  • 几块草皮已经移掉以便空地方燃营火
    Some sods have been removed to make a place for the bonfire
  • 波恩的科学家已经研制一种由激光驱动的麦克风,这种麦克风能探听到人耳听不到的声音。
    The Bonn scientists have developed laser-driven microphones that pick up sounds inaccessible to the human ear.
  • 答:有意赴德工作的人员应向设在波恩的工作介绍所(zav)提申请。
    Answer: Persons wanting to work in Germany should apply to the “ Zentralstelle fü r Arbeitsvermittlung” (ZAV) in Bonn.
  • 路德维格·范·贝多芬1770年12月16日生在德国波恩,12月17日受洗。他父亲和爷爷都是音乐家。
    Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn ' Germany, on December 16, 1770,and was baptized on December 17. His father and grandfather were both musicians.
  • 宽前檐女帽:有突帽沿的一顶大的女帽
    A large bonnet having a projecting brim.
  • 宽前檐一顶女帽前面突的帽沿
    A projecting brim at the front of a bonnet.
  • 你的红利是多少?
    What does your share of the bonus work out at?
  • 公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作色。
    The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.
  • 公司提给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她.
    The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.
  • 你应得的红利是多少
    What do your share of the bonus work out at
  • 冬天有这样暖和的天气真是喜望外
    The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus
  • 公司提给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她。
    The firm offers her a generous bonus as a sweetener.
  • 附加物,红利超或超过预期或应付的红利
    An excess or a bonus beyond what is expected or due.
  • 体形瘦而且骨头都显露了来。
    having a lean and bony physique.
  • 肘关节骨这个关节骨头向外的凸部分
    The bony outer projection of this joint.
  • 眉延伸于眼睛上弓的骨骼突的隆起
    The bony ridge extending over the eye.
  • 某些有蹄动物头上一种骨质的突
    one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates.
  • 转子在许多脊椎动物的股骨上部生的几个粗硬的突和其中的任何一个
    Any of several bony processes on the upper part of the femur of many vertebrates.
  • 发出嘘声
    To utter a boo.
  • 一种跟小孩玩的游戏;先藏起你的脸,再突然露来并说嘿。
    a game played with young children; you hide your face and suddenly reveal it as you say Boo!.
  • 联合图书出版公司
    Associated Book Publishers Ltd
  • 在一次美国书展上该书被拿来展卖。
    The book was offered at an American book sale.
  • 把书拿出来。
    Get you book out.
  • 做一个新书橱;整理一叠报税单
    Put together a new bookcase; put together a tax package.
  • 10 磅钱买你这本书。
    I'll offer you 10 pounds for this book.
  • 作者从每本卖的书中可得10%的版税。
    The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
  • 这本书版社已印了10000册.
    The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.
  • 以后书也会给他带来丰厚的报酬。
    and bookings continue to be strong for the foreseeable future.
  • 旅游经营者推半价旅游以便在行程开始前最后再招揽一些客人。
    Tour operator is offering tour at half price to people making last - minute bookings.
  • 旅游经营者推半价旅游以便在行程开始前最后再招揽一些客人。
    Tour operator is offering tour at half price of half- price tour to people make last- minute bookings.
  • 旅游商向在最后时刻订票的人半价售旅游项目。
    Tour operator is offering tour at half price or half - price tour to people make last - minute bookings.
  • 许多桌位已经订去了,尽管我不能向你保证,但请相信我会尽力而为的,戴维斯先生。
    We have already received many bookings and though I cannot guarantee anything, please be assured that we'll try our best, Mr.Davis.