  • 因此,发动所有一切反对敌人的老百姓,一律武装起来,对敌进行广泛的袭击,同时即用以封锁消息,掩护我军,使敌无从知道我军在什么地方什么时候去攻击他,造成他的错觉和不意的客观基础,是非常之重要的。
    Therefore it is extremely important to arouse all the people who are opposed to the enemy, to arm themselves to the last man, make widespread raids on the enemy and also prevent the leakage of news and provide a screen for our own forces; In this way the enemy will be kept in the dark about where and when our forces will attack, and an objective basis will be created for misconceptions and unpreparedness on his part.
  • 揭发他的全部不法行为。
    I will lay open the whole story of his misconduct.
  • 揭发他全部的不法行为。
    I will lie open the whole story of his misconduct.
  • 有一天他为他的恶行而受到惩罚。
    Someday he will be brought to book for his misdeeds.
  • 更多的麻烦和不幸必随之而来。
    More trouble and misery are sure to follow on.
  • 我毫不犹豫地推荐刘小姐去任您为她提供的职位。谢谢您的来信。
    I have no misgiving in recommending Ms Liu for the position you have in mind. Thank you for writing to me.
  • 他现在干得相当不错,不过我怀疑他来是否也是这样。
    His work is quite reasonable, but I have misgivings about his future performance.
  • 然而,只要大部分的新加坡人认为新年是不可或缺的节日,我相信新春活动延续下去,虽然庆祝的形式和以前不一样。
    Despite these misgivings, I believe that, as long as the majority of Chinese Singaporeans consider it a necessary part of their life, which I think they do, it will continue to flourish here, even though the modes of celebrating it may differ somewhat from traditions.
  • 这是宋代名岳飞悲剧发生的主要原因。
    Chinese general Yue Fei's undivided loyalty to the country and the Song emperor (who was misled by corrupt court officials) was what led to his tragic death years ago.
  • 有几处印错了,我在校样上一一改正。
    There are a few misprints which I will correct in proof.
  • 军对敌军的意图判断失误。
    The general misread the enemy's intentions.
  • 随着时间的流逝,上帝又73个其他部落召唤到这里,但是维多利亚瀑布仍不为外界所知。直到1855年,苏格兰传教士戴维·利文斯顿偶然地发现了这座雄伟的瀑布,并宣布瀑布为其女王维多利亚所有。
    Over time,the God's called 73 other tribes to the area.But Victoria Falls remained a secret to the rest of the world until 1855,when Scottish missionary David Livingston discovered the majestic falls quite by accident,and he claimed it for his queen,Victoria.
  • 风将雾吹散。
    The wind blew off the mist.
  • 如果你不记取教训,你会犯更大的错误。
    If you didn't charge up your mistakes, you would make a greater mistake.
  • "军在不适当的时间发起了进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。"
    "The general mistimed the attack, which should have been made an hour earlier."
  • 军在不适当的时间发动进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。
    The general mistimed his attack; it should have been made an hour earlier.
  • 他那样虐待他的太太以后,他不再与他和好。
    After the way he mistreated his wife, she will have no truck with him.
  • 因对他的母亲的虐待而被判刑。
    he should be punished for his mistreatment of his mother.
  • 他的情妇被人骗走;正如他的钱一样。
    He is to be bubbled of his mistress as of his money.
  • 学会信任你所爱的人,远离你所不信任的人。
    You will learn to trust the people you love and keep your distance from those you mistrust.
  • "要是你把这些资料弄乱,我们无法迅速地找到需要的内容了。"
    If you mix up those data we shan't find the one we need quickly.
  • 我们不断进行实验, 直至所需颜色调配成功.
    We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour.
  • 暴民鸡蛋像雹似地投在警察人员身上。
    The mob hailed eggs on the policemen.
  • 伊拉克提出的、伊方陪同运送至禁飞区的问题得到解决后,我们在这些地域的机动性得到了提升。
    With the resolution of the problems raised by Iraq for the transportation of minders into the no-fly zones, our mobility in these zones has improved.
  • 根据奥康纳·罗德威尔博士的研究,当大象吼叫、摆出攻击的架势或者跺脚的时候,它们能信号通过地面传送到远至50公里的地方。
    Elephants, according to Dr O'Connell-Rodwell, can transmit signals through the ground this way for distances of as much as 50km when they trumpet, make mock charges or stomp their feet.
  • 3.在本条第2款所指的期限内,“与贸易有关的知识产权理事会”应审查实施第2款所指的第二十三条第1款(b)项与(c)项类型的依照本协议提出的意见,并理事会的建议提交部长级会议批准。
    3. During the time period referred to in paragraph 2, the Council for TRIPS shall examine the scope and modalities for complaints of the type provided for under subparagraphs 1(b) and 1(c) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994 made pursuant to this Agreement, and submit its recommendations to the Ministerial Conference for approval.
  • 她热爱模特事业,她说,但只是它作为一种兼职工作。
    She loves modelling, she says, but views it as a part time occupation.
  • 该公司估计1996年modem的交货量再增加10万个。
    They estimate modem shipments to increase by more than 100,000 units in 1996.
  • 你不久用的电话一定是非常现代化的。
    The telephone which you will use before long will be modem very much.
  • 你方会发现我方产品价格公道质量上乘。
    You will find that our products are moderately priced and yet of good quality.
  • 会发现我方产品价格公道且质量上乘。
    You will find that our product be moderately priced and yet of good quality.
  • 从中长期看,中国仍坚持实行适度从紧的财政政策,逐步实现财政收支基本平衡。
    In the medium to long term, China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance, with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time.