  • 我们进羊毛是为了再出
    We import wool for re-export.
  • 我们进羊毛是为了再出
    We import wool for re - export.
  • 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人17,233
    A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17,233.
  • 然而,同声谴责也好,苦婆心也罢,作为“当事人”的我实在质疑这些建议的成效。
    I cannot help but wonder if the suggestions are workable.
  • 这是因为workbench具有一个内置接,它可与最流行的字处理系统协同工作。
    This is because the workbench has a build-in interface that work with the most popular word-processing system.
  • 这是因为workbench具有一个内置接,它可与最流行的字处理系统协同工作
    This is because the workbench has a build - in interface that works with the most popular word - processing system.
  • 阿尔巴托夫则大地喝着。
    Arbatov worked hard on his.
  • 他慢慢地爬过洞口。
    He wormed himself through the opening.
  • 他与其说是吃了早饭不如说只吃了几
    He -ried his breakfast rather than ate it.
  • 实在不行,就把货物运到多伦多或者其他靠近温哥华的港怎么样?
    And if worse comes to worst , please ship the goods to Toronto or another port near Vancouver.
  • “在伤上擦盐”用以表达使本来糟糕的东西更糟的一种说法。
    "Rubbing salt in a wound" is a way of expressing the idea of making something bad even worse.
  • 而且,许多人,包括司机和骑自行车的人,不能很好地遵守交通规则,特别是在繁忙的十字路,这无疑使本已严重的状况雪上加霜。
    Moreover, many people, including drivers and cyclists, do not obey the traffic rules properly, especially at busy intersections. And this undoubtedly worsens the already grave situation.
  • 无凭,立字为证。
    Worts of mouth being no guarantee, a written statement is hereby given.
  • 伤口愈合得很快。
    The wound is healing fast.
  • 没过多久就愈合了。
    The wound soon healed up.
  • 血从他的伤口涌出。
    Blood gushed from his wound.
  • 血从伤口流出。
    Blood issued from the wound.
  • 血从伤口大量流出。
    Blood poured from the wound.
  • 医生检查了伤口。
    The doctor examined the wound.
  • 伤口未溃烂。
    The wound did not fester.
  • 伤口不久就愈合了。
    The wound soon healed over.
  • 伤口老不愈合。
    The wound would not heal.
  • 他流血的伤;滴血的心。
    his bleeding wounds; bleeding heart.
  • 他的伤口正在痊愈。
    His wounds are healing up [over].
  • 你应该先把伤洗涤一下的。
    You should have washed the wounds first.
  • 还教给了他们包扎伤
    They were also taught to dress the wounds.
  • 几个男演员从臂上、腿上撕下布条,擦去“伤痕”-不是真的伤痕,而是画在皮肤上的伤
    Some of the actors were pulling cloths off their arms and legs and rubbing off"wounds"--not real wounds, but wounds painted on their skins.
  • 不要猛烈的摇动病人这会妨害他的伤痊愈。
    Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!
  • 用来探测伤和体腔的有韧性的细的外科器具。
    a flexible slender surgical instrument used to explore wounds or body cavities.
  • (向窗口伸脖子)哟!
    (stretches his neck towards the window) Wow!
  • 我真希望他住口。
    I wish he would wrap up.
  • 各公司可以通过数字包装器确保安全地向远地分发软件,以保护内部程序,需要用特殊的代码或令才能打开程序。
    Companies can ensure safe software distribution to remote locations by using digital wrappers to protect the program inside, requiring special codes or passwords to open the programs.