的是一个布尔值,而且不会从一个int数值中转换得来。所以在编译时,系统就会提示现错误,有效地阻止我们进一步运行程序。
    In Java, the result of this expression is not a boolean, and the compiler expects a boolean and won’t convert from an int, so it will conveniently give you a compile-time error and catch the problem before you ever try to run the program.
  • 我们的老师用低沉的声音作回答。
    Our teacher boomed out his answer.
  • 今年的出口额激增。
    There has been a boom in exports this year.
  • 在20世纪50年代生育高峰期时生的人。
    a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s.
  • 小景气短暂的繁荣,如在商业、政治或生率等中
    A small boom, as in business, politics, or the birth rate.
  • 一个在生育高峰之后生率大副度降低的时候生的人。
    a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically.
  • 我们倒也很小心看守着——可是他一走法庭,就溜之大吉了。
    We kept a good look out, too-but he topped his boom directly he was outside the court.
  • 生育高峰期生的一代已经年过半百,他们中的大部分人过不了几年将会退休。
    The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in 1arge numbers.
  • 战地指挥官以低沉而有回响的声音发号令
    A field commander booming out orders.
  • 雷声沿闪电放电的路径迅速膨胀的空气所发的爆裂声或隆隆声
    The crashing or booming sound produced by rapidly expanding air along the path of the electrical discharge of lightning.
  • 在美国,一个蓬勃兴起的管理人员市场使得具有所需技能的雇员较为容易地表现他们自己的工作风格。
    In the United States,a booming executive job market makes it easier for employees with the required skills to write their own workstyle.
  • 他们能够听到持续的轰响,这轰响,他们发现是从洞穴顶部喷向水潭的一个小喷水孔所发的。
    They could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small-spout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave.
  • 我认为那些“半路家”,顺应中国起飞的趋势为商业利益学习华语,却从来不努力理解中华文化的人,如果不好好调整看待华文的功利角度,势必无法面对和抵挡将来中国经济快速发展后所产生的冲击,从而无法和中国人“平行地”打交道。
    People who have just begun learning Mandarin in the hope of benefiting from the booming Chinese economy but have never made any serious effort to understand the Chinese culture should, I think, not view the Chinese language just from a utilitarian viewpoint. Otherwise, they will not be able to face up to or withstand the impact arising from a rapidly-growing Chinese economy. They will also not be able to deal with the Chinese on an equal footing.
  • 对于这点,我认为在上次的国会辩论中,淡滨尼集选区国会议员陈文安所提的论点很值得关注。
    I feel that Sin Boon Ann, Member of Parliament for Tampines GRC, had made some salient points on this issue in the recent parliamentary debates.