  • 她从女修道院办的寄宿学校回来了,十激动地等着第二天的礼物,那是我早就买好了的。
    She was home from convent boarding school and was excitedly looking forward to her gifs next day, which I had already Purchased.
  • 的传统、缺乏想象力因而沉闷无趣。
    excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull.
  • 当我们比较传统的混凝土桥和玻璃纤维桥时,后者的重量是混凝土桥的五之一。
    When we compare a conventional reinforced concrete bridge with fiberglass Bridge a fiberglass is 5 times lighter than conventional concrete.
  • 拘谨的(行为,观点和品味)极端保守的
    Rigidly conventional, as in manners, opinions, and tastes.
  • 宽带系统中的一个点,用作由物理媒体组成的支树的根,所有正向信号都在此点会聚,所有反向信号都在此点发出。
    The location in a broadband system that serves as the root for the branching tree comprising the physical medium; the point to which all forward signals converge and the point from which all reverse signals emanate.
  • 第三,白军各个虽然进,但多是比较地密集,打它们中间的一个如果不能迅速地解决战斗,其余各个就都来了。
    and third, though the White armies advance separately, most of them keep fairly close to one another, and if we fail to gain a quick decision in attacking one of them, all the others will converge upon us.
  • 异体同功由进化趋同而产生的部或器官之间的对应现象
    Correspondence between parts or organs arising from evolutionary convergence.
  • 解析数学的一个支,主要包括微、积和序列,并侧重于极限和收敛
    A branch of mathematics principally involving differential and integral calculus, sequences, and series and concerned with limits and convergence.
  • 为了测试情感交汇,这些夫妇别讨论了积极和消极两方面的话题。比如,最近一次的成功或者正在忧虑的事情。
    To test emotional convergence, partners discussed positive and negative situations -- such as a recent success or an ongoing worry.
  • 有了这样的态度,我有信心我们今后的共同点将越来越多,而歧则越来越少。
    With such an attitude, I am confident that we will succeed in increasing our points of convergence and reducing our points of divergence.
  • 两条平行轨道在一个狭窄的地方的交汇处;里面的铁轨横穿再平行前进然后开以保证一辆火车总是在一条铁轨上运动。
    the convergence of two parallel tracks in a narrow place; the inner rails cross and run parallel and then diverge so a train remains on its own tracks at all times.
  • 将敌军对我军的战略上的进合击,改为我军对敌军的战役或战斗上的进合击。
    We can change the converging attack directed by the enemy against us on the plane of strategy into converging attacks directed by us against the enemy on the plane of campaigns and battles.
  • 批评的方法要讲究,寸要适当,不要搞围攻、搞运动。
    Methods of criticism must be studied. Arguments must hit the nail on the head. We must not resort to converging attacks and movements.
  • 只有平原地带,如果在严重的围攻之下,就应根据具体情势,考虑下面的问题:留着许多小的游击部队在当地散活动,而将大的游击兵团暂时地转移到山地里去,等到敌人主力移动他去,我又再往那里活动。
    It is only in the plains that, when confronted by a heavy converging attack, the guerrilla commander should consider other measures in the light of the specific circumstances, namely, leaving many small units for scattered operations, while temporarily shifting large guerrilla formations to some mountainous region, so that they can return and resume their activities in the plains once the main forces of the enemy move away.
  • 对话乐曲起联想到对话作用的两个或两个以上部的作曲或乐曲段落
    A composition or passage for two or more parts, suggestive of conversational interplay.
  • 他说话的语气十紧张。
    he began in a conversational tone; he spoke in a nervous tone of voice.
  • 你可以在简历中放进一些不同寻常的资料,使你显得与众不同,吸引雇主的注意力,使他将你作为一个“引人关注的人”。此外,为面试提供一个可供讨论的话题也可使你的简历更有量。
    Containing something unusual that catches the prospective employer's attention that singles you out of the pack as an "interesting person", and provides a conversational gambit for an interview might help your resume
  • 必须强调的是,能够用母语谈天、读书和写信是第一步,接着便需要进一步提升,让华语华文也成为新加坡公众知识子在讨论家国天下大事,进行文化传承和创新以及记录精致思维的重要资源。
    It must be emphasised that being able to converse, read and write a letter in one's native language is only the first step. Further upgrading is needed to make Chinese a major medium through which Singapore's public-minded intellectuals can discuss important national and even global issues, pass down and enrich their cultural heritage and record their delicate and profound thoughts.
  • 如果我们不是马克思主义者,没有对马克思主义的充信仰,或者不是把马克思主义同中国自己的实际相结合,走自己的道路,中国革命就搞不成功,中国现在还会是四五裂,没有独立,也没有统一。
    Conversely, if we had not had faith in Marxism, or if we had not integrated Marxism with Chinese conditions and followed our own road, the revolution would have been a failure, and China would have remained fragmented and dependent.
  • 事实上,也有极端的方面,最近就有研究表明,有相当一部的新加坡人不否定他们把自己当作“世界的公民”,也就是说,只要哪里有“高质量的生活”,他们就愿意做哪里的公民。
    Conversely, as a recent study has revealed, quite a number of Singaporeans admit that they view themselves as "citizens of the world". In other words, they are willing to be citizens of whatever country that offers a "life of good quality".
  • 人越全面发展,社会的物质文化财富就会创造得越多,人民的生活就越能得到改善,而物质文化条件越充,又越能推进人的全面发展。
    The more comprehensively people develop, the more material and cultural wealth they will create for society and the better the people's life will be. Conversely, the more adequate the material and cultural life is, the better man will achieve his all-round development.
  • 物理学中有关不同形式能量的转换的支。
    the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy.
  • 全部或者部变成离子。
    converted totally or partly into ions.
  • 余额部应于三个月内以可兑换货币结清。
    The balance shall is settled in convertible currency within three month.
  • 研究将任何形式的信息替换成为缩微形式或将缩微形式转换成某种形式的信息的方法与工艺的科学与技术支。
    That branch of science and technology concerned with methods and techniques for converting any form of information to or from microform.
  • 凸面、凸面体、凸面部或凸线
    A convex surface, body, part, or line.
  • 从物体突出的凸形部
    any solid convex shape that juts out from something.
  • 各个平面部是凸型多边形的多面体。
    a polyhedron any plane section of which is a convex polygon.
  • 深槽在装饰线条的上部凸起部与下部之间的一条纵向槽
    A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.
  • 凸圆线脚装饰一个圆的凸圆体塑模,通常为一圆或椭圆的四之一部
    A rounded convex molding, often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse.
  • (古典建筑)为一个檐板塑造;外形部凹部凸。
    (classical architecture) a molding for a cornice; in profile it is partly concave and partly convex.
  • 反曲线饰纵断面部为凹线,部为凸形的檐口的线脚,尤用在古典建筑中
    A molding for a cornice, having a partly concave and partly convex curve in profile, used especially in classical architecture.